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Part Three: the hot spot

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:57:37 PM

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I awoke to her laughing and pointing at me. When I fully woke up I felt and saw what she was laughing at. Looks like someone couldn't hold it and wet the top mattress. Well in that case we need to get rid of it. With that she flipped me off making me scream in pain due to my once mobil hands being crushed to a blood pulp the night before. She then picked me up and set me on the remaining two mattresses. Well hun what will it be since I have to feed you would you like to drink your orange juice first or eat your bacon and sausage first. I told her i was hungry and wanted my bacon and sausage first. So she told me that i would have to wait for it to get done and in the mean time she was going to watch some tv. With that she grabbed the remote and sat down on to my chest, my ribs flattened right away and my lungs were decompressed instantly with the force coming down on top of me. She laughed at how the air was pushed out of my lungs and then she wiggled around on my chest saying I was boney and hard to sit on. With that she got up and spun the mattresses around she then resat down but this time her ass was right over my face. She lowered it and then dropped it down on my up turned face when it was a few inches from my face. I took in a deep breath right before that only to smell her women hood and her gas that she passed silently . It was horrific smelling, like rotten eggs and shit. It was stuck in my nose for all of her 640 pounds was crushing my skull like a block of cement. Her ass engulfed me and she spread her legs out so her feet rubbed up against my dick. She was wearing no panties for she sleeped in the nude and came straight down stairs from the night before. I could feel a little cold breeze comeing from in between her legs so I had a little air to breath. She wiggled around for some time on my face causing it to build up a lot of heat in between her legs. She started to sweet and her oder got more noticable and more powerful. I could tell she was watching something good and steamy for she started to rock on my face making my head feel like it was going to split right into two parts and get grounded into dust. Just when I thought it couldn't get anyworse she told me that the bacon and sasuage was down and she started to get up by sliding forward across my face dragging her ass. THen all of a sudden her asshole stopped right over my mouth and she told me to open wide because her came my bacon and that she was sorry but she need to save money so I was eatting the recycled food. With that she grabbed my mouth and forced it open and then slammed her ass down on to my face. I was horrifid I didn't know what to due I didn't want to eat her shit. and just then I felt a burst of air fill my mouth as she let a long loud fart go, followed by my first piece of breakfast. It was long and think and flood right into my mouth and I had to just swallow it or be suffacated by her for her ass was holding my mouth open and holding the shit in my mouth from spilling. After the first one which was a good six inch turd she let go two smaller ones and then farted again. Then she shit two more long turds and finished. She laughed as she sat up as I choked and gaged wanting to throw up. As I finished swallowing she remounted my face and took her morning piss filling my mouth full three times and on the fourth time she just let it flow so fast as I swallowed it went up my nose. She sat back with her pussy right in my mouth and started her video again she patted my tummy and said, " seems to be full hopefully you enjoyed it. She continued to fuck my face under her hot spot of love which was getting more wet as she went on. rubbing her clit along my face, having me suck on her as she would then grab my hair and shove it up into her pussy. She did this for two hours straight as I slipped in and out of black and light. She had orgasmed more time than I can count. My face was matted and sticky. I smelled like her and nothing else.She got off of my face, See I just got done marking my area with my sent. But by the looks of it you want more for you are throwing me a bone it seems. With that she went over to my dick and started to fuck it as hard as she could just dropping her weight into it after it was inside of her. She squeezed it and rode it up and down and up and down and in and out until I exploded inside of her and she basically had a huge orgasm which almost crushed my dick. She pulled out a cigerate and lit it up and then she picked up the phone and called one of her friends. She didn't want to sit on the floor so she picked me up and put me on one chair and my feet on the other with nothing holding my legs. SHe then started to sit on my legs as she started to talk. She sat down fully on them and they felt like they where going to snap right in to two. Yet I just sat there and listedned to her mindless conversation as she would slightly pounce on my legs causing terrible pain. I could feel the muscles in my leg ripping due to the time period she had been sitting and the strain it caused. I felt the cartlidge in my knees basically pop out and my knee caps rubbing against each other. She also saw his feet turning blue due to the lack of blood to the feet. All of a sudden she jumped to her feet as her friend said something to her and with that pain went into my legs and feet as blood ran to them yet it was short lived as she totally forgot about what she was doing and she just plopped right down onto my legs. Muscle tore away from the bone and my knee caps shattered as my legs folded up and hit the ground with her massive 640 pound frame landing on top of them. I went unconcious due to the pain. She on the other hand was laughting and telling her friend she just totally shattered my legs and then crushed them into dust as she landed on them. Hey julie she said, I am holding his foot which seems to be just held on by skin. and other stringy things. Well I need to let you go Julie for I am getting really excited and I think it is time we end this to hell with the mattress I just want to crush and smother him to death. I want to feel his ribs and spine shatter. I want to feel him quake under me as he moans and pleads for his life as my big ass engulfs him and sucks the life out of him. Julie I need to go for I am so fucking hot I need to due this bye. She hung up the phone lifted herself off of his mangled legs and she put one foot on his stomach and smiled saying let the fun begin.

to be concluded.........
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.