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Skipping School

Started by miami_FA, June 17, 2007, 11:28:52 AM

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Decided to give it another go...let me know what you guys think and i might add on...

After getting a little more alcohol into ourselves we began to lose our inhibitions. Staring at michelle as she talked with christy i spilled a glass of wine all over myself and christy. After the necessary apologies and clean up i informed the 2 i was going to shower up quickly and to make themselves at home. Not even 5 minutes into the shower and in come both michelle and christy to join me, both naked, michelles body showing the years of her being a tomboy, but christy's body was the polar opposite. See michelle was about 5'6 with a very athletic trim, christy on the other hand was about 5'5 with a much more plump physique. She had enormous breasts and a giant asswhich tapered into some of the thickest thighs i've ever seen. As she walked in i found myself mesmerize by the jiggle of christy's entire body and i guess michelle must've noticed because i caught them winking at each other. I didn't question why they were there, we were all drunk, and i knew better than that. Then i was jerked back to reality when michelle suddenly dropped the soap, as i bent down to pick it up, christy stepped up and stood an inch from my face, i was eye level with her pussy. I stared in awe and didn't notice michelle tilt the shower head so the water would land on christy and cascade down her dimpled body. She turned ever so slowly as the water dripped all over her body till her back was to me. Her ass cheeck rubbed against my face and it just put me into a deeper trance. She stopped turning when my face was in her ass crack at which point she grabbed both her cheecks and spread them as far as they could. Her crack was so deep, and her cheeks were so fat, and my head was so small. I caught myself wondering how far into her asscrack my head would reach, i quickly shook the notion out of my head as i came to and started to rise. But no, michelle's hands suddenly grabbed my arms and forced me back down onto my knees, I couldn't see since the water kept splashing onto my face. I barely had time to stryggle when i suddnely felt michells foot on the back of my head as she pulled my arms back.

"Ready christy," she asked.
"hurry the fuck up, i'm tired of holding my ass open" replied christy.

Just enough context in the conversation for me to figure out what was about to happen, and my suspicions were confirmed as christy leaned forward to spread her ass cheecks and michelle pushed forward with her foot. I felt my face slide agaisnt the inside of her cheecks till they would give no longer, Then i heard them above me.

"Alright i'm gonna lean against this wall and u keep forcing him into my ass till he's all the way up there" said christy.
"Ok christy, but you tell me when to stop." replied michelle

Thats when i felt myself being pulled forward a couple of inches. After christy was satisfied with her position, she yelled "GO!" to michelle, and she went. All i could feel was an immense pressure behind my head when suddenly, i started to slide forward. Deeper anddeeper i slide in the darkness that was her ass. Up until now i had been able to pull in small gasps of air but now that wasn't possible. I finally reached the end ooof the road when my nose poked her anus and she contracted her anus around it. Above me however, michelle was in shock as she kept puching and puching until the point where christy's ass cheecks came back around my head and met up at michell's ankle. She stopped for a moment and christy yelled for her to keep going, and so michelle kept on until her foot too was stuck in  her ass crack. Once they felt that i had traveled far enough, michelle began struggling to pull her foot out of her ass crack, after finally succeeding she knelt next to me and asked if i could here her. Incredibly enough i could so i raised my hand, she smile and she positioned the water to land right above christy's back as she began to relax. Michelle crept up next to me again,

"Now the fun really begins, start licking" was what came out of her mouth. The last 2 words hit like a bomb and i knew this wasn't gonna be as easy as i had originally thought...
