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*Big Cutie Bonnie-Blubber Bathtime Comparison!*

Started by BBW_Bonnie, January 01, 2016, 04:19:32 AM

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As I love my comparison sets (I'm sure you do too!) I decided to show the  comparison between sets 152 & one of my very earlier ones (6th 'Bonnie's bathtime') to see just how much fatter I have become!
Baring in mind I have almost doubled my weight since then, I am sure everyone will set a big difference like how many extra juicy rolls have grown since that time.
I grab, jiggle and slosh the water all over my massive belly while I talk about getting fatter, how much fatter I am going to become and how skinny I was in comparison to now. It excites me so much when I think of updating this comparison set when I am at least another 5 stone heavier than I am now! Haha I wonder if those knickers from my 6th set will still fit my massive arse then!? Or if I would still manage to squeeze my hippo self into the tiny bath!!

Bonnie x0x0x