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Big Cutie Lily - Meet Chubby Elf Violet ! :))

Started by BigCutieLily, December 01, 2022, 07:13:47 PM

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Violet is a chubby Elf that loves to eat but is actively trying to shed some weight. She can be a little sassy, 
ditzy and very competitive. She likes to outdrink the guys and beat them at video games every chance 
she gets. She can get a bit defensive to anyone who calls her fat because she is in denial about her fat
figure, especially since she wasn'y always so heavy!🤭 She figures that if she can just shed off the 
tummy weight, she will be considered skinny again. Join Violet in her "weight loss" journey and see what 
becomes of this adorable chubby elf. 💜


PS This was meant to be a video update but there are bonus images too, they're just smaller than you are used to but I know you'll still enjoy them. <3

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Big bunz~