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the tune up!!!!

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:24:42 PM

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It all started when Marrisa took her car to the auto shop. She had no problems with the car except for the oil needed to be changed, yet the mechanic told her she had over a $1000 dollars worth of work. Richard the mechanic thought he was a big man standing up to this 5 foot 9 inch tall women who weighed 550 pounds. He wasn't that big only 5 foot 8 150 pounds. Marrisa played along and told him that she didn't have the money but she would screw him if he did the work. Richard laughed in her face and told her that he would never be caught near a fat womens pussy or even let a fat women near his dick. This pissed Marrisa off to where she went to the door and hit the button to shut it. Richard looked at her and wanted to know what the hell was going on. Marrisa walked up to Richard and backed him into the wall and said, " you will let the skinny blond girl blow you and you due all of her work for free but when I want a favor you make fun of me. I will teach you to never make fun of me again. She pushed her belly into him and Volleyball size tits engulfed his head and smothered him. NOthing could be seen of him as she bounced her belly against him. She started to get wet as she hurried his moans of pain ripple into her breasts. She let him go after about ten min of this torture. To her amazement richard grabed a wrench and started to come after her. She grabed his puny arm and twisted it making him drop the wrench she then lefted him up and through him on the concrete floor. She heard his head bounce off the floor but she didn't care, she went over to him and put her foot on his right hand. "YOU COME AFTER ME WITH A WRENCH well take this." and with that she lifted her massive bulk up onto his hand and twisted she felt every bonesnape and break as she grinded it into dust fragments. Richard cried out in pain and only could look up at the sadistic smile that Marrisa had on her face. She stepped down and took off her pants and got naked. She lowered herself over his face and said " well you liked getting blow jobs how about giving one, to me. She lifted richard up and took him over to a lawn chair that he had set up and she layed in it felling the strings and the chair strain under her bulk. She grabed his head and shoved it into her pussy making him lick and suck on her pussy. Richard you arent' getting out untill you make me orgasm at least three times. And you better hurry up with it also because you aren't getting any air. With that richard started to suck on her labia and pussy licking around and then plundgeing his tounge inside of her he tried to gasp for air but couldn't only making a muffled vibration that radiated against the pussy lips. Marrisa couldnt' take it and started to rub herself up against himmoving his head against her, feelign his tounge go in and out and the sucking and slight bitting made her explode over his face not once but four times. She let go and said she wanted four and not three. He gasped for air, and she noticed that his cock was hard and decided to have a little fun. Why richard isnt that your car over there I think we need to take a look at it. With that she lifted richard up and took him over to his black camero. SHe looked and said I don't know if I will fit. here you get in first adn with that she tossed him in the back seat then she went ahead and stepped into the back seat she knew she would get stuck most likely but she didn't care she pushed against the front seats leaning all her weight on them . Richard hear his seat crack and snap under the weight her felt her sit down on his chest and legs she pushed her foot out and streched butting her foot throught the cd play and she then opened both doors and wedged herself in between the front seats so she could push on the front seats and bent them out to the sides so the doors couldn't close anymore. With that she was right over the gear shift and she sat down on it and she started to fuck it. Ohhhhh I'm sorry richard but it was so tempting I had to fuck it I hope you don't mind and with that she cam all over it.She moved her foot and rubbed richards coock as she got out and pulled him out of the trashed inside of the car. She layed him on the ground and stepped her weight on to his chest as she climbed up onto the hood. With that she started to jump up and down on the hood just destroying the hood. She stepped back down lightly landing on richards chest knocking the air out of him. she moved back inside the care and sat in the back seat and placed her feet on the front seats with that she let a large and long stream of piss drench the inside of the car. Marrisa laughed as she stepped back out grabbing Richard and taking him on the top of the car. She dropped him on the roof and then straddled his dick. SHE lowered herself onto his not so big cock and started to fuck him. She could feel him inside of her a little but wanted to really play with it soi she started to bounce harder on it to drive it farther in. Each time she did this the roof in that part would dent and go farther and farther in Richard was enjoying the moment and right as he was ready to cum Marrisa stopped and let up. She walked over to the car lift and looked at it. Richard I have an idea and with that she pulled him and placed him on one of the steal car ramps she placed her enourmous pussy right over him and stood there with that she hit the button to raise it. Richard watched as his face got closer and closer to her pussy and then all of a sudden it was being smashed into her pussy and then he felt as if his head was going to explode. For marrisa had been lifted off the ground and her feet were dangling and gravity was pulling her down. SHE raised herself off the ground about ten feet and stopped as she felt his face being engulfed into her pussy. She started to fuck his face.grinding his face deep into her pussy, she could feel his nose mushing about around her hole and inside she slide forward and back across his face. SHe could feel thhis face and head squish against the steel. This made her more excited to here she just really started to grinde and pound her hips into his face. Moving them faster and harder, She could feel the well of juices buliding up inside of her as she leaned forward placing more weight onto his nose and fucking it as hard as she could until she let a rush of juices flow all over his nose and into his mouth one right after another. She stopped and lowered herself down and got off of him She could see the steel groves in the back of his head and his nose was twisted and looked dislocated or brokedn but there was to much cum to see if it was bleeding. She layed him on the ground, then the light bulb went on she raised the steal ramp up to about five feet above him. and with that she scooted herself off of the ramps and right onto his body. She hit butt first onto his chest, crush and snapping most of his ribs and squishing his insides. Richard what is that smell. She looked at richard as he had a little blood coming out of his mouth and then she realized what had happend she had squashed the shit right out of him. She started to laugh and noticed his dick was still hard She gave a light jump and landed right on it snapping it in two. Richard cryed out in pain and sputtered some blood out and his eyes started to roll back in his head as The last thing he remebers is her saying if you tell anyone what i did i will come back and finish you off. With that richard passed out. Marrisa on the other hand looked at the twisted dick and laughed to herself saying I guess the little blond doesn't get anymore free car repairs and the only dick richard has is in his name. WIth that she got dressed and drove off home.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.