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written on another forum by fionabrown
just an awesome story
Madame Giganta... Toon Dom... pt1
OK! Here's the first part of a crazy story. Just wait for the rest!



Marlow has some serious investigating to do. He'd been contacted about Mr Jones - who had disappeared. Could he be found? For a fee, anyone could be found.

He spent an afternoon rummaging through Jones's apartment. He tracked down an appointment - late at night, the evening Jones disappeared. It was in toontown, and a seedy district. Marlow hesitantly started the car. He'd been to that area before and knew what to expect.

He hated toons - they never knew when to stop. And you couldn't kill them. They would bend, stretch, squash and mash into nothing, and then bounce back as if nothing had happened. And he hated toontown - it was full of toons.

It didn't take him long to arrive. It was a long, low, green building - all of the windows and doors at odd angles. Same as every other building in the street. Red lights flashed within some of the windows.

The door said Madame Giganta - Personal Services. He rang the bell. The door buzzed open and he made his way up the staircase. At the top another door swung open as he reached the last step, and he looked ahead straight into the massive breasts of a giant toon. He looked up, past those enormous breasts of - he guessed - Madame Giganta. He estimated that she was over 10 feet tall. Weight had no meaning to a toon, but he was sure that she would be over 800 - 1000 lbs. She wore a long dress that left nothing to the imagination. She beckoned him to a chair in front of a huge desk. He sat down and she sat behind the desk.

'Well squirt, what can I do for you?' As she said it she rested her massive hands on his. They felt heavy to him, and pinned his arms to the desk. He tried to pull his hands away but she pressed down and gripped his wrists. It was the gentlest, simplest exertion to her, but Marlow was firmly pinned. Her hands were huge and strong - easily big enough to fit round his head - he was sure they could crush him flat. He decided he had better take care and adopt a gently approach, instead of trying to threaten her.

'Madame Giganta, I've come a long way, and I need your help'. He waited for her response. He felt her foot come up underneath the desk and press between his legs. He looked down - that foot was as big and almost as wide as his chest. He didn't try to pull away. 'I'm looking for Mr Jones'. Suddenly the foot pulled away, but the grip on his wrists remained as firm.

'Who?' asked the toon dominatrix.
'Jones - he was here last week. The last time he was seen alive'.
Madame Giganta thought for a minute, but declared 'I dont know who you mean'.
She let go of his wrists and stood up. She seemed even taller.
'I think its time for you to go'.

Marlow had seen this routine before, and opted to comply.
'You're such a darling' she exclaimed as he stood up. She strode over to him and put her hand at the back of his neck. She pressed his face into her huge breast. He was firmly held. The breast was easily bigger than his head, and his breath was cut off. 'But perhaps you really want to play?' He tried to pull away and she picked up that message. 'Well, next time, I'm sure'. As he left, he wondered what she meant. But he guessed he would be back.


He considered leaving toontown, but decided to stick around and do some watching. Madame Giganta left, and he crept round the back of the building. He found his way back in, and was beginning to leaf through her papers, when he heard the door. He quickly hid in a cupboard - the kind that was always conveniently placed in toontown - and peered out through an airvent.

Madame Giganta strolled back in, closely followed by Yosemite Sam. He wasn't wearing his hat - in fact he wasn't wearing anything at all. The size difference was astonishing. He was smaller than Marlow expected him to be, and only came up to Madame Giganta's knees.

She reached down and put her hand around his neck. Then she squeezed tightly - his eyes bulged right out as she picked him up. Even though he was a toon, Marlow could see that he still felt pain, that much was obvious. And Madame Giganta didn't seem to care. She placed him sideways on her chair, and as she put him down, Marlow saw in shock that Yosemite Sam had spotted him in the cupboard. Sam tried to point, but Madame Giganta positioned herself at that moment, and sat down, relaxing on him. Marlow watched in astonishment as she stretched out her legs, crushing Sam into the chair. Her enormous behind was wider than he was tall. Marlow knew that Madame Giganta was squashing Sam so that he was only millimeters flat. She sat like that, smoking, but not moving, for almost an hour. Then she stood up, taking Sam with her. He was stuck to the bottom of her dress! She reached behind and unpeeled him. He inflated slowly, but didn't say a word. Perhaps he had forgotten Marlow.

Moments after he left, the door bell rang again. In bounded another toon that Marlow didnt recognise. He and Madame Giganta both undressed. Marlow marvelled at the sight of her buttocks - they were easily large enough to swallow his head. He didn't know why that thought popped into his head, but it certainly made him gulp.

Madame Giganta pulled her hand back, then slapped the toon hard across the face. He flew into the wall, making an indent, and bounced off. Before he could get up, Madame Giganta strolled across to him, and placed her foot on his body. Her toes stretched past his chin, and her heel down past the toon's crotch. Her foot was as wide as the toon's chest. Her shadow fell across him and he looked pained as she pressed down. Within a moment she was standing on him with her full weight. His head and eyes bulged comically and she stepped from foot to foot, pulverising him. Then she brought her foot over his head, and quickly stepped down. Her foot appeared to be flat on the floor, but the toon desparately scrabbled and tried to lift the massive weight. Once again she stood, enjoying the pain she was causing. Marlow had no doubt that she was built for this one purpose, but he could tell that there was something lacking in her eyes.

She stepped off the toon, and picked him up. She rolled him into a ball, squeezing him tighter and tighter. Her massive hands effortlessly pummeled his shape into a football sized sphere, and Madame Giganta reached behind her and spread her buttocks. Her back was to Marlow and he had a perfect view as she squashed the toon tightly in between her massive cheeks. As she did so the toon managed to free one hand, which hung comically down between her legs. She clenched her buttocks tightly as only a toon dominatrix can, gripping the little toon man firmly. The free arm scrabbled for escape - Marlow guessed that the toon was no longer enjoying himself - as Madame Giganta took a step back to the hard wooden chair and sat down. She was certainly merciless. She sat for about 40 minutes this time, and when she stood up Marlow watched carefully as she pulled the toon out from her huge ass. It had moulded him into a paper thin line apart from his arm. Madame Giganta reached forward and grabbed her shoe. She placed the toon inside the shoe against the sole, and slid her foot in. She dressed fully, switched off the lights, locked and left the office.

Marlow was trapped - this window was sealed, and there was no escape. He peered cautiously out and saw Madame Giganta strolling away down the street, intentionally stepping on anything and anybody she passed.

...nearly there...


Marlow, locked alone in the office, took the opportunity to sniff around. Madame Giganta had few papers scattered around - he wondered what the point of the office was. Maybe she liked the scenario. In a chest in the corner he found a brown suit. He looked through the pockets - it was Jones's suit. So he had been here, and Madame Giganta knew something. Marlow gulped at the possibility that she had used her sadistic streak on Jones - he would be no match for her enormous size and incredible strength, and her seemingly endless desire for slow, painful crushing.

He heard something and spun around. Madame Giganta was standing at the door, looking at him, and blocking his escape.

'Enjoy the show today? Sam told me you were watching.'

She regarded him with a cool expression. Marlow said nothing for the moment.

They stood opposite each other, Marlow holding Jones's suit in his hands. Madame Giganta made no move. 'Darling, we could have had so much fun' she said. She paused. 'Yes, I am going to have so much fun. This will take all night, if you last that long.' Marlow didn't like the sound of that. 'Then you will be mine forever' she added. Marlow definitely didnt like the sound of that at all.

She stepped away from the door, and towards her desk. Marlow contemplated his opportunity for escape, but within a moment she reached out and gripped his head in her hand from above. Her fingers squeezed gently, painfully crushing Marlow. She picked him up like this, and flung him over to the couch by the back wall. She pulled her chair opposite him and sat down. He didn't dare move.

'Its time you met Jones' she said. The surprise on Marlow's face was visible. She looked down at her enormous foot and said 'remove my shoe'. Marlow looked down at the massive shoe - he estimated its size as 3 feet long, by about 18 inches wide. Then he noticed the toon fingers trapped poking out from an edge. She still had that toon in her shoe - and she had been walking around crushing him since she left the office.

She lifted her leg, and Marlow prized the shoe from her foot. He peered in and a completely flat toon face stared mournfully up at him from the heel, with a resigned expression. Marlow had a feeling that this was Jones. Something also told him that he would be the sole of her other shoe before tomorrow. Madame Gigantess reached down and peeled the toon from the sole.

She blew hard into his mouth, and he immediately reinflated. He was the same height and build as Marlow. It was amazing that as a toon he could be squeezed into a small enough shape to fit between her buttocks or into her shoe. He looked drained, and Madame Giganta sat him on the couch beside Marlow. 'Meet Mr Jones' she said.

Sitting opposite, she looked at the two of them, as if deciding what to do next. 'Watch' she instructed. Marlow didn't dare disobey. She reached out and picked up Jones, and stood up, facing away from Marlow. Jones seemed to know what to do next. He crept behind her. Marlow looked up - Madame Giganta seemed taller and wider than before. He watched, transfixed, as Jones put his hands on those enormous buttocks, and with some effort, pushed them apart. At that moment, Madame Giganta reached behind her and slowly pushed Jones's face up between her buttocks. She did it very slowly for maximum effect on Marlow. Her buttocks were so huge and deep that Jones's head was completely swallowed. The skin closed firmly behind him, sealing him in.

Madame Giganta visibly clenched her buttocks. She had massive muscles there, with powerful strength, so that Marlow could see them obviously squeeze Jones between them. He guessed that the toon was in pain, because his hands shot up and tried to prise his head free. Madame Giganta strolled towards her huge wooden chair, and turned around. Looking straight at Marlow she slowly sat down. He read her eyes: they said 'This will be you'.

'I knew you'd track him down' she bellowed. Suddenly he recognised the voice. It had been a trap. She had wanted him to find Jones. 'I get so few people here. I love to feel your bones crunch. Squashing a toon is not the same. Sure, I can hurt them for days on end, and you'd only last seconds where Jones is now.' She looked right at him. 'But there is no satisfaction in toontown like turning you into mush under me. I made Jones last almost a whole afternoon, and now look at him'. Marlow knew the score - a dead person can easily become a toon with the right chemicals - the only problem is that they can never then die. And after his no doubt excrutiating afternoon, he had now to serve as Madame Giganta's squashable toy. Marlow wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen to him.

Reading his mind, Madame Giganta stood up, and pushed the massive desk over in front of the door. His only escape was now blocked - the desk was bigger than his car, and he knew that he had no chance of moving it even an inch.

This one is hard to swallow...

Madame Giganta - part 3

Madame Giganta stood in front of Marlow. She seemed bigger than ever. He looked down and could see Jones's body hanging freely from behind her. Marlow knew that Magame Giganta's massive, powerful buttocks held Jones's whole head tightly in their grip.

Madame Giganta beckoned Marlow towards the couch. She flounced into her hard chair, undoubtably pulverising Jones paper thin under her.

"Here's the story" she bellowed. Marlow gulped - he didn't like the tone at all. She noticed and smiled, then continued.

"I'm going to be straight with you and tell you whats going to happen to you tonight. I'm going to tell you for one reason. When you know your fate, I will be able to smell your fear . But there will be no escape - this is inevitable. Go and try the bars on the window - see how solid they are."

Marlow obliged - the thick steel bars were immovable. Madame Giganta crept up behind him. She braced herself against the wall with one hand, and tightened her hand around one of the bars. She pulled hard, and the wall gave way. She pulled the bar straight out from the surround. Marlow watched dumbfounded. She handed it to him. He baulked at its weight - it was solid and heavy. Looking straight into his eyes, she put the bar behind his neck, and with some effort, she bent it around his throat until it cut into him, crushing him painfully. He tried in vain to loosen it but it was solid steel.

Madame Giganta watched his panic, and said "listen to me now". Marlow obeyed instantly.

"I am infinitely stronger than you. One touch from me can send you sprawling." She salivated as she said it. "I can do what I want with you, and I will". She reached out and removed the heavy iron bar.

"Sit down" she commanded. Marlow didn't hesitate at all. She smiled again, sweetly.

"OK Marlow, here's the story. Look at Jones here. I love squashing him - all day and all night. It makes me think of the fun I had converting him into a toon. His cries will stay in my head forever". She paused for a moment, remembering.

"Tonight the same thing is going to happen to you. Look at me - I am massively stronger than you. I am almost 10 feet tall. I weigh over 1000lbs. You are really going to feel it".

Marlow was stunned. He still didn't know what he was really in for. Madame Giganta read his mind and obliged.

"To make you into my permanent toon slave, you must drink some chemicals. Thats the easy bit. Then the fun bit. I must break and grind every one of your bones into powder. You can't be my toon slave if you have a firm skeleton, Mr Marlow. To grind you properly takes several hours. Don't worry though, I have the time and the power and the weight. It won't be a problem. Are you looking forward to it yet?"

Part 4 to follow