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*Big Cutie Bonnie-Stuffed Sailor Moon!*

Started by BBW_Bonnie, November 01, 2015, 05:39:02 AM

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I have wanted to do a cosplay set for absolutely ages and thought now would be the most perfect time seen as I have become so wonderfully massive!
In this set I stuff myself full on 6 sugary donuts while I grab, squeeze and jiggle my even heavier belly.
It felt so good to stuff on the deep fried sugary food as I know it will make my fat belly grow even fatter! Haha, I love that I made the sofa in this set look tiny! It seriously wasn't even that small, I am just growing that much FATTER! :D
My camera man actually told me he could see the wood bending underneath the sofa while I was sitting on it! It seems that I will soon be breaking some furniture in the near future! ;)

Bonnie x0x0x