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The Bus Ride

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:39:27 PM

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The Grey hound bus pulled up, so she grabbed her bags and ran on to the bus! She saw the perfect window seat towards the center of the bus, and made a dash for it b4 someone else snaked it! She squeeze through the row and sat down. The seat was the full back type and very comfortable. She sank back in the plush seat, pushed her bags down below her and drifted off into a light sleep!

Meanwhile other passengers came on and distributed themselves amongst the empty seats. Suddenly every was startled when the bus started to list to the left. Sanity returned when everyone turned around and saw that a really heavy set woman was getting on the bus. She was one big mamma, everyone had to clear the isle so her fat ass could squeeze by. Her big ass tits were scrapping by people, almost knocking everyone over!
After she was half way down the main isle she noticed a empty seat down by one of the windows! What luck she thought as she asked everyone in that particular isle to get up so she could get in. Her big fat ass bearly fit as she plowed her way toward the vacant seat! When she got there, She kicked something soft, but she didn't pay any attention! She put her purse in the over head compartment, turned her massive body around, half bent over with her big fat ass pointed towards the seat, and started to lower her mass down!

At that moment the small woman who was asleep in that very same seat awoke just in time so see this big king size fat ass descending down towards her! Her brain was still in sleep mode and she couldn't quite comprehend what was happening, but it was too late. The fat woman's ass ever so slowly sank lower and lower into the seat, the small woman tried let out a scream but it was cut off when the fat woman finally released all her weight in-one-big-ass-crashing "kaboom"! Barbara (the name of the fat woman), remarked to herself how comfortable the seat was as she wiggled her big ass deeper into the seat to get a better fit. The person, that was seated next to Barbara, suddenly remembered that there was a young woman fast asleep in that very same seat, and the notion of this fat woman crushing that poor girl seemed incredible, but the idea seemed impossible and faded just as fast it came.

The poor woman beneath the Barbara could feel all of her 450 pounds settling down on her small frame. her chest and tits were squashed flat, and she started to panic. She tried her best to move but her arms and legs were pinned! She was barley able to suck in short shallow gasps of air! She could feel the woman's fat ass compressing her whole face flat. She thought on how her make up and hair were ruined, but that was the least of her troubles!

Barbara's big fat ass sucked up the whole seat and had extra ass leaking out the sides! The man seated next to her had to slide to the side coz of her massive girth spreading over to his side! Barbara gave him a dirty look, and he smiled back! The bus started up it's engine and started off down the road! Leaving the bus compound, the bus hit a series of speed bumps that sorta launched it's passengers out of their seats by a few inches. The fat woman was bouncing around like a fat slinky. The woman under Barbara was getting pulverized with every bounce! Barbara fat ass was was turning her in pancake! On the very first bounce (which was the biggest) Barbara flew out her seat by four inches and the woman below was able to see a split second crack of light before Barbara's fat ass came slamming back down on her! The woman could feel her her tits exploding, and her spleen and intestines felt like the were going to shoot out of her mouth! Over and over Barbara's ass landed on her like an Oil Pumper! Barbara's ass had hammered her flat! The girls body was a mess! She was smashed into unconsciousness, as the bus rumbled down the road.

One hour into the trip, Barbara was busy reading a magazine! She was totally content, and amazed on how conformable her seat was. Every so often she would wiggle her fat ass around to get more comfortable! The man seating next to her, tried to make idle conversation, about the scenery and the weather, but Barbara was getting annoyed with this guy, coz he wouldn't shut the hell up. So she just ignored him and kept reading! The girl below Barbara was crushed flat and still unconsciousness! Every once and while her body would shudder with a muscle spasm, but Barbara just thought it was another vibration in the road.

Two hours into the ride, the bus came to it's first stop for a refreshment break for the passengers. One by one everyone got up and started to file off the bus either in route to the rest rooms or to the Snack bar. Barbara was one of the last ones to get out of her seat. With a heave hoe, she wrenched herself out of her seat, her fat ass jellowed from between the armrests. She wedged her mass past the seats and out of the bus! In Barbara's seat, life started to slowly return to crushed form of the woman. She was in terrible condition, she looked like a whoopee cousion with lips! Her once perfect big tits where two flapping deflated balloons. Her hair was matted flat like DON KING'S, and her poor little pointy nose and big pouty red lips where flattend out against her face! Her whole body sqashed! Slowly her breathing came back and her crusted over eyes were started to peel open! Her vision was blurry, and her vocal cords tried to crack out verbal help, but here smashed chest just let out a wheeze! Minutes went by like hours and her legs and arms felt like pins and needles, and she could barely move anything. Just then she felt the heavy rumbling coming her way, and thru her crusty eyes she saw this big mass descending over her......"FAWAHHHUMP"!!!!!! Barbara had just squeezed down the row and dropped her fat ass into the seat! All of woman's air rushed out of lungs again, as her body was compressed down into the cushions by Barbara's fat ass! As Barbara leaned back, her massive girth sucking up every inch of the seat. The bus took off, the vibrations of the engine lulled Barbara into deep sleep! The girl below her was terrified, she finally realized what was happening to her! This big fat obese bitch was sitting on her smothering her to death! (Jane was her name), was squashed flat unable to move. Jane wanted to kick this fat bitch in her ass for being so stupid, but Jane was had more troubles at the moment. Her chest was so caved in, breathing was almost impossible. Jane tried to bite the bitch in her ass, but the fat woman's weight kept Jane's jaws from opening! All Jane could so was sit there and let this fat bitch smash the shit out of her!

Four hours into the trip, the bus pulled up into another Bus Station, and those that were getting off, got up, and went outside to stretch their limbs. Barbara, like usual was one of the last one off the bus. As she got up, her ass peeled off of Jane's flattened body, and she waddled off the bus! Jane was battered and squished, but the blood soon returned to her limbs and she slid off the chair and crawled out into the main isle and started towards the front of the bus on all fours. Just then everybody started to file back on the bus. Poor Jane looked up the first of the passengers, the first woman in the line was a heavy set woman wearing thick high heeled boots and her step landed on Jane's back crushing down against the floor boards of the bus. Her other boot landed square on her tail bone. Jane cried out in silence as her spinal cord felt like it was going to snap. The woman left deep heel marks in Jane and she continued down the isle. The next person was a goregous female wearing high heels and she her first step landed on Janes neck, and the sharp pointy heel dug in deep as she twisted it in with her second step. Slowly the woman trample poor Jane. Her heels tore her up as the next person in line started to walk on Jane. Everyone trampled this poor girl flat. Finally, at the end of the line came Barbara, and she thundered down the main isle heading towards Jane's trampled form. Barbara placed her first step right on the side of Jane's head and stepped down, Her chunky heel crunched hard into Jane's cheek, nailing her head flat against the floor and her second step landed in the middle of Jane' back! And her her spinal cord gave a loud popping noise! The bus driver started the engine and took off down the road. Mean while Barbara held on tight. Barbara stopped and turned and recognized one of her friends seating in the isle seat. "Hey John, how are you?" she said. "Barb" is that you? Wow you look great!! Did you hear, your brother is comings back from his vacation in two weeks!"...... Barbara got all excited, and started jumping up and down on Jane's body! "I am so happy!" Barb said. Meanwhile Barbara's heels were sinking into Jane like quick sand, pushing Janes spinal cord past the breaking point! Jane was in so much pain, that she started to black out! And Barbara just stood there talking away, crushing the life out of her! The bus Drive called out, "Lady, can you please take your seat!!!!" "Okay, okay....relax, I am on my way!" She he stepped off of Jane's body, and headed back to her seat. Just at that moment, the bus hit a tunnel and all went dark, just a Barbara sat down! "Kaaaplunk"..... down went her ass into the seat..... Somebody screamed! But she thought that it came from someone on the bus who was afraid of the dark! The bus came out on the other side of the tunnel, and the light returned! She noticed that she wasn't sitting in her original seat. Then it hit her..."Oh my god"....she thought...."I am sitting on that obnoxious guy who was sitting next to me"!???!! Just then, she got this warm wicked feeling! She liked crushing this stupid person! "Who will know"....she thought! So she just sat there on this poor man crushing him, with a big smile on her face.

Meanwhile Jane, was bearly recovering from the trampling she had got. Those around her thought that she was some drunk woman that stumbled on the bus. Jane stumbled over to an empty seat thankful, to finally be away that fat bitch. Just then the bus stopped to pick-up some more passangers. Another big woman got on .....She was almost twice as big a Barbara. She waddled down the isle to the row that Jane sat in, and Jane shrunk down in seat in terror! This other woman was massive. The big woman called out to someone in Jane's row and asked if this seat was taken? Everyone said no! Jane was horrified, I guess she was so small that no one saw her sitting there! Jane tried to say something but if froze in her throat! And the big fat woman turned around and sat down right on top of her! Jane was crushed flat once again. The big woman reclined the seat and got out a magazine and started to read as the bus rumbled down the road.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.