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the judge 1 the begining

Started by bonkersjm, August 11, 2014, 01:30:36 PM

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here is a new story for all to enjoy. comments and feedback are welcomed!! enjoy

        the judge 1 :the begining

   jeff muler was a troubled kid, being kicked out when he was only 8 years old, his family didn't want him, he had to suvive on the streets ever since. at only 5 foot tall 90 pounds of a starved man, blonde hair, hazel eyes. he was just bones with skin on. etsu tyfuyo was a monster of a woman. she was 7 foot tall and 589 pounds, long mid back black hair, blue green eyes, she was a proud asian woman. she worked out all the time in the gym she owned and that made just about every one fear her. large and extremely strong and powerful. in the town they lived in she was the only full time judge getting it when she was just 20 years old. her and poor jeff saw each other all over town. he was always trying to find food or work, she was just living a great life. all other judges in the town were parttime only working on her vacations and on the weekends. non of them minded at all. etsu always got her way. in court all who tried to anger her got stiffer sentences and massive fines. she was very happy to do that. etsu did hire jeff at her gym but since no one who worked for her liked him they always made sure he barely ever got to work.

    now at 19 jeff found himself standing infront of judge tyfuyo in her courtroom. she was the only judge ever in this room. it was hers, her name was carvfed into the massive wall to wall judge desk she sat behind. poor jeff was looking up at the very woman he fell in love with when he first saw her in around town. she did not know that but she did pitty poor jeff. this was jeff's first time ever arrested in his 11 years on the streets. that was very good for him but he was happy to be freshly showered and what little he got to eat due to the fights he gotten in when booked into the jail.

    etsu looked down at poor boney jeff. "mr. muler where is your attorney?" jusge tyfuyo said to him in her commanding voice. the court room was filled today all trying to get bond hearing and sentencing before the weekend, it was friday mouring. jeff has been waiting for three days now.

  "me don't have one ma'am." jeff replied to her in his soft pale voice. he was looking into her peircing blue green eyes.

  "would you like a public defender mr. muler?" she replied to him. he just gave her a confused looked. living on the streets he had no education.

   "not sure what is ma'am, no me fine." he replied to her with a pause before he finished. the courtroom or prisoners all busted out laughing at poor jeff. the guards tried to keep them quite but they pointed and laughed at him. jeff just looked into the judges eyes. he was used to it. she smiled at him.

   "order, order, or i'll give you all thriple time!!" just tyfuyo yelled out to the court as she slammed her gavel down a few times, with that threat they all shut up real fast. she looked back at jeff who was still looking into her eyes and explained to him what a public defender was but not knowing any better he still turned it down.

   "well mr. muler you are charged with theft of food, thats just a petty crime, but you got into many fights in jail. what were all these fights over sir?" just tyfuyo said to jeff. he didn't even pause to answer her.

   "tey tried to steal me food ma'am." jeff replied to her, there was some giggled from the prisoners behind him. the reports she was reading said the same thing. he stood there for about five minutes watching etsu read over reports then she looked down at him with a smile.

   "mr. muler i know this is your first time being arrested but with those fights i will have to give you a sentence. you will serve 6 months." she said to him with a smile and soft voice. jeff could only smile back at her. then he stunned the whole courtroom
   "may me stay alone in dat lock up thingy?" he asked her, he was the first to every make such a request. judge tyfuyo could only stair down at him for a few minutes.

   "i will have to decline that request mr. muler. you have done nothing wrong to deserve that. sorry." she said to him surprised at the disapointment in poor jeffs face. he new he would have to fight daily, he was to easy of a target. the guards lead him away, he was just so disappointed looking down at the floor as they lead him back to his cell.

    he was laying down trying to get left alone when as guard came up to him. he sat up and looked at the guard. it was a female guard.

  "mr. muler will you please come with me?" the lady guard said to him. it was about dinner time. he looked up into her eyes then got out of the bed and stood up infront of her. he turned around and put his hands behind his back.

   "yes me come." he replied as she put the cuffs on his and lead him out of the cell. there was thirty other prisoners in that cell alone. she walked him down a few halls and stoped infront of a door. on the door was carved, judge etsu tyfuyo chamber, the door down the hall read, judge etsu tyfuyo courtroom. they town was proud of her and showed it to her. poor jeff looked up at the guard who was smiling at him. she opend the door and they walkd in. she uncuffed him and walked out of the room leaving him standing infront of a massive desk. it was jsut about to the top of his head. judge etsu tyfuyo was carved in the front of the desk. itw as a rather large room, a couch, two large chairs infront of her desk, a small refridgarator, full bathroom with shower. pictures all over the walls. a massive book self full of books. jeff just stood there looking around not beleaviing what he was seeing. after about ten minutes the door opened and judge tyfuyo walked into her office shutting the door behind her. she walked right to her desk and stood beside jeff. jeff looked up at her in total awww at her size and beauty. he got a little red in the face as he looked up at her.

    "i hope you are having a good day mr. muler." she said to him as she stood beside him. she set her stuff down onto her desk she was still wearing her judge robe.

  "me guess ma'am." he replied to her just trying to say something. she smiled at him and patted him on the top of his head. he blushed even more. it was the start of winter in there town. etsu walked off and took her robe off and hung it on the wall. she then walked over to the fridge and got out a coke and a ham sandwich. she walked right back over and stood beside jeff who was still blushing. his eyes following her every where she went. she handed him the sandwich and coke.

   "please have a seat." she said to him after he took the sandwich and coke. he sat right down as she moved over and stood infront of him leaning against her desk. he gulped down the sandwich and coke the whole time looking into her eyes. "well jeff i have you here because i want to talk to you." she continued to him. "i'm very sorry for the long sentence jeff but i had to due to those fights. any way i know if you stay in the cell with the others you will have to fight everyday. you may be defending yourself but it will still add to your time. you also here about the request to stay in solitaire. firstly how much education do you have?" she said to him as he stood back up and stood infront of her. she enjoyed that.

   "what be education?" he replied to her ashamed of himself for not knowing. she smiled at his answer. he looked into her eyes the whole time. she loved the respect and eye contact.

   "ok, why are you not working at the gym? you do work there right or did you quit?" she asked him, he gave her a puzzled look, he didn't know that she was the one who got him hired at her gym.

   "tey want let me, no work in month maybe more. no me not quit." he said to her still puzzled but the question. she patted his shoulders almost knocking him down but jeff kept his eye contact.

  "so you have nothing going for you then do you?" she asked him, jeff just shook his head no to her. "ok, jeff i have three options for you. option 1 is that you can go back to your cell and fight all the time and wait til you get out. option 2 is you can stay in lock up as you call it and due your time there. and option 3 is you can stay in here and serve me til you are released. which one do you choose jeff?" she said to him with a hugh smile on her face but being very serous at the same time. the look on poor jeffs face she knew his answer before he even said it. she just stood there smiling at him waiting for him to say his answer.

  "me serve you miss tyfuyo." he replied to her after a few minutes of silence. her smile just got bigger.

  "you'll have to do all i say, indure all i want you to no matter what, do you agree to that? if you fail me your sentence will be doubled and you will spend it with the other prisoners." etsu said to him firmly and pointing her finger at him making sure he knew she was serous. he just looked into her eyes. so happy he gets to be so close to the woman he loves. he didn't even get the hint of the warning she had giving him with endure. she knew he wouldn't.

   "me agree ma'am. will me able to eat?" he replied to her with a slight smile as she blushed. she patted the top of  his head again.

  "of course you will, now take off your clothes. go on. you will stay in here for as long as you obey me." she said to him as he took off his clothes and handed them to her. she took them adn walked over and locked them into a locker behind her desk. "now jeff, thats the bathroom with shower. you can sleep where you want but make sure i can easly find you. there is food in the fridge and drinks. so all i say no matter what. ok?" she said to him rather loudly but softly. jeff just stood there naked infront of her scared, starved, embarrased, shaking like a lieaf in the wind, his face bright red.

   "yes ma'am, me obey and agree." he said to her softly and shyly not knowing what he just got himself into. she put on her winter coat and got her stuff ready. once she got all her stuff ready to go home for the weekend she stoped infront of him on her way to the door.

  "your my pet now jeff." she said to him rubbing his head. she was not ready for the answer she got. she started walking to the door.

  "me be ok wit that miss tyfuyo." she replied very happly and shyly. she got to the door and looked back at him shocked at what she just heard. he was smiling and blushing at her.

  "well jeff, take care of my office and i'll see you monday mourning." she said to him softly then walked out of the office. jeff heard the door lock, he had no where to go. jeff had nothing to do til she came back to work. he cleaned all he could being bored. the minutes seemed like hours as they slowly ticked by.

written by: bonkersjm