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Office Crush

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:01:47 PM

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Today for the first time (since I played around as a kid) I was trampled by two women. They work in my office. One is 30, 5ââ,¬â,,¢8ââ,¬Â, about 170. The other 40, 5ââ,¬â,,¢7ââ,¬Â, about 190. They both have very large tits and are full assed women. I have always admired their figures but never expected to take their weights. Any way I do like to be sat on but am not really into being trampled. I am 5ââ,¬â,,¢9ââ,¬Â and 160. I have had a back ache all week, and when I complained today the lighter one (if 170 is light) playfully suggested that she walk on my back. It turned me on for her to ask, so I played around some, trying to get her agitated, and said I wanted a massage not a squash. She gave me a look. Then I said she could if she used only half her weight. She gave me another look. I said, Ok letââ,¬â,,¢s try it and layed down on the carpeted floor in our conference room (only use 3 were in the office). She took off her shoes and stood up on my lower back full weight. I didnââ,¬â,,¢t expect that. I have not been stood on since I was a kid and then in fun. So I wasnââ,¬â,,¢t prepared for weight of a full grown woman, especially a 170 pounder. I felt her feet flexing for balance and my back and stomach felt like squashed together. It was a lot tougher than being sat on. It made my stomach feel sick and I asked her to take off some weight. She asked if I was kidding, I said no, she said her she can stand on her husbandââ,¬â,,¢s back as long as she wants and he loves it, never asks her to get off. I told her it was too much for me, no offense but I guess she got offended because she stayed on. She moved up my back between my shoulder blades. It made it hard to breathe. She stayed there seeming to like feeling me breathing under her feet. The she said ââ,¬Å"come on _________ help me outââ,¬Â (the other woman) and the heavier woman came over. She looked down at me and said. ââ,¬Å"poor ________ (my name) and then stood on my ass! They were using the wall for support but it didnââ,¬â,,¢t lessen the weight on me and when she stood her weight on my ass it felt like it was crushing me. With the two of them it was more than squashing. It really hurt my genitals and I think she knew it because she kind of bounced flexing her knees. The other one started in unison and each time they came down I would groan out loudly, I couldnââ,¬â,,¢t help it. Then the heavier one walked up right behind the lighter one and I had all their weight on my upper and mid back. It was a relief to my genitals but combined it was a crusher and I could not breathe. Remember this was around 350 lbs or more. I asked them to get off and they said ââ,¬Å"what, we canââ,¬â,,¢t hear youââ,¬Â. God were they heavy. I could hardly speak and my voice was small and vibrated as they bounced on me. Like uuuhhhhhhââ,¬Â¦.uuuuhhhhh. Honest to god it was forcing all of the air out of me. I started to panic and hyperventile little breaths. They laughed and bounced on my back. It started to hurt and burn in my lungs and I asked them to please get off. They went on with this canââ,¬â,,¢t hear you stuff for awhile until I started getting sick to my stomach and coughing. It was more like gurgling since I didnââ,¬â,,¢t have enough air to cough. I pounded the floor and pled with them to get off, please please please. Finally they both stepped off of me. I had to lay there for almost ten minutes before I regained my air and had the strength to get up. When I rose they were both sitting on the couch in the conference room with their skirts hiked up so I could see the thickness of their thighs. Honestly, I was scared and made an excuse to leave and am now out of there at home. I am bruised on my back and think they may have cracked a rib because it really hurts. I am honestly concerned about being alone in the office again with those two. I got a healthy respect for what a women can do with her weight and feet too. I understand it can be a turn on but this was too much!

Today the two other girls in the office found out what happened yesterday. They are not as big, but one is very tall. We were all together in one office and I complained that I still had my back ache and yesterday's events didn't help cure it. The 170 pounder said, Well all 4 of us are here now, we could all stand on you. They must have discussed it before I came in, since they all smirked and smiled at me, like they would do it. What thoughts raced through my mind of all 4 of them on me(and my dick hardened noticeably in my pants). I thought to myself there was no way I could take it, so I changed the subject to giving me a back rub. The 170 pounder did oblige, going into my office on the floor and sat on my ass as she rubbed my lower back. It was nice, her ass felt so good on me and not the crushing weight of yesterday. That was it for today, but it is in my mind to consider whether I could take all 4 on me. The two others are about 140 and 115 so the total would be 615 lbs. I don't think I could handle it.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.