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Big Cutie Belle 50LL and the Too Tiny Bra!!

Started by BigCuties, March 11, 2010, 11:11:30 PM

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Belle had a request to try and squeeze into a too small bra. Well, let's just say that wasn't too hard to attempt as EVERY bra is too tiny. :) So come watch as Belle struggles to fit her behemoth 50LL breasts into a 48H stretchy sports bra. It's quite the sight!

This set is double sized - just like Belle! 90 quality pictures and an HD video available in two resolutions! Be sure to check out Belle at:

P.S. Don't forget to check out our new Big Cuties Blog at: - where you can keep up to date on all of our Big Cutie updates! :)


WOW Bella is Incredible

SHe is a real Beauty
