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Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:46:22 PM

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My 200lb plus wife was taking some nite classes and she met a gal that wanted us to come over for dinner.
I said sure and when got to there house I could not belive my eyes. Her friend was one of the largest women I had
ever seen in person she was almost 6ft tall and had to weigh well over 500 lbs. She had huge arms and thighs
maybe not the biggest of boobs for someone her size but her belly and butt more than made up for it. But wait
that wasn't the onle surprise frome down the hall came one of the smallest men I have ever seen. He wasn't a
midget but he had to be less than 5 ft tall and was very very thin I don't even think he weighed 100lbs. Well they
were very nice people and we where have dinner and some beers with them. The women seemed to be drinking 3
beers to my one and her husband was just kind of sipping on his and starting to look at his wife in a concerned
way. Well we had been there for about 5 hours and the huge women was getting kind of drunk and flurtatious with
me. I could tell that her husband did not like what was going on. Well the huge women went into the kitchen to
get some more beers and her husband followed behind her. The size difference was truly amazing. I could kind of
hear him talking but then all of a sudden I herd her bust out laughing and tell him to just try and stop her and she
would flatten him like a pancake like the last time. My wife was in the bathroom and did not hear any of this. I
thought man that little guy better be careful cuz she could eat him for lunch. Well before they came out of the
kitchen I herd a loud noise and I asked if everything was OK the huge women yelled out that everything was fine
but I thought that I could hear the muffeled sounds of her husband. I just wondered what the heck was going on.
well after another minute the huge women came out and sat down she gave me another beer and a wink. I asked
where her husband was she said he had to go take care of something and might be back in a little while. My wife
came out of the bathroom and did not look so good. She asked if she could go lay down. The huge women took
her to a back bedroom. I was sitting on the couch and when she came back she ploped down right next to me. It
made me almost spring off of the couch. She was so huge I never felt like such a small man in my life. Well she
started to put her hand on my leg. I said um what are you do...but before I could get the rest out she took her
huge arm and wraped it around my head and pulled me into her enormous body. I could not belive how strong she
was. I tried to push away but she was pushing her wait into me then agaisnt the couch. She started to whisper in
my ear. You know you want me and it dosn't matter anyway cuz once I get my 570lbs on top of you you will be all
mine. I couldn't belive what was happening. Just then her husband came out his face was all red and he looked like
he'd been crying of something. He told her to get away frome me. Then she stood up and just towered over him.
She just had this evil look on her face as she pushed him into the wall. He slamed into the wall really hard but did
not fall down. As he turned around she lunged at him and with her huge butt. creamed him up against the wall. He
totally dissapeared behind her. She just grinding and grinding him with all of that massive weight. I got up to help
him but was a little more tippsy then I thought. I reached out to try and pull her away but with one big push from
her I fell back onto the couch. She just started to laugh and say so you want some of this too!!!. Then she made
3 quick steps turned around hoped in the air and landed all of her 570 pounds on top of me. She knocked all of the
wind out of me but I had managed to get my head over to the side a little. I was gasping for air and she was just
sitting of top of me telling me how much fun we where going to have. I could see that her husband was just laying
on the floor not hardly moving. She started to take off her top and said it will be so much fun to smother you with
all of my body. My god she was enormous I tried to push her off of me but she just took my hands and buried
them into some of her rolls of fat and put several lbs of her weight on them so I could barley move. Then she
bounced several times on top of me really hard knocking more of my wind out of me as I lay there trying to catch
my breath. She some how took off her sweat pants and still keep me traped underneath her. She said your going
to do what I want or I crush the puny little life out of you. I didn't say a word and then I heard her husband start
to make some groaning noises. He must have been a prety tuff little guy cuz some how he was getting on his feet.
She just looked at him and said well what ya gonna do about it. He had this ferious look in his eyes and he came
running torwds her. I couldn't belive what she did next. Just before he got to her she leaned almost all of her
weight back on me and lifted her legs off of the ground. his little 90lb body came flying in right between her
gigantic thighs. She closed them around him and began to squeeze and squeeze. Her thighs covered him from his
puny waist to just below his chin. His littler arms where traped in there too. He was fighting to get out but had no
chance. after about 10mins of massive squeezing he bagan to give up his fight. I said stop it your going to kill him
and she just laughed and said gee I hope not. She continued to squeeze I thought I heard some bones crack and
he let out a yell. He was completely weak now and she let him go and he fell to the floor under neath her massive
legs. She said this should keep him quiet for a while and I could feel her weith shift from me and It felt like most of
it was being pushed onto the floor. I was able to look over just enought to see one of her big feet pushing on his
stomach as the other one covered his mouth and nose. He was totally still now and she said there he shouldn't
bother us for a while.

then she started to put more and more weight on top of me. She said I get so tired of that little runt it's nice to
have a bigger man to play with. I don't how big I'm but I was probaly twice as big as her squashed husband.
She must have been sitting on top of me for a good half hour now and by this time my legs and hands had all
fallent to sleep. She stood up and turned aroung and just looked at me. I tried to get up and run. but I just fell to
the floor.
She came down on top of me stradleing me, facing my feet with her kness on each side of my head. she said
gosh your making
this way to easy for me. With that she started to cover my head with her huge butt and crotch. She said ok now
you are going to make me smile and if you don't I will sit on your head until it is flat as a pancake. She started to
bounce and wiggle her womenhood on top of me I could hear her moaning and sighing. I could barley breath but
she new what she was doing and had just the right amount of weight on top of me. After about another half hour
she scooted back and said now it's your turn. With that she layed down on top of me covering
me with all of her huge body. My face was burried in mounds and munds of her huge belly rolls. I couldn't breath at
all and I didn't have much air to start with. I tried to push her off but she would just give me a huge pounce of all
of her weight. She started to play with my manhood. I didn't think I could even get hard but she startd to rubb
and suck on me and befor I new it I was as hard as a rock. I was gasping for air and I started to see stars. I tried
not to let my manhood go but I didn't have a chance. I let out one last gasp and the next thing I know she was
bouncing and bouncing on top of me I only lasted a few more seconds and I went out.

The next morning I woke up in my own bed and wondered how the heck I got there. My wife just looked at me a
laughed. She said boy you must have had way to much to drink last night. She said it's a good thing Mary is big and
strong cuz you where so passed out she had to put you in our car.
Mary sure had fun though she said you are such a nice guy that next time you'll even have more fun!!

the end
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.