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Witness Part 4

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:54:30 PM

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Then it was time to break into pairs and start practicing the reversals. Penelope, looking embarrassed, eased up next to me, leaned down and whispered in my ear. She said she wanted to participate, but she wasn't comfortable with her partner. I looked over where Penelope was looking and could see why. Her partner was a 5 foot nothing, 110 pound, very nervous looking 22 year old college student. The girl was shaking like a leaf. Penelope was more than 2 1/2 times her weight. Like I said before, our goal is not to make anybody uncomfortable.

I looked over the other possible partners. Every single one of them, including my big tough buddy, Barry, was very carefully looking somewhere else. They might as well have been screaming "pick somebody else, pick somebody else!" All except Bridgett. She was just sitting there, leaning back against the wall with an amused, hint of a smile on her face. She pretended to stretch, while she watched my dilemma. As she leaned forward, her awesome belly was spread on the floor, taking up the space between those huge thighs. Her breasts and stomach straining against her otherwise loose fitting sweatshirt. Smiling a "what'cha gonna do?", smile.

It may have been my imagination, but I swear there was a collective sigh of relief when I had the college student pair off with another student. I told Penelope that she could practice on me. She looked suddenly embarrassed and said that I didn't have to, if I didn't want to. She said she would understand.

I told her I would be happy to workout with her and to just relax and have fun. She seemed relieved and quietly said she would try.

I told Penelope that most people are really uncomfortable doing this the first few times, so I would get on the bottom, first. I got down on the blue, padded mat and laid down on my back. Penelope just stared into my eyes as she got down on her knees next to me. She was very tentative when she moved one of her big, 34 inch thighs across my body and put it on the mat, straddling me across the hips. She wasn't putting hardly any weight on me yet, she was still up on her knees. I demonstrated the blocking technique, while she took playful swings at my head. She was gradually settling down across my hips, getting heavier and heavier. Penelope was a big girl, outweighing me by about 60 pounds, but even at that, she was well within my comfort zone.

I asked if she was ready, then executed the distraction and trapped her head against my chest. She was warm and soft and her hair smelled great as I executed the reversal and rolled us over. I came to rest, on top of her stomach and chest with her legs around my waist. I nearly broke the cup, from the inside, when she tried to trap my head against her breasts. Even through her sweatshirt, I could feel the heat. Maybe that was just me flushing again. She felt me slidding down her stomach and tried to keep me from getting out of the leg scissor she had applied. This girl could give an anaconda lessons in squeezing. I could hear Penelope grunting with the strain of her hold while I felt my ribs contracting. I managed to get to her thigh nerve with my elbow and she agreed that was an effective way to break the scissor hold. I saw Bridgett was still watching intently, just kind of nodding, like she was thinking about something else.

Penelope thought she had that part down and wanted to try doing the reversal. We switched places and she laid down on the mat this time. I straddled her and was surprised to find that I couldn't help but rest some of my weight on her from the start. Penelope was so broad that she filled the space between my thighs while I was straddling her. My knees were not solidly on the mat. I couldn't remember that happening before. That cup was going to disappear, soon. Man, it really hurt.

We started off with the blocking again, with Penelope kind of wiggling under me, moving as if my 200 pounds wasn't on top of her at all. Penelope said "Ready?" Before I could say O.K., Penelope had executed the distraction, her long arms had reached out and trapped my neck, pulling me down into her big, hot breasts. HOLY S--T! I knew that Penelope had strong legs and I shouldn't have been surprised that she rolled me over so fast. All I knew was I was suddenly underneath Penelope, unable to take a breath and still trapped between her breasts. I can only imagine that it looked like I nearly disappeared under Penelope's big body. I almost forgot to put on the scissors. I could barely get my legs around her. I tried to pull into that wonderful, warm, yielding body, but she broke the hold rather easily. After she broke out of the scissor, I saw her arch back and raise up above me. That is actually contrary to how the manuver was demonstrated, but given the circumstances, I wasn't going to correct her. I took in a much needed breath as she gave me a little thrust, right on the cup. She asked with a little smile, "What's that for?" Then she sank back down on top of me and dragged her stomach and breasts heavily across my torso, as she completed the escape. Bridgett just watched, and stretched, and smiled that far away smile.

After we did that a few more times, it was clear that Penelope was proficient with the manuever. I was quite light headed by that time. I wasn't sure if it was the lack of air between Penelope's big boobs and her body more confidently and heavily landing on me each time, or the resulting redirection of blood flow from my brain to my much abused organ, trapped inside that damned cup.

We took a break. That's one of the cool thing about being the instructor. We break, when I want to break. Bridgett, wearing a Cheshire cat grin, kind of sashayed over to where I was getting a drink of water. If you can picture a 400+ pound women, putting all of those big parts into, graceful motion, under a pair of sweats that got tighter and looser depending on the underlying motion. She looked a lot like a panther, stalking an unsuspecting little antelope, like you would see on Discovery Channel. It was mesmerizing.

Bridgett asked "How you doing now, big guy?" I told her I was doing great and asked if she were going to try this next maneuver. She said "No, I'd hate to ruin Penny's evening by putting the only guy brave enough to work with her down for the count." Wow, was she confident, or what! I told her if she reconsidered, she was welcome to join in, any time. She said she might take me up on that, later. I half hoped she would. The other half was terrified that she would. Go figure.

After I recovered enough to continue, we moved on to the second reversal we were going to do tonight. This one involved the top person sitting a bit higher on the bottom persons body, so they could reach the bottom persons neck. They would simulate choking the person on the bottom. The different positioning of the top person, required a slightly different sequence to reverse and roll them.

After getting the others started, I returned to where Penelope was waiting for me. She was looking very relaxed. She waited for me to get on the mat, again, then she stepped one foot across me and sat right down. Offff! I was going to have to hurry, I thought my ribs were already flexing. She rubbed her groin and butt heavily on top of me as she settled lower. She finally leaned forward, lightly resting her hands on either side of my neck. Her thick nipples were leading the attack against her tightly stretched sweatshirt. Her breasts looked like two bowling balls inside her sweatshirt, hanging above me. Talk about your distractions!

This reversal requires the person on the bottom to start to bridge up with their hips. This causes the person choking them to go off balance forward. That causes the top person to stop choking you, so they can use their hands to stop their falling forward. It also brings the top person close enough to trap the head and roll them over, like before.

I thrust up with my hips and saw Penelope go off balance forward, looming over the top of me. She seemed to be kind of slow getting her hands out to stop her fall. Turns out she wasn't slow getting her hands out, she was using me to break her fall, instead. The last thing I saw before her boobs blocked out the lights, was her big "GOTCHA" smile. She landed with her stomach on my chest and her boobs wrapped around my head again. I contemplated just laying there, but I wasn't sure when the next breath would come. I held on to whatever I could get and continued the reversal, coming to rest on her stomach like a shipwrecked sailor on an inviting beach. Except this beach was trying to squeeze the crap out of me. I managed, barely, to break the scissors, and after slidding down over Penelope's stomach and between her thighs, to complete the maneuver. Oh, baby. I was about done in. I was going to sleep good tonight. What a workout!

After a few more, it was Penelope's turn to start on the bottom. I climbed up on her and simulated the choking. I was too tired to try and hold back so I was sitting full weight on her waist. Her waist was quite a bit narrower than her hips, so my knees were solidly on the mat, this time. If she noticed, she didn't show it.

I gave her the "ready when you are" nod and felt her adjust underneath me. If it hadn't been for her breasts catching me across the upper thighs and groin, I'm sure I would have flown right over her head. You could say she unbalanced me to the front, and you'd be right. The lower portions of Penelope's breasts were holding my thighs and groin. The upper part of her breasts were spreading warmly across my stomach. My chest was being firmly held against Penelope's beautiful face. Then she was rolling me over, again. At least I could breath during this routine. As she dragged herself across my stomach and groin this time, I was sure I could feel her hard nipples leaving their own lines, down my body. When she got up, to get ready to do it again, her nipples were clearly visible trying to push through her sweatshirt. That doggone, no good, lousy cup was going to disappear, never to be heard from again, as soon as I got the chance!

Next up were the heavy bags, that Barry had so helpfully set out on the mats, while I was trying to get my body to pop back into its normal shape. What a guy. The bags are about 4 feet long, cylindrical, and weigh about 70 pounds. The heavy bag takes the place of the bottom person. The top person lays across the bag, as if laying across a persons chest. This would occur after performing the reversal. If the bottom person were still fighting, you would be able to rest or strike with knees or elbows. By laying on the persons chest, it makes it very difficult for them to breathe. No breath, no fight, game over.

Our 110 pound college student went first. She started lengthwise on the bag, as if she had just finished the reversal. Then she rotated so that she was laying across the bag. She struck rapidly with her bony elbows and knees, grunting with each strike. The diameter of the bag was keeping her from getting really low, so she was kind of rocking from knees to elbows, as the bag tried to roll out from under her. She finished and got up, obviously winded but pleased with her efforts.

When it was Penelope's turn, she quickly dropped into the starting position. When she flopped down, the bag nearly disappeared beneath her big body. Penelope rotated to the cross bag position, facing the mirrored wall. Her chest was low, but her big rear end was raised high. I was staring right at her big butt, the outline of her high cut underwear clearly visible through her tightly stretched sweatpants. Her ass rose, fell and rolled from side to side as she alternated her knee strikes. I could see the concentration on her face in the mirror. Penelope was striking with authority, causing the other group to stop and look for the source of the loud THUMP!...THUMP!!...THUMP!!! Penelope finished and got up, looking down at the slightly flattened and dented bag. As if to the bag, she said "If you're in for a Penny, you're in for a POUND" She turned toward me, blew a loose bit of damp blond hair out of her face and said, "That was great, thanks!" Whew, anytime.

Penelope was the last one to finish. The class was over and everybody started for the locker rooms. I could finally get that damn cup off, before I picked up the gear.

I suddenly became aware of a very large, warm presence behind me. I turned and rebounded off of Bridgett's powerful belly. She caught my shoulders, firmly, probably saving me from another fall. She must've thought I was a total clutz.

Bridgett glanced around, then asked if it would be O.K. for her to try that last exercise. I told her that it most certainly was O.K. and she could start whenever she was ready.

Bridgett nodded a "thank you", approached the bag and dropped down to her knees. She flopped onto the bag in the starting position. I swear, the bag said "OOOFFFAAHHHH!!", as the air was forced out through its canvas sides. When Bridgett settled for just a second, on the bag, I could see her belly touching the mat on both sides of the bag.

Bridgett quickly crabbed into the cross bag position, facing the mirrored wall. Bridgett's rear end was as wide as the 4 foot long bag she was pinning to the floor. She drove her powerful legs into the bag with a sound like a 100 MPH fastball hitting the catchers mitt. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Her elbows, driving into the farside of the bag were nearly as loud as Penelope's knee strikes. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP. It was amazing! I was speechless, watching the rise and fall of that astounding ass. The lines of her underwear were clearly visible across her powerful globes as her sweatpants were stretched thin across her huge butt. Bridgett was slowing her pace, as if she were getting tired. I looked in the mirror and saw Bridgett, with a big grin, staring back at me. She had obviously caught me, staring, slackjawed, at her ass.

Bridgett surprised me again by rotating around on the bag. She stared intensely up at me. She glanced around again, confirming we were still alone. Bridgett asked me, sweetly, "Do you think this would work, Ricky?" She maintained eye contact as she rose up a bit and freed her huge breasts. They nearly reached to the mat. She swayed side to side, rubbing heavily across the bag, her stomach causing the bag to move with her. She stopped moving. I tore my eyes from her heavily swaying breasts, looking again into her beautiful blue eyes. She rose slightly, said "Oh, Oh, Bridg fall down", dropping heavily across the bag. She settled lower and lower on the bag, as if the bag had sprung a leak. Except the bag is filled with sand and compressed rags, not air. She rocked forward and back, easily rolling the bag back and forth, underneath her.

Bridgett had never broken eye contact. I think we were both imagining me, in place of the bag. I was just gawking at her totally awesome display of sensual power. She prompted me, asking "Well?" All I could croak out was "Yeah, I think taht would work."

Barry chose that moment to call me. He was in the hallway, discussing next weeks class with some of the students. We worked out a plan for the next class, then Barry said he had to take off. The class had gone late and he hoped that I wouldn't mind cleaning up. I told him it wasn't a problem, but he would owe me, anyway. He laughed and took off. I went back to the training room, but it was empty.

This was my chance! I hustled into the locker room, took off my jock and threw that damn, rotten lousy, no good cup in the trash can! I sat for a few minutes, nearly overcome with relief. I felt much better, now! O.K., time to clean up and take off, myself.

It had probably been 15 minutes, since Barry had left, when I got back to the training room. I wasn't kidding, that friggin' cup really hurt, O.K.? Anyway, most of the gear had been put away. The only things still out were 4 of the blue mats. Two were still laid out normally, but the the other two were set on top of the others, creating a double thick pad. How odd.

I was at the drinking fountain when I heard the doors being released and closed. Penelope and Bridgett were walking toward me, wearing their overcoats. Penelope thanked me for inviting her to the class. She thought it was great and said she would try to attend regularly. Penelope said "Catch you later" and headed for the door, closing it behind her.

Bridgett asked if I needed to get going, right away. I told her I was off the clock and at her service. She seemed to like that. Bridgett said she had talked with Penelope and had reconsidered. She decided to take me up on my offer to try some of those moves, if I had the time.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.