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Beccabae - Chubby Cotton Candy Clown

Started by BCBeccabae, November 10, 2020, 02:04:45 AM

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I've been pretty obsessed with cute clowns for awhile and as soon as I realize I could dress up as one, I knew I had to do it for a set.

I wanted to be really cute and bubbly, really playing up on a softer aspect rather than the traditional 'creepy' vibes they can give off. I adore cotton candy and think I share some qualities with it - primarily being very fluffy and sweet. (:

It's fun to fantasize about being at a circus or carnival - I imagine I would be one of the biggest attractions there! I'd spend my days waddling around - eating corndogs, bags of cotton candy, caramel apples, curly fries, funnel cakes with all sorts of sweet toppings. Ah, a girl can dream!


Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,