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Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 11:01:41 PM

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I took my place lying on the floor as I had been instructed to do. I was feeling a lot of anxiety over what I feared was to come....

Author: spcbrown

Posted: 03 Nov 2003 08:16 Michelle had been sitting on me for hours as I lied on the couch. Her weight had long since began taking it's toll on me. She weighed around 600 pounds, and she just loved to make me suffer under her as she sat on my chest and stomache for long periods. Well...I loved it too, being under her, but she took it too far sometimes and wouldn't get up when I was ready for her to. I was usually ready for her to get up within ten minutes, sometimes twenty maybe, but this time she had sat on me for three hours of an entire movie she watched. I was completely exhausted, panting, weezing, gasping for breath. The movie finally ended and she stood up and put her arms over her head and stretched.
"God damb it Michelle." I mummbled.
"Whats wrong little man?" she asked.
"You know I don't like you doing that for so long."
"Was that too much for you? Can't take it?"
" like you to sit on know that...but not for so know that too...damb it."
"I bet your chest and stomache are really sore...huh?" she asked.
"Well hell yes...cause of your fat ass sitting on em for three friggin hours."
"You don't like that feeling?...think about it...really."
I took a moment, as she looked at me while I thought about it.
"Well...maybe...yeah I guess." I answered.
I did actually like the sensation of being squashed flat. Why I do not know. I was used to just being squashed for a few minutes and then being relieved of the presure. She had squashed me many times for up to twenty minutes, and very few times for any longer, thirty or fourty minutes, after which I always bitched at her about it. Now she had taken it to another level of her own accord, to the extreme. At the time while it had been happening I didn't realize how much I really enjoyed being crushed by her. My length of time under such compression had never been so long, my real limits never really explored. Now I was seeing things differently. I could handle more. I wanted more. She had just opened my mind.
"So you liked it then?" she asked.
"Yes...I think so about you sit on me some more?" I asked proudly.
"Alright honey...but how about you lie down on the floor?" she said with a smile and a little giggle.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 08 Nov 2003 01:43 I looked up at her and watched her as she slowly came closer to me as I lie on the floor. I felt her weight shake the floor with her every step towards me and her blubbery thighs rubbed against eachother even down by her knees. her hips rose and fell at her sides as they sway with her every step. Her soft belly bounced and jiggled to it own rythm from her steps
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 08 Nov 2003 01:56 Now she stood beside me, and I expected her to straddle me, or turn around and sit down on me, one way or the other. Instead she lifted one of her feet and put it down across my stomache just on my navel and slightly up. Her foot quickly sank into me crushing my stomache with ease. She practically stood dirrectly on my spine. My abdominal muscles were rendered useless, and could not support all her weight. I grunted and gasped as air was forced out of me from the shock, and in the next moment her other foot came up and was placed on my chest and my ribcage was rapidly compressed into itself along with all my organs which it was supposed to protect.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 10 Nov 2003 01:45 Michelle stood on me shaking quite a bit from both nervousness and in trying to maintain her balance. She was nervous about not having ever stood on me before and would I be able to handle it. She was close enough to the wall to reach out to it and balance herself but I felt her weight shifting rapidly back and forth on top of me. All this happening in just seconds. My body was crushed beneith her feet. I lost all the air in my lungs and wasn't getting anymore in, due to both my abdomen and chest just not being able to function to breathe with her 600 pounds distributed onto them. I feared my ribs were about to start cracking, as it felt like she stood dirrectly on my heart, crushing it. Pain radiated through my torso in dull spurts and from my lower lumbar down into my legs. I felt my fingers and then my toes begin to numb. I could do nothing but grimace, grunt and groan...but...I think I was enjoying this punishment.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 03:25 In a minutes time I was starved for air, my heart pounding, trying to pump blood but not being able to very well. I was ready for her to step off of me. I was tapping on her feet, her legs, and the floor to get her to step off of me. She finally started to step down I thought but instead lifted her foot off my stomache, sinking her other foot deeper into my chest with her full weight now on it, crushing my ribcage even flatter, to the point of excruciating. My ribs were bound to break like twigs. I felt things grating within my chest, my bones and cartiledge bending and stretching, my internal organs being squashed and dislodged out of place. Finally she stepped down off of me, just as I was about to black out.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 06:03 She suddenly turned around 180 degrees and promptly plopped her massive ass down onto me with a loud thud and smacking sound as her flesh collided into me. The floor also creaked loudly with the stressful blow. The air I had just previously taken in was as quickly gone, forced out of me. It was like a one ton bag of cement fell on me. Again my ribs took a tremendous flattening as when she had stood on them, but after the initial contact of this butt plop and she settled onto me, I could begin to breath again, but with great effort and much restriction.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 13 Nov 2003 03:41 It was twice as difficult to take her weight this way rather than on the couch, because the floor was a hard surface. My body had to absorb it all, and whats more Michelle sat there for an hour on me until she just had to get up and go get something to eat. She got up and walked to the kitchen leaving me lying on the floor, crumpled, but now disencumbered, gasping and weezing for air, as my bones painfully returned to their natural state. I felt like a sponge that had been crushed and was expanding back to its original shape.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 16 Nov 2003 23:12 I managed to make it up eventually and clapsed on the couch exhausted in a slump. Michelle took this opportunity, returning from the kitchen with arms full of icecream tubs and bags of cookies, and sat on my stomache and thighs as I sat there without the energy to attemp escaping her. She plopped down on me without hesitation, allowing her full weight to fall onto me. She gathered her goodies up that had dropped to the floor, then opened them all and began to eat. She stuffed big spoon fulls of ice cream into her mouth followed by a hand full of cookies and munched them just enough to swallow them. Before long one whole tub of icecream and a bag of cookies were all gone, and it took her no longer to finish the others she had. Then she laid back on top of me and rubbed her belly.
"Now I'm really hungry...I need something of more substance." she said.
I was squashed benieth her again as she reached for the phone and was soon ordering 4 large supreme pizzas to be delivered. The entire time she spent awaiting thier arrival, about an hour, she stayed right where she was on top of me while massaging her belly in antisipation of the pizza it was to be stuffed with. I had initially been smothered by the fat rolls of her back and between her shoulderblades but I was able to turn my head just enough to breath a little bit. With another hour under her I was that much more disabled, so that when she got up to answer the door to recieve her pizzas, I was there for her to sit on again just as she had been before while she ate her pizza. She even took the time to go in the kitchen and get her a couple of two liter sodas to wash it down. She came back and quickly plopped down onto me again. I'd think something would have broken from the force of the impact.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 18 Nov 2003 09:09 She sat there on my lap and stomache and began to eat her pizza. She ate them with precision, and systematically, fininshing each piece within two or three seconds plus or minus as the one before it, and taking just about thirty minutes to consume one whole sixteen inch pizza. She only interrupted the eating process to take a couple gulps of soda after eating a couple of pieces,and she then would eat somemore. In two hours all four pizzas were finished, and she collapsed back onto me again and siged patting her bloated belly.
"Oh...I'm pretty full...that hit the spot." she said with a giggle.
I had been under her now for over seven hours in one position or another and had been squashed flat, completely crushed, and was given little chance to breathe much the entire time. I was starved for food and oxygen and in a weekened state. I struggled to keep my eyes open seeing only a hair crack of light from my place benieth her, my face was deformed, squashed under her back, still between her shoulder blades. I was almost completely horrizontal, though in a seated position, her weight pressed me way down into the couch cushion until there was no more give to it. She stayed there on me a while longer, about ten more minutes,and massaged her full belly lovingly before she finally got up.
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Author: spcbrown

Posted: 21 Nov 2003 17:50 I went into a panic as I saw her quickly turn around to face me and before I could move she had straddled me on her knees and her belly settled across my chest and my chin pressed into it's deep softness. She grabbed me by the back of my head with both her hand and pulled my face into her belly and then fell forward some so that her blubbery flesh enveloped my entire head. I could hear her bloated stomache that was so stuffed with pizza working to digest it all. She raised up just enough for me to get a breath just as I was really needing one, and then rose some more. Her belly still covered my mouth and chin.
"I want you to rub my tummy for me?" she requested me, more like ordered.
I was willing to comply hoping she wouldn't squash or smother me anymore. I had to bring my arms over my head basically to be able to do this at all and ended up sort of just giving her belly a hug, rapping my arms around it as it was spread out atop my chest like a comforter. A heavy warm comforter of fat. I strained to reach up to her paunch and rub, pressing my hands into it and down across two deep fat rolls, till I reached her lower belly, which more than filled my arms as I hugged it. In that position my figertips were about one foot from eachother. I couldn't get them any close than six inches from eachother if I squeezed her blubber in my arms. She really liked when I did that.
"Oh!'re making me horny!" she yelled at me excitedly.
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Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.