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Sorry about the duplicate posts below folks:-

More Earth Power


23-Aug-99 19:22:42

Not long after the episode in the barn (see previous) I was amazed to discover that there were some, at least one, boys that liked to be squashed. Thanks to what happened I realised that I now had a weapon that hurt them as much as their taunting had hurt me. Inflicting gratuitous violence on somebody, hitting them without reason for instance, fills me with horror and is something I could never do. Yet squashing was a source of real pleasure and addictive. I knew as I left the barn that there would be many more occasions of squashing my step brothers and it wouldnââ,¬â,,¢t always be about punishment either. Even if they never provoked me again, I was going to have the pleasure of feeling their puny bodies squirming under my tummy. I was always self conscious about my size and if I ever approached somebody down a narrow hall, I would back off the let them through. Not anymore. When ever I passed someone smaller than me, I would make sure that my tummy brushed against them, then the both of us would marvel at our size difference and the look of terror that hit their faces would remind me how powerful I had become.
At weekends the parents went out, leaving me to baby sit, and wouldnââ,¬â,,¢t return until the early hours. This gave me ample opportunity to express my Earth power to the twins. I always had to face my victim, I couldnââ,¬â,,¢t turn my back and sit on them for instance, or cover their faces so that I couldnââ,¬â,,¢t look into their eyes. So I straddled their hips with my legs outstretched, and leaned forward, slowly. The episode in the barn had only lasted a few minutes, but within a couple of weeks I had learned some self restraint. Now I could put them through at least an hour of unendurable agony before they finally passed out. Judging by the bruises on their bodies the following day, it was pain that caused them to blackout, not the air being squashed from their lungs.
I would get them both in the same room and making sure that the other was watching closely, I would start to squash one of them. Slowly pressing my tummy into the victim, I would chat with the spectator, all the time reminding him that soon it would be his turn. If the bleatings of the victim got too loud, I only had to squash a little more to make him go quiet. After an hour or so, when I was applying most of my weight and the creaking and cracking of the victims body was too loud to talk over, with perhaps a drop of blood coming from his nose or ears, I would get up and always say the same thing, "There, thatââ,¬â,,¢s better. Now for the next one." As I walked over to the spectator they would never run, just back away, eyes wide with fear, until they came in contact with the wall or a locked door. When I grabbed him, then he would start screaming and struggling (we lived on a farm, neighbours were not a concern) and I would have to wrestle him to the floor, give him a few minutes to calm down, then start squashing him. Even though they went through considerable agony and distress, it was not caused by what I was doing to them but simply by what I was, an Earth Goddess, this is what made their suffering not only acceptable, but desirable.
One game, though, was very wicked of me. As I straddled Mark, ready for the evenings entertainment, I made Paul kneel behind me, took my big cricketing sweater and pulled it on over both of us so that his head was right next to my right ear. I then told him that he had control of all my movements and if he wanted he could squash Mark. Paulââ,¬â,,¢s breathing got very ragged as Mark protested loudly at the situation. I felt Paul press against my back and we put Mark through hell. Because Paul was guiding my movements, he made me do all the things he hated most, such as bouncing my tummy on his chest and trapping his arms under my legs. I stored this away for future reference. After I had finished and removed my sweater, Paul was very flushed indeed. He obviously enjoyed his brief glimpse into the world of Earth power. He didnââ,¬â,,¢t look so pleased when I afforded Mark the same pleasure (he hates it when I lie next to him and roll across him and when I pump his tummy with mine). Now they had an inkling of the pleasure of squashing, their wait for Saturdays was pure torture, because their suffering was as nothing to my pleasure.
The twins had a friend called Edward. He was skinny, geeky, had buck teeth and used to look at me in the strangest way. One Saturday I came back from shopping and found Mark and Ed in my room going through my knickers draw. I was livid, slammed the door shut and locked it. I was always very careful to keep squashing secret, I didnââ,¬â,,¢t want any parents finding out and putting a stop to my pleasure, but Mark was going to get it good for this. Markââ,¬â,,¢s eyes were filled with terror, Ed just looked confused, but then he always did.
"You know what Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to do to you donââ,¬â,,¢t you?" I asked Mark. He mumbled something.
"Louder" I commanded.
"Youââ,¬â,,¢re going to squash me."
"Thatââ,¬â,,¢s right. Come here." Ed made a funny choking noise as Mark came and stood between me and the wall, and I was very close to the wall. I waited a few moments to let Mark take in the expanse of my tummy, no matter how many times he got close to me, my size always frightened him. Keeping my hands on my hips I bent my knees slightly, pressed my tummy against Markââ,¬â,,¢s and straitened up. I easily lifted his feeble body clear of the ground. With arms and legs flailing I started to squash. As his colour darkened and his blows against my tummy became more and more gentle, the initial heat of my anger passed. This was just something on account, tonight I was going to give Paul the evening off and spend the precious Saturday just squashing Mark. With Paul watching of course. I squashed Mark until I could feel his ribcage going inwards, held him till he stopped moving, then let him drop. Ed was stood watching and shaking, his jaw hung slack and a goober of drool was coming from the corner of his mouth. I opened the door and gestured him to get Mark out. He walked over in an odd crouching position, helped Mark to his feet and left the room. I heard them crashing round Markââ,¬â,,¢s room as he got into bed.
A few minutes later I was trying on some new T-shirts and ski pants, when I heard a scratching at the door. Ed stuck his bullet head round the jam, then sidled in, closing the door behind him.
"It wasnââ,¬â,,¢t Markââ,¬â,,¢s idea to come in here," he said, in a very subdued tone, "it was mine."
"You shouldnââ,¬â,,¢t have punished him, you should have punished me."
I started to walk towards him, he started trembling, then shaking, by the time I was near him he was almost in convulsions.
"So what are you saying?"
His voice was now a whisper, "You should have squashed me."
By now his back was against the wall and my tummy was just touching him. He was slightly taller than the twins, the top of his head reaching my nose. I could also tell that he was stronger than the twins, but that didnââ,¬â,,¢t matter. I was now sixteen years old and more than twice as heavy as the twins put together. I pressed into him, slightly,
"Like this you mean?"
He calmed down slightly as disappointment covered his face. He had been very impressed with my size and clearly expected the pressure from my body to have been much greater. The tiny amount of weight I was applying to him now was not what he anticipated.
"Yes." He groaned.
I grabbed his wrists and held his arms out against the wall, this action brought me into closer contact with him and he started to tremble again.
"Or did you mean like this?" I asked as I did a little, genuine, squashing.
He started to choke and splutter, he clearly had never been squashed before and didnââ,¬â,,¢t have the breath control that the twins had. They did have the advantage of eighteen months of training though. Well he would just have to learn. I stepped away from him.
"On the floor."
His speed in getting down to the floor broke several laws of physics. I stepped over him and settled down, through his jeans I could feel his erect manhood pressing against my crotch. ââ,¬ËœIââ,¬â,,¢ll soon squash that out of you.ââ,¬â,,¢ I thought. I put my hands on either side of his head and swung my tummy from side to side, forcibly brushing it against his torso. Paul in particular hated this manoeuvre, Ed on the other hand suddenly stiffened, convulsed, then relaxed. I sat back on his hips, his hard on had disappeared. Neither of the twins had ever reacted like this to having me sit on them. When I sat back my tummy covered Edââ,¬â,,¢s stomach and chest, almost to his neck. ââ,¬ËœRightââ,¬â,,¢ I thought, ââ,¬Ëœitââ,¬â,,¢s about timed you learned that the only one who gets pleasure out of this is meââ,¬â,,¢. As I started to lean forward, the step mother squawked that it was time for Ed to go. I felt myself getting angry again when Ed croaked up.
"Iââ,¬â,,¢m sure if I ask nice your mum will let me stay for the night."

He was right, mum did let him stay the night. The twins were glad to have him around, with the outsider they thought I would postpone my usual activities. I was glad he was there because it would be fun to squash somebody for the first time, especially now that I was good at it. Curiosity burned me up and made the hours drag. I knew there were extremely deviant people who liked to be beaten for pleasure, but there was nothing playful about squashing. I simply moved above them and gravity did the rest, if they choose to be between me and Mother Earth that was their own problem (taunting me about my size was ââ,¬Ëœchoosingââ,¬â,,¢ to be squashed).
Eventually the parents left for their evenings entertainment, saying they wouldnââ,¬â,,¢t be back until morning, leaving me to mine. They were all in the dining room when I came in and locked the door. This was my favourite squashing area because it had a polished wooden floor, the reduced friction allowed the victims to squirm. Looking down on the three of them, I let them take in my size. Due to a back problem I had been bed ridden for a couple of months and my weight had shot up. Most of my weight was still in my tummy, but my boobs had come up like a pair of balloons. I realised how big I had become when not only could I not reach my own hands around my tummy, the twins together couldnââ,¬â,,¢t reach around me.
"Mark, Ed on the settee, Paul on the floor."
They knew that arguing was pointless, but they insisted anyway. I walked over to Paul, grabbed his shoulders, kicked his feet out from under him and flipped him on his back. I was sat across his hips before he could make another move.
"Side views are the best so you two sit there" I said pointing to the floor next to me "and watch whatââ,¬â,,¢s going on."
Reluctantly they sat and watched as I leaned forward into Paul. His whimpering stopped to be replaced by groans of real pain. He would have been screaming, but the loudest noise he could make with me on top of him was a groan. Through my stomach I could feel his body being rearranged. I spoke to Mark and Ed.
"Notice how my tummy barely changes shape whilst Paulââ,¬â,,¢s body gets significantly thinner and spreads out sideways."
Mark had been through this before and just had a sulky look on his face. Edââ,¬â,,¢s colour was nearly as high as Paulââ,¬â,,¢s and his eyes came out of his head like chapel pegs. I leaned forward a little further. Paul made some muffled cracking noises.
"You canââ,¬â,,¢t see it at the moment, but his rib cage is now being pressed inwards. This is because even his bones are too puny to stand up to my weight. Iââ,¬â,,¢ll find out if Edââ,¬â,,¢s body can stand my weight soon, because Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to do this to Mark next, then you Ed."
Mark looked defiantly at me but still flinched, Ed broke out in a sweat and started drooling. I got up on all fours over Paul and put just enough weight on him. He could just move his arms up and down and his legs from side to side. His movements were like a soft, sensuous massage on my tummy. I put a little more pressure on him, and his movements ceased.
"Iââ,¬â,,¢ve got less than half my weight on him and he canââ,¬â,,¢t move or breath. You two are going to be just as helpless and in just as much pain when I come over there and squash you."
Ed started trembling to such an extent I thought he was going to explode.
"When I get round to squashing you, Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to put all my weight on you like this."
I sat back on Paulââ,¬â,,¢s hips then leaned forward, all the way forward, until my face was next to his. His face went black, his eyes rolled into his head and he went still. I held him for a couple of seconds longer, experience made me a good judge of these things and I knew that he would be out for at least an hour.
"There, thatââ,¬â,,¢s better. Now for the next one."
As I got up, Mark, in an act of insane bravura, leapt at me fists flying. I caught him in a bear hug and fell to the ground with him underneath me. He made a sickening crunch as he broke my fall. There didnââ,¬â,,¢t seem to be any permanent damage, but he was out cold for the rest of the night. In a way I was glad, now I could find out what Ed was made of.
When I turned to face Ed, he lay back on the floor with his arms out. I stepped across him. Stood upright I couldnââ,¬â,,¢t see his face over my tum. I hitched my leggings up, adjusted my bra, tucked my T-shirt in. None of this needed doing, I was just building up the tension. I bent forward so I could see his face. Fear and anticipation showed in equal measure, he was also starting to hyperventilate.
"Since youââ,¬â,,¢re the only one left, Iââ,¬â,,¢d better squash you." He nodded in agreement. I wondered if he would regret that nod before the night was done.
I sat down on his trembling hips. I could feel the arousal in his jeans through the thin material of my leggings. As I gently leaned forward he put his arms around my tummy, he shuddered then relaxed, letting out a long slow breath. I leaned in some more. My tummy engulfed him, touching the floor on either side of his body. His body was pressing into mine, he was able to take far more weight than the twins but I knew that I hadnââ,¬â,,¢t even started yet. He groaned in pleasure, rubbing the sides of my tummy and my breasts. I leaned in more and his body suddenly caved in, now my body was pressing into his, rearranging his internal organs and pressing his ribcage in. His groans of pleasure suddenly turned to pain as he started to try and lift my body off him. Strong as he was he could make no difference to the pressure I was applying to him.
"Enough." He managed to gasp.
I grabbed his wrists and pinned his arms to the floor.
"No Ed. I decide when youââ,¬â,,¢ve had enough."
I leaned into him some more and he started to look really scared.
"And enough is a long way away yet."
I held him without adding anymore weight, watching his panic slowly rise as his breathing became shorter and shorter. He struggled vainly. For a couple of seconds I thought he was going to be able to lift me, but my fears proved completely unfounded, he couldnââ,¬â,,¢t even move me. Just before he blacked out I got up off him.
"This way." I said.
Leaving my step brothers to recover on their own, I lead a staggering Ed upstairs to my bedroom. I had a long bench that had been left to me by my mother, who was also a big woman. I pulled it away from the wall.
"Get undressed and lie on that." I ordered.
I left him to it and went to the bathroom. I came back naked, carrying a towel. I wasnââ,¬â,,¢t going to lose my virginity to a geek like Ed, but I did want to squash him with my skin and not my clothing. Feigning disinterest in his huge member, I put the towel across his hips and sat on it. My legs on either side were now out of the way, I could bring the full weight of my tummy down on Ed. I had never dared try this with the twins, they simply werenââ,¬â,,¢t strong enough. I put my hands on my knees and leaned forward slightly. Ed reached up and caressed my breasts and tummy. I let him enjoy it for a few minuets more then started to add the pressure. I could feel his skin sweating, his muscles rippling and his body trembling with fear and anticipation. My own heat started to build. I looked him in the eye.
"You do know that Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to squash you to death like all the others donââ,¬â,,¢t you?"
He nodded, eyes wide with fear. I took his wrists in one hand and held his hands over his head. I leaned forward until his body was on the verge of collapsing, my breasts were just touching his face. Using my free hand I jiggled them on his face, I felt his skin flush as he came. I leaned forward until my body was pressing into his and I came. Through the heat of my orgasm I could hear Ed begging me to stop, so I squashed a little harder to shut him up and enjoyed my pleasure in peace. After a few minutes I leaned back to take a breath of air. Edââ,¬â,,¢s breathing was a little coarse, but apart from that he seemed fine.
"Still think you should be squashed instead of Mark?" I asked.
There were tears of frustration and pain in his eyes,
"It was all right at first," he whined, "but I didnââ,¬â,,¢t like that."
"Thatââ,¬â,,¢s a pity, itââ,¬â,,¢s the only squashing I do."
He groaned in agony as I pressed my body into his.
The bench gave me a degree of freedom I wasnââ,¬â,,¢t used to and it was dawn before I let Ed go. By this time he was in a very bad way. I had worked up to putting nearly my full weight on him, his ribcage creaked in the most ominous manner, his skin was grey and he was bleeding from the ears, nose and mouth. I walked to the window where the rays of the rising sun washed over me, illuminating my reflection in the full length mirror. I looked over my enormous body, made in the image of the Earth Goddess and realised how truly beautiful it was.


(The next day Mark had extensive bruising and Paul was no worse than normal. Ed had two broken ribs, a dislocated hip and a ruptured spleen. He said he fell down the stairs looking for the bog. Two months later when he was visiting the twins again, I almost fainted when he asked my mum if he could stay the night).
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.