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* * * I ~Heart~ My Dreamy Ta-Tas * * *

Started by Buffie, March 02, 2010, 08:09:59 PM

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Why hello there!
I don't know who the first person was to ~heart~ something. Maybe it was the "I ~heart~ NY" t-shirts? Not sure. I tried to look it up on Wiki but just found pages about the organ that pumps blood (huh huh huh, she said organ... heh heh heh, she said pumps) and that band from the 70's with the hot fat chick singer.

Doesn't matter. I'm just glad someone came up with the idea because I like to ~heart~ stuff. I especially ~heart~ my TaTas! The cool thing is, when I bought this shirt, part of the proceeds went toward finding a cure for breast cancer. So if you ~heart~ boobs, breast cancer research is a cause worthy of your time and money.

Speaking of worthy stuff, I'm so glad you find my photos worthy of your time and money. It is so very appreciated. This is another installment from the Seattle Series, photographed by the beautiful and talented BBW Gwen at Hot Light Studios. (

I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to share these pics with you. I hope you ~heart~ them as much as I ~heart~ you!

Sizzlin' Smooches, ~Buffie
~Buffie Thinks You're Fab!~
Please visit me at !
Thank You!!!



Awesome font, Flash!  =)  Thank you for the message!   :-*
~Buffie Thinks You're Fab!~
Please visit me at !
Thank You!!!


I think I have to heart them now my self :D


~Buffie Thinks You're Fab!~
Please visit me at !
Thank You!!!