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new short

Started by spcbrown, September 12, 2006, 05:17:50 PM

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Lisa has a passion for eating. Being a glutton is her favorite passtime. She made the decision when she met me that she was going to completely accept herself for the first time. This meant that she would no longer use food as an escape and comfort to her emotions, but rather eat simply for the enjoyment. She loves to eat. Why not actually enjoy it? There would also be no more dieting. No more attempts to lose weight. She wanted if anything to get fatter, for her own good, if thats what came of so much eating.
Last night we went out to a near by drive in. I ordered for her while she was munching on some cookie dough she had taken with her from the house. I ordered her 8 chili dogs, 4 large chili cheese fries, 2 large chocolate shakes, and 8 cheesecake slices for desert. She didn't look at all worried so I ordered her 2 double cheese burgers, 2 corndogs and a large soda too. I ordered a burger and some tots for myself and a large vanilla shake.
I have a passion for being flattened, particullarly having my chest sat on by lardass lovilies which Lisa just happens to be. I set all the bags of food down as she took me down directing me to lie down on the on the floor next to the table. She stepped on my stomach and over to the other side of me then squat down some before dropping her butt onto me with a huge thud. Her 450 pounds took my breath away, but that wasn't on Lisa's mind. She had a lot of food to eat. She spread her legs apart to allow her belly some freedom, and pulled the table closer to her. I was used to her sitting on me, but she hadn't done this on the floor before. Her weight felt much heavier than I was used to with no give to the hardwood floor. Her ass spread over me. My head was partially burried under her left buttock and my abs mashed benieth her right buttock. My ribs were the main load bearing element, and just seconds after she fell on me my chest was aching under the strain. My erection didn't seem at all bothered by my restricted breathing. Lisa seemed to be unconcerned of my wheezing and gasping, grunting and groaning as she never moved a pound of herself off of me.
In an hour she was finished eating, but took a few more minutes massaging her blubbery belly I could hear. Once she was off of me it took me a long moment before I could move because I was so sore.
... to be continued...





lisa use her cel phone to call her friends... 3 more girls heavier than her.
the girls will drink a lot of beer....

use him to pee en his mouth.... he must drink all

before use him like a cushion for a jump concurse...

he dies slowly.... his last saw was a foot going directly to her face... the foot smashes his head like a grape...

the girls boil his eyes and balls and eat it...

sorry for my english.. i speak spanish... i think you must understand the idea....