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the chase is on

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:44:05 PM

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I was walking through my local super center last week as I always do. I go there to oogle at the fat chics that shop there, so I can imagine being under them. My secret fantasy. I see a lot of fat chics there. Those big jiggling asses are hipnotic. They give me a boner every time and I have to go stand behind a rack of clothing, like I'm looking to buy it, until my erection goes away. I watch for any cute plumper I can find, but I'm out to see the really fat chics most of all. A handful of 400 to 450 pound cuties have shopped in my store with asses jiggling to my amazement the entire time. I dreamed of every one of them sitting on me. I could just imagine the way their weight would feel as they sat on my chest and or stomache, limiting my breathing while covering me with delightful softness and warmth. Every so often I would see one that had such an incredible ass that I wanted nothing more than to have her sit on my face full weight, with her counter top ass that I could set a beer on. I wondered what she would smell like, if I was able to breath at all that is.
But this day last week I saw for the first time the mother of all really fat, counter top assed, women to ever walk within my field of vision. She was the perfect woman. My heart stopped beating for moment. She was huge. She had to be about six feet tall. She was covered, pure blubber all over her body, rolls upon rolls of flesh. Her hips had to be about 3.5 feet wide maybe 4. Her legs were a mass of rolls and cellulite, thank god she was wearing shorts, from atop her thighs down to her ankles. Her blubbery cellulite covered ass jiggled above them as she walked. I couldn't tell where exactly her elbows were, but I assume they were burried in that blob of arm fat resting somewhat on her jutting hips. She was wearing a sleevless shirt too thank heaven! It clung tight to her revealing every roll and curve on her back. I quickly made my manuver to get a view of her from the front. I went 50 yards out of the way to remain un noticed and in stealth. As she approached the magnificense of her belly, hardly being able to remain contained under her shirt, bouncing and jiggling wildly with her every step almost made me cum in my pants. As equally inticing her breasts were free, she had no bra on, and the twins bounced and jiggled as wildly atop her belly paunch.
I had become adept at guessing fat womens weight, and she was every pound of 580 at least. She might weigh as much as 620 pounds, its hard to tell acurately of a woman this size.
...more to follow...

Author: spcbrown

Posted: 11 Sep 2003 09:43 I managed to watch her waddling about for a few minutes longer before she arrived at the food court. She bellied up to the counter, literally, and began to make her order. Ten minutes later a tray pilled with foods, I couldn't tell what exactly, was handed to her, and she made her way over to a table. She picked a table with regular chairs and not a booth. She wouldn't have been able to fit in a booth. Fortunately the establishments chairs were made of metal, and though a foot of her ass hung over each side of it when she sat down the chair was sturdy enough to support her weight. Oh how I wanted to be that chair.
She tore into her food with great vigor, as though she were in a contest. She seemed to being ignoring her surroundings completely. This inabled her to focus completely on her eating, and within 10 minutes she had finished everything on her tray, just as a waiter brought her a second tray pilled high with food.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 08:52 I creaped in closer. It was fried pies, or turnovers she was eating, and nothing else. She had eaten about a dozen from the first tray and had at least that many on the second.
...more to come...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 13 Sep 2003 10:42 I had to talk to her. Say hello at least. I came up to her.
"Mind if I join you?" I asked akwardly.
"No...I don't." she answered.
I just could not resist, this oppertunity to finally fulfil my dream.I was going to ask this woman to sit on me, but how to go about it. I will sound like a nut regaurdless. So I just blurted it out.
"You're obviously a very beautiful fat woman....I was wondering if you could do something for me that I would greatly appreciate?" I said to her nervously.
"I'm not going to have sex with you, so forget it." she answered.
"Oh...no thats not what I meant...though I would love to."
"What are you talking about then?" she asked.
"It's just that I would love it if I could feel your weight...thats all."
"Feel my weight?...There is no way you could pick me up." she told me.
"No...But I don't want to pick you up. I want you to sit on me...I would really love that." I confessed to her.
"You are crazy, little man. I'd kill you." she leaned forward whispering to me.
"I don't think so really...I've had a woman as big as you sit on me before." I lied about that. "She sat on me and I was wonderful."
"What?...like sitting on your lap?" she asked.
"Well...thats alright too, but I want you to sit on my body...on my chest and stomache...or just on my chest would be the best." I said to her, not having any idea how that would feel really.
"If I do that your ribs would snap like twigs." she told me...again whispering for some reason.
I recalled an occassion when I was a kid, just 4 or 5, when my fat aunt sat on me when I was lying on the couch. She weighed about 250 pounds. I was certainly crushed with her ass covering most of me. This was a fond memory though. I don't recall feeling anything bad. I thought it was fun. I could hardly breath under her, but I remember we were both laughing. My laugh was a bit restriced of course.
"I will pay you one hundred dollars to sit on me...for less than an hours time." She left me no other option but money.
" I don't want your money...I'll sit on you for free if you want me to that bad...How and where would we do this?" she asked.
"There is a large fitting room right over there...Or we can go to my house." I answered.
"They won't let us both in there will they?"
"Sure they will...couples go in there all the time." I said...not really knowing.
"Alright then...You want to meet me there?...I want to finish eating first."
"Sure...I'll go wait for you and make sure nobody gets in before us."
I rushed away with my heart racing a hundred miles an hour. I prayed that no one would be in the fitting room. I was about to get the experience of my life is what I was also thinking.
...more to follow...

Author: spcbrown

Posted: 14 Sep 2003 00:16 I stood outside the fitting room door. Nobody was in it and I wasn't about to let anyone in. The was no employee of the store around that I could see either. A few minutes later I saw her waddling towards me. Amoment later we were both standing inside the fitting room. With her in here in wasn't that big of a room it seemed.
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 14 Sep 2003 00:42 It was about a 6x8 foot space, with a 4ft long bench on one side sticking out a foot into the room.
"How do you want to do this?" she asked.
"Well...I'll lay down here on the floor by this wall...you stand about here", I pointed,"and you can sit down facing that way," again I pointed,"and then you should have plenty of room for your legs."
"Alright...but if I sit on you down on the floor I might not be able to get up." she said giggling.
"Well...thats alright...I'll be fine...I can handle it." I asured her, but I wasn't being exactly honest. I didn't know if I could handle it or not.
"Fine...if thats what you want...lets get it over with, before I change my mind...I think your nuts." she said frankly.
I took my place on the floor, and looked up at her behemoth body towering over me, with her flesh jiggling with her every move. I was aroused, but very nervous...shaking a little in antisipation. I placed my arm, nearest to her, over my head to get it out of the way, and fully exposing my rib cage for her to sit on. I was thinking*I really want her to crush my chest...but why?*
She was in position, and began to squat down. Her massive ass moved over above me and was slowly coming down towards me.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 17 Sep 2003 04:55 I was in her shadow now. She had about a foot to go before she would be actually sitting on me. I was as anxious as ever. But then she just plopped down the rest of the way. She squealed as she fell and let out a grunt when she landed. She hit with a loud thud, and a smack from the flesh colliding.She bounce up a couple of inches and came back down upon me. A moment of aftershock jiggles rolled throughout her blubbery body. She then took a moment to gather her composure back from the physical strain she had just endured. Meanwhile my head, chest, and stomache were burried beneith her mushy heavy flesh. She was centered maily on my chest. I was able to get my head turned to one side before she landed. When she did all of the air in my lungs was forced out. My chest was flattened so much from the initial blow that the cartiledge in my ribcage was seperated from the ribs themselves. This was emmencely painfull. I wasn't prepared for this. I was begining to panic. I was totally pinned under her, and I was just barely able to take a miniscule breath of air under all her weight. There was just a small crack of space my face was wedged into and flattened under her buttox. I could do nothing to help myself. She had only been sitting on me for a minute, but it seemed an hour.
She was still tiddying herself and I guess unaware of my hardships beneith her. *has she alrready forgotten that she is sitting on me?* I thought. Then I just barely heard her speak.
"This is kind of fun.." and she giggled "Is this what you wanted?" she asked me.
I was unable to give her any audible responce that it wasn't.
"Hello...how is it down there?...Hey!...You alright?" she asked, again getting no reply from me.
"Oh fuck!...I killed him!" she blurted.
Quickly I felt her begin to move, but seconds pasted and she was still sitting on me. her movements did my chest no better and the pain shot throughout my entire torso. She finally made headway in an effort to get up and off of me, but for this she had to roll to one side onto her hip. Unfortunately that side was on my head. All her weight came over onto my cranium, causing me an instant migrain, and crushing my ear to the floor deforming the cartiledge it's made of permanently.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 17 Sep 2003 09:23 It took her several seconds, but finally she made it off of me. A chilling rush of air hit my body, and filled my lungs. For that my ribs let me have it, as my chest expanded outward.
"Are you alive?" she asked, frightened.
Strength came to me suddenly. I couldn't allow her to see that I was hurt.
"Yes...I'm fine...why did you get up?"
"I thought I had killed you." she said to me, with a peturbed voice,"You didn't answer me when I was talking to you...you scared me!" she said and emphisized this but putting one of her feet on my upper abdomen and pressing down with each word.
I grimaced in pain but she was too caught up in her own emotions to notice.
"No...I'm fine...sorry." I said. That took all I had to get out without screaming.
"You're lucky I don't jump on your chest right now...scaring me like that!" she scolded me.
Her foot still sinking into and off my abdomen the whole time. I gritted my teeth behind sealed lips. If she knew I was really hurt...well I just didn't want to upset her that way, since I'd lied to her to get her to do this.
"Well...I won't jump on your chest...that would kill you...I'll just stand on your stomache here for a while...that alright with you?" she said, but was already standing there before she did. She stood with her full weight on the one foot and it sank into me as far as it could till it could go down no further. Even though she stood on my stomache, she still had a lot of presure compressing my ribs aswell. I grunted and groned, just barely able to keep from screaming with the pain I was in.
"Alright...shall I sit on you again then?" she asked as she stepped off of me.
My head, my chest, and now my abdomen were all throbbing. I grunted out, "Uh huh." I don't think I could have spoken a real word.
"I want to sit on you in a different position this time...your head hurt my ass." she told me, still unaware the pain I was in.
"Oh" I said from my pain which she took as a yes to her question.
I was far enough away from the wall that she was able to stradle me, and begin her move to sit on me again, but facing towards my feet. Her enormous ass came down towards me. I was in its shadow once more.
*Oh my god...what is she doing?* I asked myself. I could see she had ententions of sitting dirrectly on my chest.*No! Please?*
Just as before with about a foot between her ass and my body, she came falling down, only this time most of her weight would be landing on my chest...my already injured ribcage. She was giggling. I was quickly burrried and in mostly darkness. My chest immediately caved in, further separating cartiledge from bone. However this time the bones too gave way, with a muffled crack. She didn't hear it as she was giggling and her flesh covered it up. She may have heard it and confused it with the smacking sound of her blubber coliding into me. Her ass was so large that my head and face were mostly burried...wedged into the crevase of it's overhang off my chest, hence the darkening vision I had. I saw just flickers of light as her fat buttox jiggled over my eyes.
It came with a delay, like slow motion. Then the pain increased 1000%. I began to fade away, and the flickers of light went out, along with all the air I had in my lungs. It seemed like an eternity before I breathed in again, and only a fraction of a breath, filled with the sent of her crevase my face was burried in. Then complete darkness came over me. I was unconsious.
When I awoke some time later, I was freezing cold. Iwas also throbbing all over my body with dull pain, that is untill I moved. The woman was gone.
An hour later I made it out of the fitting room. I went to the hospital to receive treatment for my injurries, 6 broken ribs among other things.
I haven't seen the woman since.
...the end for now...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.