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small fry consumed

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 11:24:52 PM

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One hot and humid summer night I was out at the local bar sitting in a back dark corner where nobody ever goes or even notices. I like this part of the bar for I can easily watch everyone and not even get a glance. Yet on this night I meet missy and her friend heather. For when they walked throught the door everyone stopped and stared at these two amazons. As they walked past the bar they each ordered a pitcher of beer and then headed my way.
Missy said " mind if we join you it is the only seats in this place as she lowered her bulk into the booth. Half of her stomach was on top of the table and her hips and ass spread out on the seat and left me with only a little room on the bench. Heather did the same on the other side. They asked my name and I told them Jeremy.
"so Jeremy I hope you don't mind that we joined you actually we didn't really care if you did or not it isn't like your little body could have stopped us." said heather "by the way how tall are you?"
With that I replyed that I was 5 foot 3inches and weighed in at 130 pounds. They both started to laugh and I asked what was so funny. They just looked at each other and downed there pitchers in one big old gulps. They then pushed there way out of the booth and told me they wanted to dance and that I need to come along. As I stood up I I noticed I only came up to both of there breasts, they wiped me out onto the dance floor and I was in between both of them.
"See this is what we were laughing at both of us are 6 foot 4 and so you only can get up to our breasts and if you kneel you would be even with our pussy right." with that heather kicked my legs from behind and I fell flat on my knees looking square into missy's pussy she charged forward as heather did the same behind me and I was sandwiched in between two hot grinding pussies. As quickly as that happened they turned around and slammed there asses into my head. They backed off and pulled me to my feet still sandwiching me in between there massive breasts which had to be 40 ff size on both. Missy looked down at me and said " you see tiny we both out weight you also we each weigh 650 pounds. That is 5 times your weight. With that they lifted me off my feet by my arms and took me back to the both Missy through me into the both and I landed laying on the seat. Before I could even move Missy's Large fleshy ass was coming down apon me only stopping inches before settleing down. I looked at it in horrific style. Then one of her massive hands grabed me and plunged my legs through hers so my face was straight under her ass. Once I was in position she flopped straight down onto my face shoving my nose deep up her ass. I could hear only faint things from being under her ass my head would probably exploded if it wasn't for all the flesh around me. She was wearing no underwear under the dress so I could smell everythign about her. I was getting a little are from a source that was coming down her ass through the ass crack and into my nose. I heard them order there 6th pitcher of beer and then I felt Heathers foot fondling my dick. She started to rub it and I started to moan into Missy's ass which made her to move and grind on my face a little as she got wet. Heather picked up the base and I moaned loaded which made Missy start to quiver .

Missy started to moan and told Heather to make me moan loader so with that Heather took her foot and slammed it into my balls and dick making me scream in pain sending Missy to an orgasm. As she came down from it she was like I need to go use the rest room. As she started to get up Heather mentioned why you have a mans mouth right under you use it. Good Idea said missy but lets leave first, so they walked out of the bar making sure I said nothing by squeezing my balls.

When we made it outside we walked over to the alley and they layed me out on the cement. As I tried to fight heather steped up onto my feet making me scream and obey. I opened my mouth as missy started to unleash her flood of piss all over my face not caring about where it went. After she had finished they picked me up and through me into there car and drove off.

A bright light hit my eyes as I relized the trunk lid opened up and Heather and Missy grabed me and took me into there house where they through me onto the floor. I notced the two of them stripping down and I couldn't take my eyes off of the two globes hanging from both of there chest and the huge stomaches hanging and finally there large asses juggling up and down as they came closer to me.I didn't even notice that Heather had straddled above my head and moved her ass right over my face and WHAM sat down hard. Now it is my turn with that she let out a large fart which made them both laugh.

" You see Jeremy we hate men and the more and more we can destroy every shread of man hood they have we do it until they can't take it anymore and parish. For we love to eat so if you last long you will endure our rath of weight gain and we don't expect to feed you much maybe just bread soaked in our piss and piss to drink that is it. SO I hope you are ready to serve our every need even if it means pain for you . With that she dropped her ass onto my face again and I felt Missy place a heavy foot onto my chest.

sharp Pain and the air going out of my lungs was the next thing that happened as missy stood up onto my stomach. " oh wow I feel his insides moveing around under my feet. Just think of the damage my 600+ body is doing to your internal organs. With that I felt her feet leave my stomach in a hurry and then I felt a blow like no other hit my stomcah and crotch :shock: knocking the wind out of me and knocking me out........... to be continued
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.