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Started by fuel1563, March 05, 2007, 09:28:25 AM

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When i was 16 years of age I had a crush on my P.E. Teacher. Boy was she BIG. I was 5"10 180lbs, and she was 6"2 340 solid pounds. She had a big butt, big thighs, and the biggest breasts i have ever seen. She was pretty athletic, she could bench about 350. Well one day we were doing wrestling, and she was showing us how to do moves. And after she showed us how to do the moves she asked for a volunteer to wrestle her! I raised my hand right away, and i was ready to wrestle. I am a pretty big guy but when i stood next to her i looked like an elf. When she said GO i first tried to pick her up. She didnt budge she just stood there and laughed. Then she picked me up and then fell down with me to the floor. THe wind got knocked out of me. She then sort of straddled me for a second and i guess she felt something under my shorts poking out and just had a smurk on her. Then she craddled me and then pinned me. After the period was over i went into her office. And i told her i enjoyed wrestling with her. And out of the blue she said " do you find me attractive?" I was shocked! I told her " Oh yeah!" She then said " Would you like to get squished by me?" And once again i said yes. She then said meet me after school, in my office.
After school i went straight to her office, she welcomed me in and she was wearing a yello tanktop revealing her huge tits and big belly, and she was also wearing a small elastic PE shorts. She asked me " ready to get crushed" And before i could say anything she took off her tanktop, to reveal a red bra, and then took of her boardshorts revealing a red g-string. My heart started to pound like a mad man. She then lifted me off my chair with one hand and threw me on the floor. She planted her ass right on my chest. I could breathe a little, but then she put her legs across my shoulders and then i began to panick. She said " I love to feel a mans chest compress under my weight." I tried to push her off but the weight was to much. She then got off, and when she got up her boobs just bursted out of her bra. So she decided to boob smother me. She layed on me and put both her huge boobs across my face. Man were they big. I started to suck on them but then she just dug them right in my face and then i could not breath. After 20 seconds she got up, and then sat right across my face. Out of nowhere she cut the loudest fart i have ever heard in my life. It smelled so bad and she said " do you like?" I nodded so she cut another one, and then another one. Now it was where i couldnt breathe but if i could i would not want to because it smelled awful. She was getting aroused, and started to moan. I started to tap her leg because i couldnt breathe but she would not get up because she was getting an orgasm riding my face. My head was going to cave in and she did not care. She let me breathe for one second, and then sat on my face again to finish her orgasm, once she was done she picked me up and said time for you to get your orgasm. So she put me in a tight bearhug while i fucked her. After i was done she dropped me on the ground and said tommorow we will do this again....Post if i should tell another experience with her.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Mr. Seat

Oh yes please post more. ;D


Please Tell  *All* Sorry for the late reply


Just so you're not holding your breath waiting too long, fuel's not the author. He reposted this and many other of the stories on this forum.


You're right SV.. There is a true story of a 250 lb girl sitting on me that he reposted... Kind of pissed me off because he gave no acknowledgement that it wasn't written by him.


A PE teacher 340 pounds not very fit is she