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*Big Cutie Bonnie-Too Tight & Tiny*

Started by BBW_Bonnie, August 30, 2015, 04:03:34 PM

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I haven't done a fatty in skinny clothes set for ages so thought it was about time I rectified that! I absolutely love squeezing my squishy body into clothes that are far too small for me!
Haha, the leggings that I managed to squeeze into actually ripped as I pulled them up over my fat arse! It was so hot! Plus, one of the dresses was ripping as I was struggling to pull it down over my fat hips and thighs!
It won't be long now until I completely burst out of these skinny clothes! I am loving how much I am growing and cannot wait until I grow so much fatter! How fat would you make me? ;)

Bonnie x0x0x


Wow that is one sexy belly hang Bonnie  :-* :-*
I love it to bits