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The Neighbourhood girl 2

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:30:03 PM

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Heather continued to just stand over me with that enormous body. She was just swaying back and forth. Her huge belly and breast just quivering and shaking as she moved. I swear she was putting me into a trance but I couldn't stop watching her. I knew that she knew how turned on I was by her gigantic body and I knew that she knew that I was hopelessley her slave.
I heard a knock at the back door and it brought me out of my trance. I thought geez who the hell could that be and why are they knocking at the back door?? Heather yelled come in it's unlocked. Heather continued to stand over me with this evil smile and said John your going to love this. I heard the door open and close and then heard some heavy foot steps. This prety faced red head peeked around the corner. I just looked up at Heather and said who is this. She said this is my friend Missy. Missy said Hi John and started to giggle. I just said Hi Missy. Heather told Missy not to be shy and to come on around and stand by her. Missy just laughed and said yea right me shy? As she came around the corner My mouth just droped open. She had the hugest Ass that I have ever seen it was even bigger that Heathers.
Her thighs where equally enormous. I couldn't belive what I was seeing. Heather just looked at Missy and said see I new he would like you. Missy's upper body evan though really big, was not near as big as Heathers. Heather told Missy about our little game of guess her weight and that I wasn't doing a very good job of guessing. Missy just laughed and said let me see if I can help and with that she told Heather to help her pick me up and carry me to the couch. These two huge girls just bent down and picked me up like I was a feather. Heather made sure to bury my head into her massive belly and breasts as they carried me to the couch. They flung me onto the couch and be before I new what was happening Missy sat on top of me with her titantic Ass. My breath just rushed out of me and I could barley breath. She started to just bounce up and down on me like I wasn't even there. I couldn't begin to even utter any words. Her huge butt went from my chin all the way to almost my knees. She said john I'm going to bounce a few more times and then just sit on you for a minute. Then I'll get off and if you try to move or get up I'll come crushing down on you again. I just nodded. I thought I was going to pass out. I knew that she couldn't weigh as much as Heather but she felt like she weighed at least 2000 lbs. The couch was squeeking and moaning and I felt like I was being pushed to the floor with each bounce. Finally after the third bounce she stoped and just sat there. I was starting to sweat and she just looked over at me and smiled and said boy are we going to have fun with you this weekend. Most guys would have probably passed out by now. Your kinda small but you sure are strong. Heather asked Missy if she had brought the food and groceries. Missy said yea it's in the care you better get the ice cream before it melts. Then they started talking about some college plans all the while Missy was just sitting on top of me with her engulfing butt. I could barley breath and felt Like I was ready to pass out. Just then Missy looked over started to laugh and said geez I beeter get up before I squash you. She started to stand up but just as most of her weight was off me and I could get a few breaths. Heather took a step forward and pushed Missing back on top of me. I let out loud umph as all the air rushed out of my lungs. Heather came around to my head at the end of the couch and lifted up her enormous belly and laid it over my face. I could not breath at all now as her huge belly flesh filled my nose and mouth. after about 30 secs she slowly started to slide her huge belly across my face and then off. I was just gasping for air. She told Missy to get off me and that they would go get the groceries and food. They both just started to laugh and say how much fun this was. Missy said I'm not finished with you still better guess my weight or else!! Heather turned around looked down at me aa I lay on the couch still trying to breath normally. Now I know you won't go anywhere cuz I know how much you really love this and we can tell how much it turns you on!! but If you try and get away will find you and crush every last ounce of oxygen out of you. I just gulped and nodded. I couldn't belive that a 30 something guy was being held captive by 2 600+ pound women but I knew that if I tried to go anywhere I would be in big trouble. besides I was still trying to recover and hardly had enough strength to move. I could hear them talking as they left the room and I swear I heard the word others. I thought I must be hearing things but wondered just how many huge friends Heather had. Little did I know just How sorry or I mean Lucky I was going to be to find out........

Heather and Missy came back inside with the groceries I was still laying on the couch trying to recover from the Squashing they had just giving me. I couldnââ,¬â,,¢t believe what was happening to me after all these years of being turned on by big/huge women and always having these fantasies about being squashed and crushed by them it was finally coming true but the only problem was what the heck was I in for and would I survive. I was about to find outââ,¬Â¦..gulp.
Heater and Missy came back into the living room carrying to big huge bowls of ice cream. Heather was so gorgeous that pretty face those sparkling eyes that Huge, Huge, Massive fat body. I was totally mesmerized by her.
The next thing I new and I couldnââ,¬â,,¢t believe my eyes but her and Missy where taking off all of there cloths except for their panties. They where the two most massive women I had ever seen in my life. I heard them say, Just look at him he canââ,¬â,,¢t take his eyes off of are big fat bellies. Missy said, look John and with that she gave heathers belly a big push. Heathers gigantic belly just angulated from side to side for several seconds before stopping then Heather grabbed Missyââ,¬â,,¢s belly and began to wiggle and shake it. I was being turned on so much I couldââ,¬â,,¢ believe it. Heather said John what should we do next. I was totally caught off guard by thisââ,¬Â¦I didnââ,¬â,,¢t know what to say so I just said feed me some ice cream. Both girls just laughed causing their massive bodies to shake and sway in amazing ways. Heather walked closer to me her tree trunk size thighs where just quivering a shaking. She said do you want some of this? With that she held the big bowl of Ice cream just below one of her massive tits. Then she took her other hand and squeezed her tit into the bowl. Her huge belly was right by my face almost touching it. She pushed more of her tit into the ice cream bowl causing the melted ice cream to come squishing out and running down her huge body down her big fat belly and spilling onto my face. She did this about 3 times I was turned on like never before. She said John you like this donââ,¬â,,¢t you. I said gees yes Heather you are so amazing. Then she began to sit her enormous body on top of me and she pulled out her tit out of the Ice cream bowl and shoved it into my mouth. I have never tasted anything so good she said come on John suck on it Itââ,¬â,,¢s all yours you know you want it I began to suck and lick her huge tits those
Big nipples Heather was just moaning and telling me to suck harder her huge body just bouncing on me. With that she stood up but kept her huge tits on top of my face. She told Missy to take my pants off but leave my under wear on. I didnââ,¬â,,¢t care at this point these girls could do what ever they wanted to me. Heck like I had a choice anyway. Missy said would you look at that I didnââ,¬â,,¢t know a little guy like this could have such a big one.
Missy began to set her huge heavy butt on top of my waist. I though for sure I had died and gone to heaven. But then all of a sudden there where these to huge booming sounds and it felt like the whole back side of the house was shaking. Heather pulled her huge tit out of my mouth and said They must be here I said whoââ,¬â,,¢s here Heather said Oh you will find out the real fun and squashing is just ready to begin I just let out gulp and said oh boyââ,¬Â¦..(to be cont.)
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


Anther one I'd like to see more of. That is, who's shaking the house with each step?