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Big Cutie Brooke ~Fuzzy Socks Fox~

Started by bigcutiebrooke, March 26, 2010, 08:57:33 PM

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The skinny girl mocks
as You Check out this chunky fox
She's so pretty in just her socks
And showing her long red locks
The men, they come in flocks
so the skinny girl mocks...

OK, so I had to try a little rhyming poem! Corny maybe but it goes with the theme lol...
Hope you like my fuzzy little socks and my super tight sports bra... I am sure you will enjoy seeing me out of that sports bra too though... It was sooo tight on my boobies! OMG I just had to take it off... Come inside and see my cute little video and watch me explore my curves for you!
Don't forget to check out Big Cuties new blog! Many updates there for you to see and enjoy! I am sure you will love it... You can find that at
Also, check out my video store for my sexy fat videos! I love to show off my fat for you and let you see how much I can stuff in my mouth and how much fat I can stuff in my old clothes!

Brooke   :kiss2:[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT]
