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Beccabae ~ Boy, Have I Grown!

Started by BCBeccabae, April 29, 2016, 02:13:37 PM

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Woo - a new measurement set! It's been quite awhile since I've done one of these and I always love seeing how much I've grown in different ways. This time obviously focusing on how much I've grown in inches!

Boy, was I in for a surprise. I thought I was fat back in the day.. but little did I know. :p This even further solidifies the fact that I've grown from chubby BBW to full blown SSBBW. I am getting huuuugee.

In the video I talk about my newly added inches and I also thought it'd be fun to talk about how I stack up compared to the average woman's measurements. Very interesting findings, I have to say. ;) I also show off my abundance of fat for you, of course!

To get my fully updated list of numbers, check out this set!

Hugs, Loves, and Plenty of Noms,

Ps I'm also going to be updating my member's only blog with some before/after images from my videos.  So if that's something you're interested in, look out for that too!