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part two: three steps to go

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:55:33 PM

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The ride to her house was horible on my legs and pelvis area for her ass stretched all the way there. She made sure she it ever bump in the road so she would bounce on my legs I couldn't feel them after about ten minutes because all the blood was cut off from her crushing assult on them. We finally stopped and she got out and told me to get out I couldn't stand on my legs for they where just getting the blood back into them and they hurt like hell. She told me she wanted to carry her into her house. There was no way I could due that with her weighing so much more than me and my legs really not functioning. With that she pushed me down on all fours and mounted my back and told me to start going I had a hard time moving but I started to crawl along the grass feeling my knees scrap along the dirt and my hands sinking into the ground. I could feel my back struggling to hold her weight I felt as if I was about to fold in two. Then she told me to stop and she got off and walked the rest of the say I was about to get up when she stepped a foot down on my hand and i felt as if a cement block fell on it I crumbled in pain thinking it was broken only to hear her laugh. I didnt' even step on it with my full weight , your such a weakling. When we got inside she opened up a door to her down stairs and we went down to her dungon. This is where you will spend your final days down here, I want to show you something she said. With that she walked over to a pile of cushions stacked three high. and about six feet long. This is your life source basically see watch, she sat down on the cushions and where she sat sank flat to the floor. When I feel like it I will remove a cushion by the time we are down there will be no more cushions. You will start with three and in the end the only cushion under my ass will be you. Understood slave. Yes mistress I said. Good so have a seat in the chair for now we need to make some things straight as she got up. I sat down read to listen to her she walked around me and then bent down in front of me to pick something up from the table all of a sudden she fell back into the recliner. I couldn't believe the impact I felt as if my legs exploded and the air rushed out of my lungs as she leaned back. She switched postitions and then got comfortable. I then heard her turn the tv on and she was watching a porno. Understand one thing cushion you are my seat, my floormat, my punching back, my trampoline if I want your nothing but an object for me to use and abuse so I hope you can handle my weight for two hours. With in the first thirty min I felt as if my lungs where going to explode since I could get no air and I could feel her squirming her hips and ass around on my cock twisting it under her weight. Next thing I knew she was standing up and getting naked she grabed me as I gasped for air and throw me on the cushions she straddled my body and then positioned her cunt over my face.she settled down and applyed some weight on my headand started to rub herself up and down my face using my nose and tounge as her dildo. She fucked my head and it felt as if i had a vice grip around my head and a bag of bricks pushing down on my skull. She added more weight as she got more and more aroused. I sucked on her cunt and licked it pushing my tounge into it every chance I had I would swirl it around and nipple and suck at the same time. She started to breath heavy and pushed down on me with her full weight I could see stars in the darkness in front of my eyes as the pressure increased I could feel my head and a instant headache coming on from the pressure as I became light head from the lack of oxygen and pressure. My mouth was pushe open under her cunt and I felt a wave of wetness hit my tongue and run down the back of my throat. she cam hard and squashed my head and then she sat up looking at me. MY eyes didnt' focus right away and I coughed and sputtered on her cum as I tryed to breath also. she moved forward slightly and released a little gas as I breathed heavy. I could smell the stench and next thing she was getting up and moving ot sit on my stomach. She could see that I had a huge erection from that and she went and started to suck on it engulfing it in her mouth and drgging her teeth up my shaft. Your as big as a hot dog I could just eat this right off of you and she started to bit the very end of the penis right by my ball sac. Then her tounge ran all the way up my shaft and tickled my head. I was screaming in pain one moment and loving the feeling the next. She let it go and told me that if I cam in her mouth I would pay for it. She leaned forward and started to suck on it as if she was thirsty and my dick was a straw in a milkshake. I tried to hold out as long as possible but couldn't do it. She sucked it so hard and tickled the head so slow and sudductive that I cam in a huge massive shock wave. She knew it also and she pulled away right before I exploded so it shout about two feet in the air and land on the ground. I warned you she said. With that she leaned straight back and started to stand up then she fell back down lifting herself a little higher and higher each time smashing down on me. I could only imagion what is would be like if I didn't have the cusions under me. Next she grabed my hands pushed her way back up to my face and then put her feet on my hands. With her off my body and her weight starting to focus on my hands I felt my hands starting to spread out under the presure. As she fully stood up I felt my hands give under her weight. The creaked and then a loud crack and more small cracks as she crushed my hands under her weight I screamed in pain as my hands where a crushed mass of nothing. To make sure everyhting was busted she twisted her feet.

She felt his hands under her feet as she stood up she felt them starting to expand to there limit she started to get excited and then she felt the bones under her bare feet just pop and snap. She felt the top of his right hand just burst apart and the bones shatter in both hands. SHe twisted on them a little and then said, "opps was that your hands I thought they where twigs they sure broke like twigs. with that she laughedand stepped forward. Well I guess you can't masterbate now can you so I control your orgasms now. See you tommarow hope you can handle the pain oh wait you can't handle anything any more. Ha ha ha ha. With that she went up stairs and all I did was cry myself to sleep as the pain was incredible only thinking do I really want to due this.

to be continued........
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.