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not one of my bests...but not too bad either...

Started by miami_FA, October 06, 2005, 10:57:33 AM

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HI my name is emily, and this is how i acquired my newest toy. It had already been a stressful day for me. I mean almost everyday is stressful to me, people constantly staring, whispers behind my back, or when you walk into a room and suddenly everyone stops talking. I personally saw no problem with myself, but apparently everyone else did. Standing 5'5 and 280lbs. its no surprise i'm usually the butt of every joke. Everything about me was big, i had a giant ass, a midget could take cover from the rain under, and immense breasts, 44GG which apparently brought me the most attention, especially from my sick boss andy. That little fucker is the reason i had gone out drinking tonight, he spent all day giving me his work to do and stare at my cleavage whenever he thought i wasn't looking, but i catch him each time. I was getting fed up with people, with life altogether, then i looked at the only lit up store on the street i was walking. A store called "The Cauldron" with blacked out windows, it seemed closed but something told me to go anyways. I opened the door and was blinded by the light in the place as i walked in, it was one of those witch shops, like the ones on tv, all messy with the weird lady behind the counter and everything. I looked around and started picking up random things and examining them, everything was so unique, especially the lady behind the counter, she kept staring at me, and would smile whenever i looked at her. I was looking at some potion books, they were categorized in alphabetical order and i was looking at the revenge section, that little bastard boss of mine would be a perfect person to try these on. I shook my head and laughed, did i really think this was gonna work, Thats when the lady spoke to me,
"yes it will work, all of my potions work, no one ever believes in it enough to try them though."
I jumped, how did she know what i was thinking, "I'm a witch, and a good one at that, i just know," responded the lady behind the counter. I was scared, but not as much as i was curious, i walked up to her with the book in hand and began to talk to her. I explained whyÃ,  wanted to get revenge, i'm not usually one to hold a grudge, but 3 years as a secratary and no promotion made me bitter. She was a good listener, she smiled and opened the book and pointed at a potion,
"does ur boss have a family?" she asked, "No, that fucker can't even hold onto a girlfriend," was my response, "perfect," said the witch.
She then led me into a room and closed the door, she stood me in the center of the room and began chanting and waving incense, i was getting a bit freaked out by it. Sure enough the smoke swirled on the floor in front of my feet until it looked like a miniture tornado and sure enough it stopped spinning, leaving a strange shape on the floor. The witch came and grabbed the shape and began to talk to me about voodoo dolls. She said that this was a special doll, the doll would not burn, freeze, break at all. "You could drop it from a building, run it over with a car and it won't break but thats not the best part, the person will feel every single thing u do to them, not cuz its a magical doll, but because this is the actual person." said the witch, and i was confused, not for long though as she handed me the doll i realized it was a perfect replica of my boss, only it was about 4 inches big, i grabbed it and it moved. It was true, this was really him, he was yelling at me and kicking and flailing his arms. This was incredible, "try him out," said the witch, and i dropped him onto the floor, he landed with a thump but continued moving.
"No, really try him out, he can't die in that form," so i smiled and evil smile as i lifted my foot and stomped down on him, my foot was almost flat on the floor and you could still see his arms moving on the sides on my shoe, i stood on one foot and got off and andy actually got up and brushed off some dirt from his clothes, thats incredible, i could do anything i want to him. The witch noticed my smile and said, "he doesn't need to eat, use the bathroom, sleep, or breathe, although his body involuntarily makes him breathe if u were to cut off his supply he wouldn't die." I raised my eyebrow at the last comment, she smiled, "if ur suffocating him he won't die from lack of oxygen, but when ever he's able to breath freely, he will be breathing since respiration is automatically controlled by the brain." I picked andy up, "very confusing, but i think i get u, he doesn't die, no matter what, how long is he like this?" i asked the witch, "as long as u want,"and she slowly turned and walked away. I looked at andy in my hand, i was already wet cuz of all the power i had been given over this "powerful" man and i smiled.
"Hi andy," i said to him, he was yelling but i couldn't understand him at all "You like my tits andy?" i said mockingly, i was wearing a tight black V-neck shirt and a black skirt and i set him on top of my breasts and i could actually see him get hard, fucking pervert. Even now he was obsessing over my breasts, "you like them right? you like my tits andy? lets how much u like them now." I spread my tits apart and he fell into my cleavage and right as he was passing in between them i slammed them shut and massaged them together. I could feel him struggling, and it just turned me on more. I decided it was time to go home, i pulled him out and gripped him in my hand, i went under my shirt and undid my bra and lifte my breast, i put him as far under my right tit as i could and let it flop down onto him, i then pulled my bra back on and tightened it a bit, my legs were tingling and i walked out of the room. I smiled at the lady and grabbed my purse, "this one's on the house," she said with a wink, and i walked out and walked home, stepping hard the entire way making my breasts bounce. I got home removed all my clothing leaving him under my tit as i walked around in my nightgown. After cleaning up a little i grabbe dhim from underneath my breast, it had been a hour, anyone else would have died long ago but there was andy, kicking and screaming, and i jumped for joy. I smiled as i pressed his body against my crotch, i slid him up and down my slit for another 15 mins until i came. I got sleepy, but i had no where to keep little andy, so i pulled off my thong and looked at it, then back at andy, i ran to a drawer and came back and held him in the crotch of the panties with my finger. I thne proceeded to sow small loops around his arms and legs, basically i tied him to the croth of my thong, in such a way that when i pulled them up his head was right in my pussy. I even went out of my way to wedge the thong deep into my ass crack, as i laid down to fall asleep i could feel him struggling.

I woke up the next morning and went about my morning routine and completely forgot about andy, i couldn't remember much about the night before. i went to use the bath room and was shocked when i dropped my panties to see andy tied to them still sleeping, then it all came back to me and i smiled, looked hard at andy and stepped on him with my bare foot. I went about my morning routine and got ready for work but stopped and wondered if people would ask about andy. Well he's capable of missing a day or two, but how would I explain the rest of the time he would be missing? "Fuck it," I said aloud, i didn't care and today for sure I was gonna teach andy a lesson. After getting dressed I grabbed andy and thought about where I should keep him, then it dawned on me, I removed her sneakers, removed my sock and dropped him in to the sock and quickly stuck my foot back in it, i felt him try to move around but that stopped once i put my shoe back on and tied the laces. She left out the door and went to work where she decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator to work. When i got to my desk i had a memo on it, i read it and apparently andy called in with an emergency and had to catch the first flight back home. It said he was gonna be out for an undetermined amount of time, I smiled at the moisture forming in between my legs and went to the bathroom. I ran into the stall and pulled him out of my shoe, he was still alive but moving a lot less now, i guess he's tired. I didn't care, I pulled down my panties and though about what i should do with him. Then i knew what i could do to teach this little bastard a lesson, I pulled some lose pieces of string from my shirt and pants and tied his ankles together, then bound his wrists and smiled at him. He just stared and i moaned and brought my hand against my clit, i rubbed his head against it then i moved him lower and slowly slid him into my pussy. I put his head in and slowly forced the rest of his body in, had i not tied him up his frantic movements would have instantly brought me to orgasm, but i'm at work now. I laughed as i looked down and saw only his feet coming out of my slit, then placed my finger on his feet and pushed him in as far as i could, then got dressed and walke dout of the bathroom. I began to ask co-workers about him, since i got the memo but wasn't here for the message but no one knew. They just knew it was a "family emergency" and i nodded in agreement. Little did they know he was bound and stuffed deep in my pussy, just the thought made me wet, i know andy felt it. The day went on and soon enough it was 5 and i was in the bathroom getting ready to leave. I couldn't get andy out, i could feel him, but he was to deep inside for me to grab him, guess i'll have to get home and try there.

I got home and was fishing for him in my vagina but could not reach him, so i did theonly thing i could do, i stood in the bath tub and pissed him out. Sure enough the stream started then stopped, then andy shot out like a bullet, with the rest of my piss landing on and drenching him. I washed him off and checked him, he's still alive. This is awesome, no matter what i do he's not gonna die, i mean i knew this already, but the reality of it never really sunk in till now. I put him in my ass crack and looked in the mirror, you couldn't even tell there was a small 4 inch man inbetween my enormous ass cheeks. I put on a pair of panty hose, just in case, and then put on my tightest pair of jeans. I felt him being crushed in my ass crack and i hadn't even buttoned them up yet, I stuck my hand in my pants and adjusted him so his face was right at my asshole, then i farted. I was laughing so har di ended up farting again. After i stopped laughing i jammed his face into my asshole and finished buttoning up my jeans. The pressure of my ass on him was so intense, he couldn't pull his head back out of my asshole. I went about cleaning my house and picking up random things until i got bored. I pulled off my clothes and pulled andy out and laid him on the bed. He looked exhausted, I hovered above him and undid my bra, letting my massive breasts fall onto him. Only his leg was visible as the rest of his body was crushed underneath my breasts. I then lifted my tit up and smiled as i dropped it back onto him. This went on for another hour or so before i decided to watch some tv. I went to my recliner and looked at andy, I thought for a moment then i lifted one of the rolls of fat on my stomach and put him inbetween it and watched him disappear under it. It looked like my stomach had eaten andy and i sat there eating cookie and watching lifetime.

After watching a movie i decided to move andy to my armpit since i hadn't showered yet, but his movements tickled me to the point where i just stuck him back into my pussy. This time i untied him so he would be able to move his hands, and sure enough he did and i came on the spot. Then he stopped moving, i looked down and the little fucker had crawled out, I grabbed him and went to the bathroom. "You wanna play games, we'll play," I said to him as i reach for my tampons. I stuck him in head first and when his feet were the only things showing i jammed a tampon into my pussy. I walked back to my room and came multiple times before i went to sleep.

I woke up and got dressed for work, I looked at andy, he was exhausted from struggling so much the he didn't put up a fight when i put him into my anus. I spread my cheeks and looked at the mirror and smiled as i saw only his feet coming out of my asshole so i reached for my 8 inch dildo and pushed him in as far as i could with it, Then pulled up my pants and went to work. I got to work and they were cleaning out andy's office, i asked around and apparently andy found a better job in another field in his hometown. I smiled, said i was happy for him and sat at my desk. I leaned back and thought about my situation, everyone thinks andy's gone but in actuality he's crammed up my ass. This also meant I would never have to bring him back to normal, which meant that he was my sex toy. I got wet and went to lunch, I smiled as I finally felt andy was getting what he deserved for the years he tortured me. Now the tables have turned and its my turn to torture andy, for an "undetermined" amount of time. I snapped out of it when her co-workers asked me a question,

"Emily, what are u getting for lunch?"
i smiled and said, "mexican,"
"Doen't mexican food give you gas,"
"Yeah," i said, "it sure does.."