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Beccabae ~ Diet Industry Dropout

Started by BCBeccabae, February 22, 2016, 02:50:08 AM

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Diets and I go pretty far back. When I was a kid and a preteen...I thought they were going to solve all of my problems. It wasn't until I finally broke up with dieting that I realized how absolutely amazing it is to give into all of your tummy's desires and eat whatever the hell you want, when you want.

I figured I would test out another diet book just to see what new stuff they have going on lately. Low and's page after page of telling me what not to eat and ya know what, that just made me want to eat it even more! So I got some of my favorite 'fat girl' foods and pulled together this set.

Diets are no longer a part of my life, but twinkies and milkshakes are forever.


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,