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Roommate Troubles

Started by fuel1563, March 13, 2007, 09:12:30 PM

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Lois needed a roommate to share expenses so she took in Trisha.
Trisha was a living breathing Barbie doll with long blond hair, 5'2" tall & 115 pounds.Pretty soon Trish had run up a $400 phone bill, wasn't paying her share of the rent on time, and was taking Lois's clothes without permission. But the final straw came when she started flirting with Lois's boy-friend. Thats when Lois told her to pack her things & get out. About a week later at 3:00 in the afternoon while Lois was at work, a key started turning in the door to their apartment. Trish snuck in and started for the bedroom, probably to steal some of Lois's stuff or do some sort of vandelism. Before she got to the bedroom, Trish heard a sound and turned around to see the biggest woman that she had ever seen watching her from the bathroom. This young woman was barefoot, in nothing but a bra & panties and was 6feet 4 inches tall and 390 pounds! Trish asked who she was & the behemoth said that she was Lois's new roommate and that she was told that you might come back to do some damage.Trish stammered that she was just here to collect the rest of her belongings & that "You better stay away from me you fat bitch" Laura the huge young women said "you lying slut, you got all your stuff already, and I was told that if you showed your face around here ,that I was to teach you a lesson!" With that she started slowly walking towards Trisha who was backing up until she was up against the bedroom door. Trish held out her skinny little arms to fend off this huge monster who was walking towards her, but Laura just ignored her attempts to fend her off & walked foward until her massive belly had pinned Trisha against the door. Then she leaned foward, completely squashing the smaller girl against the door. Laura crushed her for about a minute & when she backed off, Trisha was completely squashed & holding her ribs, trying to get her breath back. Laura then clamped one hand under Trisha,s neck & picked her up in mid-air as if she really was a doll. With her other hand, Laura ripped the blouse off her helpless foe, and then peeled the pants off of her also, so that she was now suspended in mid-air in nothing but her bra & panties. She then carried the tiny wriggling Trisha over to the middle of the room, tossed her to the floor and without warning sat down on her tiny little ass. Trisha was buried under this mountain of fat & completely squashed within seconds. When Laura finally rolled off of her, Trisha started puking and gasping that she was hurt.Laura picked her up in her fat arms, carried her to the door of the apartment,tossed her out into the hall in her underthings & told her that if she ever came back, that she wouldn't get off so easily!
- end -
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.