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A Little Pampering *Nudity*

Started by Jade38h, March 29, 2010, 03:50:35 PM

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A Little Pampering

After a long week of work and school I really enjoy some time to myself and on this particular afternoon I wanted to add some romance to the mix. I set the mood perfect! I sprinkled some rose petals on the bed, opened the curtains up and let the sun shine in. Got myself a couple exotic books and even brought out the gold powder. I set myself up in the middle of the bed and powdered myself up spending extra attention on my big breasts. Hehe! Then I starting looking through the sexy books I set aside. Soon I could feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter and I couldn't help but bring my fingers down there to give myself the "pampering" I deserve.

I am your voluptuous naughty girl next door ;-) Come visit me at


Nice romantic setting you have there. :)  Sexy outfit and poses, Jade


Once again Jade, your many beautiful pics but it is the first one, once again is my fav, shows you off perfectly, and also, got your cute smile :D.