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Women's Western Apparel Store Beating

Started by slimchick04, July 10, 2009, 11:17:34 PM

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Awhile back there was this incident in a women's western store that warrants attention.  Apparently some woman was in the shop and got caught stealing some boots.  She was some rodeo cowgirl from Texas who happened to stumble upon the place on the way home from a rodeo in Calgary.  Her truck was out front.  She actually took her old boots off, put on the new Justin's or whatever and started to walk out the door.  But one of the high school girls working the counter saw her head for the door and hit the automatic lock switch.

Here's my best scenario of what transpired.  It was something else.

"She's got the new ones on," said another girl who confronted the woman at the door.  She literally reached down and pulled the bottom cuff of the woman's jeans to examine the boots.

The woman was clad in tight designer jeans and a checkered wesern shirt.  She was about twenty-eight--blond,thin and less than 110 pounds.  She had a white cowboy hat on, tilted a bit rakishly over the eyes.  A large belt buckle hovered just above the slight cameltoe of the super-tight blue jeans.

"I'll get big Al," the girl said.  Moments later the girl at the counter walked through a back doorway.  She emerged a couple minutes later.

"Bring her back here," said the girl.  The other girl grabbed the woman's arm.

"Hey, watch it," she said.

"I don't think you're in any position to make demands," said the girl.  "Now come on."  

She pulled the woman toward the back doorway where the other girl had just gone.

Moments later they were in some horse stable which the store was obviously connected to.

"Big Al will be right out," said the girl from the counter.  "She wants us to leave."

"Now," said the other girl.  The counter girl nodded solemnly.

The other one looked at the cowgirl.  She actually seemed a bit concerned for her.  

"Looks like you're in a bit of trouble, bitch."

"No shit," said the blond cowgirl.  "What are you gonna do, have me arrested?"

The girl chuckled.  "If only you were so lucky."

The woman's face reddened.  She swallowed some saliva.  Seconds later an Absolutely behemoth of a girl emerged from the back end of the stables.  She had dark hair and was about 6'6" tall.  She was probably close to 500 pounds with her thick chest, overhanging belly and wide hips.

Big Al was obviously short for big Alice.  Rumor has it that she had been in juvie in the past and even a reform school.  She also spent time in prison for armed robbery where she beat a night attendant within an inch of his life.  And she was still a couple months away from turning 19.

"What do we have here," said big Alice.  "A real shit-kickin' rodeo cowgirl."  Her voice was a tad deep. The woman's face reddened even more.  She squirmed in the other girl's grasp, tried to turn but got pushed back.  At 5'4" tall and 108 pounds tops, she wasn't going to get past anyone.

Big Alice approached the woman.  She reached out with her thick, oversized hand and tilted the cowgirl's head back so she could see her eyes.  The woman actually gulped she swallowed so hard.

"Why don't you two take off so me and my little friend can get better acquainted."  

The girls did as they were told.  They looked back at the woman in pity as they left.

"What are you gonna do to me," the woman said, her voice a bit squeaky.  "Just let me go.  I'm sorry.  You can have the cowboy boots back.

"Oh, I'll get them back," said big Alice.  She smirked at the slim woman whom she dwarfed and towered over.

"Then call the police.  I'm sorry.  I'll tell them that . . ."

Alice grabbed the woman by the neck.  That stopped her mid-sentence.

"My mom and dad owned this place until they died when I was in prison."

"Prison?" the woman whispered.  Her face grew ashen.  Alice nodded.

"That's right.  I own the joint now."

"Hey, I don't know what's going on her but you need to let me go," the woman said.

Alice cackled sonorously.  "Not a chance, bitch.  You preppy little rodeo bitches waltz into my store and think you can do whatever you want."

"I'm sorry," the cowgirl said.  "I . . ."

"Shut up, cunt!"  The woman shut her mouth instantly.  She then turned to run.  Alice grabbed her and pulled her back.  The blond then slapped Alice in the shoulder.  That was when things went from bad to worse for the woman.

Alice grabbed the cowgirl by the front of her shirt, twisted her hips around and hurled the woman toward the open doorway of the stables.  The woman landed with a thud and rolled over three times.  Her cowboy hat flew off her head.  She landed on her stomach.  A split second later she was on her feet as Alice pulled her up from the collar of her shirt and belt.

"I used to fuck skinny skanks like you in prison.  And I might just do you, too, after I get done kicking your bony little ass.

"Help!" the woman shouted.

"Ha . . . Ha . . . Ha," Alice cackled.  "In case you didn't notice we're out in the country and at least a mile from anyone else."

The woman held her hands out as Alice backed her up through the doorway leading to the stables.  Her shirt was torn in front and she was now missing several buttons.  Her jeans were dusty.  "Please, I beg you to let me go.  I'm from out of town and just want to get back on the road."

"With a pair of free boots, right?" said Alice.  She reached out and grabbed the cowgirl by the throat.  "My parents worked their ass off to build this business.  I'm not gonna keep letting little cowgirl skanks come in here and take it all from me."

"I'm sorry.  I . . ."

Thud!  Alice punched the woman in the gut just above her large belt buckle.

"Uhhhhhhh!"  The cowgirl fell to her knees and doubled over at Alice's feet.  She crossed her arms, bent forward and started retching.  Her hair actually touched Alice's large gym shoes.  

Alice smirked as she raised her gigantic right leg and placed it on the back of the woman's head.  She then shoved the cowgirls face into the dirt of the stables.  Alice was so angry she wanted to stomp the little cowgirl's head into the ground.  The woman grabbed at the backs of Alice's ankles but she didn't have a prayer at moving her.

Seconds later, Alice removed her foot from her head, picked the cowgirl up by the hair and back of her belt.  The woman screamed bloody murder as Alice carried her toward an old makeshift desk and dragged her across the top of it.  Items flew off the desk as Alice slid the cowgirl across all six feet of it.  She then dumped the woman off the far end.

The woman flipped over and landed on her back.  Alice teetered over and stomped down on the cowgirl's stomach. The woman cried out in pain.  Alice then stomped down on her again.

The woman writhed on the ground in agony. Alice then kicked her in the side.  Seconds later she picked the woman up and slammed her back against the wall.

The women's legs buckled and she almost fell.  But Alice pulled her up and shoved the back of her head against the wall.  The woman instantly dropped to her ass--legs outstretched and head hunkered over at the waist.  Saliva poured from the woman's mouth.

"All you got to do is take the beating then I got a little surprise for ya."

The beating went on for another five minutes and soon grew bloody.  The woman was kicked, punched in the face, picked up, slammed around and even tossed a couple times.  

"Stand up," said Alice.  The woman was on her knees.  Alice pulled her up.  She held her by the throat in front of her.  She then backhanded the woman across the mouth.  The cowgirl spun around a couple times and landed on her stomach.

"I thought I told you to stand up, bitch!"  This little teasing act went on for a couple minutes.  The first couple times the woman managed to get to her feet by herself, only to be socked by the girl and knocked back down.  The woman was now barely conscious.  Her eyes were closed.  She was lying on the right side of her face in the dirt.

Alice lifted her head up by the hair.  Blood poured from the woman's nose and trickled from her mouth.  One eye was badly blackened and ninety percent shut.

The brutal and bloody one-sided beating finally ended with a front bearhug and body slam against the wall.  The cowgirl literally disappeared in this tall, fat girl's ruthless grip.  She was a stick to begin with.  The width of her chest and back were not much bigger than her 22-inch waistline; and her shoulders were almost nonexistent.  Alice was five times her size.

The blond cowgirl passed out in the girl's brutal grip and didn't even feel the girl slam her against the wall with her immense belly.  A half hour later she awakened and found herself bent at the waist and tied by the arms to several bales of hay.  Her blue jeans were at her ankles and her old cowboy boots had been returned to her feet.  They were in the middle of the stables.  Horses whinnied.  

She felt the fat girl enter her from behind.  It was probably one of those hard rubber dildoes because it hurt going in.  And the girl ram-rodded her with a vengeance.  It hurt but she actually started getting-off to it.  Five minutes later the girl untied her and helped her to her feet.

"I not only fucked you up, cowgirl cunt, but I fucked you, too.  And I think you liked it."

The cowgirl didn't say anything for fear of getting beaten even more.  What else could she do to her now, kill her?  Probably.  She said she'd been in prison.

"Pull up your jeans," said Alice.  She placed the woman's cowboy hat back on her head.  A short time later she walked her to the front door of the store.

"Hope you enjoyed your stay, cunt.  Now you got a little souvenier to take back with you.  Hope your pussy and ass aren't too sore the next time you hop up on top of a horse, you little rodeo whore.  But I'm sure you'll think of me if it is."  She then laughed real loud.

The woman didn't look at her.  She was humiliated.  A short time later Alice shoved her outside.

"Thanks for stopping by.  And if you ever tell anyone about this, I'll just say you robbed me."

The cowgirl drove off with little emotion.  Her butt was sore most of the way home but at least she was still alive.  She had nightmares for weeks but finally got on with her life.  But she never wore those old cowboy boots again.  She tossed them out as soon as she arrived back home in Texas.



Great story and quite and interesting way to end a beating.  The huge girl really annihilated that cowgirl and made her pay for the theft bigtime.  I'm sure the skinny blond had no idea that she would be dealing with a girl who'd been in prison.  I'm sure the woman was totally humiliated.  And I doubt that she ever robs anyone ever again.