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The Train Ride

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:43:49 PM

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There was this on time that I was on this train going to Frisco, and there were 5 woman sitting across from me on the train. These five woman were really nice looking. Well, sitting across from them, one booth down from me, were these three heavy set woman. These big woman were pretty in there own right, but they must have weighed between 400 to 550 pound a piece.

These other gorgeous women sitting across from me must have been going to some kinda beauty paegeant or something because they were decked out! All of them were wearing these tight dresses that made their hooters stick out. They were all super skinny with nice asses and big tits.

Well, these five bombshells sitting in the booth had nothing else better to do, so they started to make fun of the fat women. The one skinny blonde with the bullet bra started to make rude comments to her friends about the obese women. She said stuff like, "Those women are so fat...they need to wear hula-hoops just to keep their lips up!".........etc....

The fat women over heard what the skinny chicks were saying, and this really pissed them off! The big gals started to cuss out the skinny girls. But the skinny girls just laughed and ignored them.

After about a 1/2 an hour or so went by, four of the skinny girls got up to go to the bar for drinks, until there was only the one blonde with the big hooters left. After a while she got bored of waiting, so she started to drift off to sleep. Slowly she slumped down on bench and fell into a deep sleep. ZZzzZZZZZzzzzZzzzzzz!.

This whole scene did'nt go un-noticed by the heavy women seating across the way! It was time for revenge! All three of the large ladies got up from their seats. And drifted over to the bench where the blond was sleeping!

There she was in all her beauty, her blond hair cascading over the side of the bench, her sweet red lips gleasening, and her big tits sticking straight up. Her perfect body laid spread out before these 3 huge women. She was beautiful and they knew it! But not for long. They all took there places as they lined up along the bench with their big asses pointed towards the girl. And on the count of three, they all took a slight jump into the air and came crashing down on the poor girl's body, who was now flatter than a pancake. A whoosh of air came out her like a human whoopee cushion. And as the three fat women sat there on the squashed girl, from where I was sitting, you couldn't tell someone was under them. The only thing left was a piece of blond hair sticking out from under the ass of one of the fat women.
All three of the large ladies started wiggling their asses around to get a better seat on the girl. Meanwhile the blonde below them woke up terrified and tried to scream. Her body was totally flattened and she couldn't catch her breath. Panic started to set in, and she tried to move which was impossible. The fat woman, Bridgett who was sitting on her face and tits felt her below trying to move. Not wanting to kill her, she got up for moment so the blond could catch her breath. Then Bridgett plopped her 450 pounds right back down on her face with a thud.

As the train kept going on down the tracks, all three large ladies just sat there on her grinding their asses into the flattened out form. Every so often I noticed one of them stand up and flopped back down just to smash the girl even more. Bridgett, the girl sitting on her chest got a kick out grinding her ass all over the girls fake tits! Bridgett made comments on how those silicon sacks in the the blond had tickled her ass! So Bridgett kept standing up and dropping down on this poor girls tits trying to pop them, every time Bridget's fat ass dropped on her , the girl's tits were getting caved in. Over and over again Bridgett did butt drops on her. The girls perfect face was getting smashed, her nose and lips were now fattened out against here face by the weight and her tits were smashed against here chest. While all this was going on the other two obese women just sat there and laughed!

At that moment the other Skinny women came back and were looking a the fat women who were sitting in their seats with a stupid look on their faces. "Have you seen our friend that was sitting here?" One of the fat girls replied, "Get the F___k out of here bitch, your stuck up friend left awhile ago!" With that answer the girls left not knowing their friend's fate?

When the other girls left, the three fat women got up to take a look at their victim who looked like cheap deflated blow up doll! Her whole body was like a pancake. Those big tits of hers were now two wrinkled up lunch bags. Her make up was smeared all over her flattened out face. Her hair looked like it was pressed out by iron. And she was unconscious.

Just then, the train finally reached it's destination, and the fat women picked up the limp blond and carried her off the train. On the way out they made up the excuse that she was drunk and they carried her out to their van. They were not done with her by a long shot. They had other plans for her. They laid her unconscious body in the back seat. The two other big women got into the front seat while the other hefty gal took a seat in the back. With woof, Bridget planted her big ass over the blond and slowly sank down into her crushing her once again. On the way out of the parking lot, Bridget told Debbie to take the ruff road home.
As the van hit the first bump in the road, Bridget flew a few inches up in the air and her big mass came down on the poor girl's body! The girl screamed as all the air left her lungs. Bridget's ass smashed the girl over and over again as they hit a series of pot holes. Bridget was getting a kick out of the way she was crushing the living day lights out of her. It made her feel powerful. So on then next bump, she threw herself in the air, and the girl cried for mercy but her big fat ass came down on her with such a force that she felt like she was going to pop like a tube of tooth paste.

When they got home Debbie and Lisa had to help Bridget get out of the back of the van. Debbie grabbed the crushed girl and carried her limp form into the house. Debbie told the other fat girls to put her the bathroom because she wanted to use the girl as a throw rug. They placed her on the floor in the bathroom, and Debbie went into her room to get ready for her date tonight. While Bridgett and Lisa went into the other room to watch TV.

Debbie stripped down to her birthday suit, her fat jiggled as she picked out a Bullet Bra. After she put it on it made her big 43 EEE breasts stick straight out. She knew how the boys in club loved her torpedo tits. She picked some small undies and she then she put on her 5 inch platform shoes with the wide heels. These heels made her fat ass stick out, and they made her stand 6 ft tall. She always wondered how it would be to trample someone with them? And with that in mind she went into the bathroom to put on her make up. Her 400 pound frame made the floor creak, and she walked into the bathroom. There she saw the pathetic girl laying there on the floor by the sink. She remembered the way this girl teased the hell out of her and her friends on the train. And now it was payback time.

Debbie walked up to the sink and nudged the girls head with the side of her shoe. The girl snapped out of it and was looking up at this huge woman peering down at her. The girl wanted to get up and run, but her body was in no condition to do nothing. Every muscle ached, and her lungs hurt to bad to yell for help.
Debbie placed her 5 inch platform shoe on the girls chest and and stood up on her. the girls arms started to flail all over thee place as the air rushed out of her chest. Debbie didn't give a shit. She wanted to trample the hell out of her and her 400 pounds were crushing the crap out of this bitch, and she loved it. She started to walk all over this girl body and her heels sunk in with every step. She left deep imprints in the girls dress. Debbie decided to see if this girl's tits could stand up to her weight. So she place each heel on each tit and started march in place. She trampled her tits for about 5 minuts. Then with one foot she started to grind her heel into her nipple like she was grinding out a cigarette.
The girl's eyes were bugging out of head, and she tried to grab the legs of Debbie to throw her off, but Debbie kicked her hands away! The noises that the girl was making started to get louder, so Debbie turned on the radio and turned on a "Oldies Station". To her amazement the song "Twist" by Chubby Checker came on and while standing on her tits she started to do the twist! Back and forth, grinding away, she danced, twisting her her hips to the beat... she was literally twisting this girl into the rug like a bug. Her weight added to the top of those heels flattened her tits out into pancakes. From a side view of her body, she must have been paper thin! As the song came to an end Debbie continue to put on the rest of her make up! The girl below her was trying like hell to breath every time Debbie shifted her weight! Debbie looked down at the squashed girl beneath her heels and place her foot right on the girls face and twisted her lips in with the bottom of her shoe.

Suddenly the other girls came in to the bathroom, and they were amazed to see this smashed form of this girl being crushed by Debbie in her heels. Bridget looked at Lisa and said, "That looks like fun"..... So both women ran out of the bathroom to grab their heels.

When they came back, Debbie towed the girls flattened form out into the living room and placed her next to the wall. Lisa, who weighs about 475 pounds, was wearing a pair boots with thick four inch heels! She walked up to girl and started to crush here fingers like if the were cigarette butts. Bridget stepped up on the girls chest and started to smash her tits under her heels. And Debbie got on and started to trample her stomach.

By now the girl looked like hell, all crushed and flattend out. She started to accepted her fate and without a struggle, she let these massive women trample her into oblivion..... Her body was smushed, her tits were trampled flat, so they look like two scramble eggs. She became a human rug for these fat women who walked and jumped all over her body. When the were done with her, they stuffed her under the cushions of the couch, and Bridget and Lisa sat on her and watched TV while Debbie finished getting ready for her date. Debbie and Lisa sat on that poor girl with their combined weight of 950 pounds. Debbie climbed on top of the couch and started to kneed the girls prostrate form under the cushions with her knees. She knelt on her head and continued to bounce up and down and ground her head into the bottom of the sofa. Lisa came up with a killer idea, both large ladies stood on top of the couch and started to march all over her body. Then Bridgett came up the idea of stuffing her into the fold out bed of the sofa and fold her back up in it and sat back down on her to continue watching TV.
The girl inside the sofa felt like a crushed cigarette with those fat women on her, she knew her life would be over soon because she could hardly breath. her body was crushed flat, like she was piece of clay that has been fattened out by a rolling pin.

When Debbie got home two hours later. Lisa and Bridget had squashed the girl into unconscious. The fat girls have had their fill their play toy so they took the girl out back of their apartment and threw her in the dumpster. She hit the bottom of the dumpster with a thud, and she laid there out cold for a long time, while everyone who lived in the building dumped their trash over her.
After about 4 hours of being in the trash can the girl came too, but only to find herself surrounded by smelly trash. Suddenly she heard someone lifting the top of the dumpster. She didn't know what to due so she just kept still, her body still hurt way too much to move, just then she heard someone say. "Shit this dam can is full"... So the person jumped into the dumpster and started to jump up and down to make more room. The girl at the bottom was trampled down into the trash compressed in with the rest of the garbage. The person kept jumping up and down over and over again until the trash was packed down about half way. The girl at the bottom of the dumpster was smashed flat again, and she passed out. The person who trampled trash down, filled the dumpster up all the way with trash and left.

It was morning by the time she came too, she was confused and bewildered and totally disoriented. She was incased in trash and she couldn't move. The smell of the trash almost knocker her out. It took her a few minutes to figure out what had happened, just then the trash can started to shake and she could feel the dumpster start to move, she heard a clunk, and the dumpster started to lift in the air. She tried to scream, but the noise of garbage truck was too loud! And she was lifted into the air and dumped into the back with the rest of the trash. There inside she had a few seconds to thrash about the garbage trying to climb out, but sudden more trash came in from the top and she was buried again. And then there was this grinding sound, and the truck was starting to compress the trash to make room for more. The girl knew what was happening to her. And she just laid there while the truck compressed her body flat with the rest of trash and drove away.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.