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The Queen 1

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 11:20:16 PM

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I sold my business a year ago and was living very comfortably and wanting for nothing, but I was getting a little bored. In my business I had traveled all over, but hadn't really seen much of the country. Thats hard to do from 35,000 feet, and in the cities I'd been to I hadn't much time to do anything but take care of business, so I decided to do something about it.
I packed a few necessities, picked out a car, and headed down the road. I decided my goal for this trip would be to check out as many different foods as I could from all over the country, and see all the sights while doing so. Through the first days, it was mostly burger joints, fast food has taken over completely it seems. But further on down the road, I found a hell of a joint in Memphis that specialized in barbeque chicken that was absolutely glorious. Then down in Austin I found a wonderful steak house.
All in all these great resturants were few and far between, but being a 400 pound fat boy myself, I wasn't going to pass up any chance to eat if I was hungry, so I ate at mostly franchise joints.
I finally arrived in California, and cruising the suburbs of LA, I found a nice little resturant of a Spanish looking design. Upon entery, it was indeed a south of the boarder type place. For my first time in such a place I always order the same thing, an enchillada plate, to get a feel and reference for the chefs style. These turned out to be the best I'd ever had. I don't know what was different about them, other than they just tasted better. So I ordered another dish, a chilli stuffed with shredded beef and cheese, and a desert called a soapapia, a fried bread eaten with honey, and it was absolutely wonderfull.
It was still light when I had arrived, but now it was dark as I was heading to my car. Just as I was about to stick my key in the door, a black van stopped behind my car. The side door opened and out jumped three large figures who were all approaching me. As they came closer I could see they were all three women, huge women, and not fat like me, but very tall, and very muscle bound, and suddenly two of them had me in a vice like grip at my sides, as the third approached in front of me. I was bowed over as she struck me in the gut with a punch harder than I'd ever been hit with before. She followed with an upper cut to my jaw that straighten me up and knocked me silly, and then released a barage of alternating left and rights back to my soft gut. They felt like 30 pound sledge hammers hitting me, with full swings. I fell to my knees and hurled everything I'd just been eating the past two hours. The two women at my sides dragged me to the van, and then all three of them tossed me inside like a cheap childs toy.

I was taken away in the van thinking this was happening because of the car I'd driven, and they were after it and perhaps the cash I had on me, but then the one driving spoke.
"The Queen wants to see you."
"Who is that?" I asked but got no reply.
I was in no condition to argue or put up a fight at the moment, so I didn't push any further. Two of them were right next to me, and there was nothing I could do. Within a few minutes the van had stopped, and they took me out, and escorted me into the front door of a large mansion. I was led down a hallway, and then down some stairs, and into a large poorly lit room. Twenty feet in front of me I saw a large figure, not like these amazon women whoed kidnapped me, but really large, much larger than myself. It certainly appeared to be a very very fat woman, sitting down.
"You have made a mistake." she said to me.
"What did I do?" I asked.
"There are no fat men allowed in my domain."
"Your domain?"
"You are in my have eaten my will pay for it dearly." she threatened.
"I didn't know..." I said but was interrupted.
"Put him down." she ordered.
Immediately I was srtuck from behind so hard that I fellto the floor. I was then then dragged by two of the amazons to another area of the room, and turned face up. Then my hands were tied together and bound over my head, and my legs were also restrained. Then all my clothes were cut from my body.
"Soften him up a little, until I return. Do not kill him." this enormous woman ordered the amazons.
She left the room, and the three amazons approached closer to me, as I lie on the cold hard floor looking up at them
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.