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The Break-In: Big Mistake!

Started by slimchick04, May 24, 2009, 07:46:26 PM

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Alice German had been through a terrible day.  She was flunking out of school and about to be expelled for fighting in gym class.  She had always been osracized for her size and got tired of girls making fun of her in class.  They certainly wouldn't make fun of her if they were alone with her in a dark alley.  But in groups they were ruthless.

Alice was a big girl--downright huge by most standards.  She was 6'4" tall and weighed an immense 425 pounds.  She had a condition that made her facial features and other parts of her somewhat deformed.  She had a huge rear end and had these deep set eyes that bored a hole right through you.  She didn't use her size to her advantage all the time, but watch out when she was mad.

Alice was relaxing in her room in the dark listening to some AC/DC.  She loved the group.  Her parents had gone out on this Thursday night late in the school year and she was just depressed.  The music was meant to get her out of her funk.  It was playing at a reasonable volume on her headset and she was on the brink of falling asleep.  She then removed the headset for a second as nature called, tossing the headset on the bed.  All of a sudden she thought she heard something fall on the tiles downstairs.

At first, she thought it was just one of the many sounds of the house settling or perhaps it was the percussions of the Australian musical group that she was listening to.  But she wasn't sure so she got up from her bed, releasing a huge burden from the mattress which moaned in relief at her sudden move.  She slowly made her way to the hallway then to the top of the stairs.  Yeah, someone was clearly in the house as she heard a drawer open downstairs.  Almost immediately she slinked down the hallway behind one of the walls of her father's recessed office doorway and waited for whoever it was to make their way upstairs.

Alice heard boots clopping across the hallway then one of the steps creaked a bit.  She held her breath as the intruder ascended the steps and made their way to the landing. 

When Alice peeked out this time she saw a woman of about thirty clad in tight jeans and a white midriff.  The woman was very attractive and had shoulder length brown hair.  She was perhaps 5'5" tall and no more than 115 or 120 pounds.  She was carrying a black leather purse with silver studs, a repository she intended to put to good use.

The woman walked down the hallway and went into her parents bedroom, obviously planning to steal whatever she could get her little hands on.  When the woman confirmed her suspicions thirty seconds later, opening drawers in the master bedroom, Alice left her hiding place, tottered down the hallway and got set to pounce.

At first, the woman didn't see her.  She was busy picking up pieces of her mother's jewelry and dropping it into her purse.  She found a wad of bills and stuffed that in her purse as well.  When she was finally finished pilfering what was left of everything she could possibly take, she turned toward the doorway and spottend Alice.  She immediately let out a gasp and dropped the bag, obviously stunned that someone was home; but even more so that her path to freedom was blocked by a girl whose girth and height nearly spanned the entire doorway.

Alice seethed.  "You're dead, bitch," she said plaintively, watching the woman's throat churn.  "I'm gonna teach you a listen about breakin' and enterin' that you'll never forget."

With those menacing words she propelled her gigantic mass forward, arcked her fist out and got set to slug the woman and send her into last week.  But instead the woman's bootheel thrusted out and caught Alice in the side.  It stunned her more than hurt her as the pad of fat covering her left oblique was more than ample enough to prevent serious injury.  The woman lashed out a second kick which whipped out and caught her in the got.  That one hurt and also caught the pinky finger of her right hand as she attempted to block the roundhouse kick.

Alice evaded the next kick and the following one skimmed the tip of her sleeveless shirt.  Just as the woman turned to deliver another kick Alice jumped forward and to her left, hooked her arm around the woman's leg, picked her up and then slammed her to the floor.

"Uhhhhhhh!" the woman cried as the breath left her body. She had landed on her back.  She quickly raised her hands as Alice bent down, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet.  With a quick thrust of her enormous hips and thick arms Alice hurled the woman forward into her parent's dresser.  She landed on top of it, knocking over perfume bottles and other trinkets.  With the woman now on her back again, Alice grabbed her by the throat and started choking her.  Alice took that moment to remove her boots as to not be injured or upstaged by her kkicks again.

"How dare you come into my house and try to steal from my parents.  They work hard."  Alice grew more red-faced and winded as she told the skinny chick off.  The woman was gasping for air.  She then started gagging.

Alice picked her up like a sack of potatos and tossed her toward the doorway.  The woman rolled over several times as her boots struck the wall.  She desperately tried to get to her feet and escape the master bedroom but Alice caught hold of the back of her belt and hair and pulled her backwards.  In a rage, as the frustrations of her school life culminated to the point of madness, she slammed the woman into the jamb of the doorway with her belly.

"Uhhhhh . . .  Oh God!" she cried.  The woman's legs wobbled as Alice backed up and watched her nearly fall.  Alice then grabbed her by the back of her jeans and left arm and tossed her into the hallway.  The woman slammed into the railing and landed on her stomach.

Alice again picked her hapless victim up, dragged her to the top of the steps and held her by the arms as they both looked downstairs into the foyer, Alice grimacing with ire and the woman goggled-eyed in terror.  A second later Alice flung the woman down the steps.  The woman went tumbling down the steps with a vengeance, landing on her side at the bottom of the steps.  She slowly tried to get to her feet as Alice descended the stairs bold and upright, full of confidence and thirsty for revenge.

The woman got to her feet and reached for the knob of the front door.  Just as she got set to turn it and bolt to freedom, Alice caught her by the back of her hair, pulled her back and engulfed her in a rear bearhug.

The woman screamed and pleaded with Alice.  "Please let me go.  Please let me go.  OH Pleeeeasssse let me go!"

Alice put her down and turned her around.  "I would'nt have taught you a lesson if I let you go, would I?"  The woman attempted a weak slap but Alice caught her arm.  She tried to raise her leg to kick Alice but Alice backhanded her across the cheek.  The woman's body spun around twice as she flew backwards and landed on her stomach.  Alice didn't waste any time.  She bent down, pulled the woman's head up by the hair and slammed her face into the floor.  She repeated the vicious move . . . and when she was sure the woman was knocked out she went into the kitchen and got some rope and duct tape.  She brought the tape and rope into the living room along with some scissors and placed it on one of the chairs.  Then she picked the woman up and lay her across the coffee table.  She then tied the woman up and taped her mouth shut.

As AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" echoed down the hallway and stairs from her bedroom, Alice called the police and waited for the woman to awaken.  Seconds later she did.

"I hope you learned you're lesson, you skinny little cunt," said Alice.  "I hope you never try to break into anyone's house again.  You need to get a real job and make an honest living, you hear me?"

The woman listened as the tears glistened in her eyes.  She knew she was on her way to jail, having been foiled by this oversized, mutant teen.

Alice was commended for foiling the robbery attempt.  The woman had been one of several people wanted for jewelry theft in the area.  As the woman sits in prison festering away, Alice's life has taken a turn for the better.  Her grades are improving and she avoided expulsion from her high school. 


Alice is so cute!!!!
Almost makes me want to rob her myself lol
Wish she would beat me hard too!!!