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Woman Kills Boyfriend By Sitting on Him

Started by SquashVictim, January 24, 2010, 09:31:29 PM

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I saw this being talked about on another site.

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO ) - An obese woman who killed her boyfriend after sitting on him will not serve any time behind bars.

This, after Mia Landingham pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter. Last summer, Landingham sat on Mikal Middleton-Bey as he was face first on the couch.

Investigators say Middelton-Bey was 5'10" tall and weighed 126 pounds while Landingham is 5'9" tall. It's not clear how much Landingham weighs. A police scale went up to 350 pounds - that wasn't enough to accurately weigh the Cleveland woman.

Landingham was sentenced to just probation at her sentencing on Wednesday.


Real life imitating some of the stories on this site?  :o

And to think this woman is probably a middling weight compared to some of the models showcased here is mind boggling.


Real life shows the reality.

Honest: Somewhere between 120% and 150% of your own weight sitting fully centered on your chest will cut off the breathing. Now it depends on how it was done and for how long.

And it shows plastically, how unrealistic most of the stories posted over here are !!
Simply just phantasy.


She is a victem of the justice system. I have experience in real life squashing where I could not draw a breath. And the Squasher was not very heavy and I am 5'9 and 270 at the time.
  My point is no matter the combination of sizes between two people an unintentional injury or fatality can result, and even a playful inocent "oh let's sit on hubby just for fun" can lead to disaster of no fault  of the sitter if extreme caution is not taken.

  I saw the mug shot, and she is obviously devastated abought the accident; so I don't think she should have been arrested let alone charged with involantary.



Quote from: faceseat101 on April 07, 2010, 08:55:35 PM
Quote from: kitimer on April 02, 2010, 11:36:19 PM
She is a victem of the justice system. I have experience in real life squashing where I could not draw a breath. And the Squasher was not very heavy and I am 5'9 and 270 at the time.
  My point is no matter the combination of sizes between two people an unintentional injury or fatality can result, and even a playful inocent "oh let's sit on hubby just for fun" can lead to disaster of no fault  of the sitter if extreme caution is not taken.

  I saw the mug shot, and she is obviously devastated abought the accident; so I don't think she should have been arrested let alone charged with involantary.


Quote from: kitimer on April 02, 2010, 11:36:19 PM
She is a victem of the justice system. I have experience in real life squashing where I could not draw a breath. And the Squasher was not very heavy and I am 5'9 and 270 at the time.
  My point is no matter the combination of sizes between two people an unintentional injury or fatality can result, and even a playful inocent "oh let's sit on hubby just for fun" can lead to disaster of no fault  of the sitter if extreme caution is not taken.

  I saw the mug shot, and she is obviously devastated abought the accident; so I don't think she should have been arrested let alone charged with involantary.
I am sorry for your harassment and I am sorry for not catching it myself.  I have issued only warning to this individual we will not tolerate this behavior I will not hesitate to ban them for life and sit on him too I have also notified other moderators.  I have also deleted some messages. REDhottie

We practice safe sitting and in this story the man was abusive to the woman and had been drinking and he was face down.  It is sad.


Manslaughter is manslaughter, she killed a person and deserves to rot in prison for the rest of her life.