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Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:31:48 PM

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Nick had known Tina for about four years, and she had never told him about Linda. Suddenly Linda calls from the railway station and asks Tina too pick her up. Nick looks at this beautiful woman standing in front of him. She is in her early thirtees, a couple of years older than Tina and yet another three years older than Nick. And her body! Wow!!! Blond hair to the waist, green eyes, 6'3" and about 200lbs. Nick was almost as tall as Tina but with Linda he looked right into her shoulders. As they went home he couldn't take his eyes of her body in the rear-view mirror. He heard the girls talk about their old classmates, parties, old boyfriends and other things girls talk about after five years. He also heard Linda mention one thing that made him wonder. She said: "have you ever done the thing again that we made to Thomas?" "Oh, I've almost forgot about it...but as you mention it, why not", she said, nodding her head at Nick just so much that he noticed it.

Finally at home the three of them drank some beer and talked, and after two hours and three beers Linda said "what do you thnk Linda, is he up to it"? "Up to what"? Nick said looking at Tinas teasing smile. "Yep, and this time I bet 20 dollars he lasts one minute." "Well, I think
I'll have to test him before I can take that bet" Linda said. "Ok, he's yours" Tina replied. "Hey, what's this" Nick laughed out a little nervous. "It's allright",said Tina, "we're just gonna relive late eighties with you".

With that she gently told him to lay down on his back on the sofa, and he'll get an experience he won't easiely forget. So he did and as he lied down he saw Linda standing with her back to him. "What do you think of my butt?" she said, smiling at him. "Do you think it's an attractive butt?" "What? of course I think" he said, looking at Tina to see her reaction. But all he saw was an excitet glimps in her eyes. "Do you want to feel it?" Linda continued. She was wearing a tight leather skirt, and unbuttoned it revealing black pantyhose containing two gorgious buttoxs. She took his hands and placed them so he could feel how firm they were, and at the same time she moved closer to him. As she stood just above his belly she said: "have you ever had a woman sitting on your stomach?" And before he could answer she lowered herself onto him. He couldn't belive what just happened. Now this beautiful 200lbs woman was sitting on his stomach and his girlfriend was watching. "How does that feel?" Tina said. He felt his little friend wanting to escape from his shorts, so he said just what he felt: "WOW".

"So, am I to heavy for you?" she asked after 40 seconds. "No, not yet", he said, "and even if you were, I wouldn't admit it just yet". "Ok" said Linda, lifted her butt 15 inches and bounced twice and got off Nicks stomach. As she bounced he folded as the air rushed out of his lounges. "I raise the bet to 30 dollars if we raise the limit to 2 minutes" Linda continued. Nick was just about to ask what the hell was going on, when the girls took seat on each side of him. "Relax", said Tina. "This is how it is". Both girls was smiling as they started caressing Nick,
and Tina continued. "We're gonna make a bet with you. Linda is gonna sit on your stomach with me on her lap. As she's 215 lbs and I'm 275, it's almost 500 lbs on your 180 lbs body. And the limit is 2 minutes." As he was calming down he said with a smile: "What's there for
me if I stand 2 minutes"? Linda and Tina smiled at each other and answered "Us". "And if you don't, we're gonna use your body anyway we find suitable, for, let's say 2 hours." "Let's say it's a thing between our butts and you." Linda giggled and continued "I look forward to sit
my naked ass your face, and to feel your tounge deep inside my ass."

"Certain to win, I hear", Nick said as he stood up from the sofa and placed himself on his back on the floor. "Ok, I'm ready when you are". With that Linda place her butt on Nicks stomach, and her feet on his shoulders. Her weight was a nice feeling, and seeing that Tina was about to sit down, he felt the hardon again and suddenly, there it was, 500 lbs centered on his belly.

"And the time is running", he heard Tina say, but all he could see was her bubblebutt between Lindas legs, just a few inches from his face. 30 seconds and a bit heavy. . . 50 sec and even more heavy. "Ok, it's heavy, but to have two stunning ladies on top of me, and Tinas ass just in front of my face. I'm gonna hang in there as long as I can", Nick was thinking to himself as he heard the girls giggling and Tina said "one minute". He felt Linda tightening her buttocks once in a while, and that only made it more sensual. "One min. 20 sec," Tina said. "I sure would like to sit some more this evening. To make sure we will, let's bounce once or twice". "Hold it," Nick gasped. "Sorry", Linda interrupted. "We didn't set any rules before, so you just have to live with it. One, two bounce." Nick felt like his spine sunk into the carpet, but still he loved it. He looked up at Tinas butt and saw it raising again, and two seconds later he felt the same sensation again. It was a rush, but this time it was really heavy, almost painful. He heard Tina shouting "1,45, let's do it again!" "NO" Nick screamed "no, I give, you win, please get off of me". But it was too late, he saw Tinas butt coming down on him, bouncing off onto his chest and settling down on his neck. Tina adjusted and as Nick tried to breath as much as possible, it looked as if he tried to suck her butt into his lungs. "Oh, I could get used to this," she said.

The girls lay down beside him and Tina started kissing his stomach as Linda caressed his head and face and whispered "you were really great." Tina looked at him with a worried face and said "are you allright honey?" "Yes I think so, just a bit sore at the moment." "Good,"
Tina replied with a horny expression. "You haven't forgotten what you're in for, I hope". "Allright", Nick said. "Let's do it like this. Let me lie here for a few minutes, caressing and touching your butts and relax, and after that we've got the whole night left." "Sounds good to me", Linda said, "but just one thing so that you don't try to run away!" Before Nick could react, he saw Lindas sweet ass coming down on his face. "Ooh, this will be a night to remember", he thought to himself as he started caressing.

Excuse my grammar and spelling.
Carpe diem
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.