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my son 4

Started by bonkersjm, November 12, 2011, 12:59:49 PM

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truely sorry for being so long. here is the next part. hope you all love it and feed back and ideas are always welcome

             my son 4

    i stood there in my room for a few minutes just thinking and praying my plan would work. as my third turd ended, a fourth turd started coming out with some force smashed into the end of the third one and started to force it's was down his throat and worked its way to his already bulging out stomach. i giggled at how bulging is tummy was from the logs. i was so releaved from my crap i was taking, it felt so great, about half way thru the fourth turd it stoped, i forced out a fart, it had to works it way out around the turd and forced a few more inches out down into his throat as it filled his lungs. after that i felt him bite the turd in half and choked down the log stuck in his throat. it was kinda hard from my asshole in his mouth but he managed. after he got the turd log down into his bulging stomach i stood there feeling him start to chew the rest of his breakfest. i laughed out loud as i just stood there enjoying it all.

   after standing there lost in feeling him chew his massive breakfest for a good 7 minutes then i walked to my dresser and opened the top drawer. my little jimmy was eating very slowly and i knew it would take him most of the day to eat his breakfest, it was going that slow. i pulled out my bandanas i used from summer yard work out, then shut the drawer back then stood there thinking about how to make my plan work with no problems. holdling the bandanas in my right hand i walked over to my makeup bench turnede around with no care and sat down hard. his skull crackled in my ass, i moaned out as the feel of his skull caving in and getting even more squishy than it was already. i was kinda shocked about that til i looked over to the bed post and laughed out loud. it was really jammed into my ass this time. i stood up still laughing then sat down hard again, my little honeys skull crackled even more, i smiled as i felt his head sink in. he started chewing even slower than before that made me laugh even harder. he was way to weak for his teeth to bother me as he ate his breakfest but now he was even weaker. i stood up again and sat down hard once again. this time his skull didn't crackle but it squished as my ass tightened on it. i moaned out in joy and sat there smiling.

   i et the bandanas in my lap and tied two togather, then another two togather, then another two togather. i made sure the knots were tight then i bent over and looked at his limp jello body just dandling there, his cock stil pulsing. i blushed when i saw that. i staired at his body and my legs for about five minutes or so then i tied his left leg to my left leg right around my upper shin, then did the same to his right leg. i made sure the knots were tight trying to make sure they will hold while i was out. i grabed his right arm and pulled up onto my lap as i sat up right. i tied one end of the bandana around his wrist then bent over grabed his other arm and pulled it up and stretched them around my thick thighs. i relized it didn't need the second bandana tied togather to i let go of his left arm and untied the extra bandana then got his left arm back and stretched his arms as far as they would go then tied them togater around my thick upper legs. i made sure they were tight and would come loose. i had a evil smile on my face as i forced out a rotten hard fart, a few inches of turd came out with it shoving the inches of turd down into his throat causing him to choke on it as his lungs filled with his air my fart. i giggled as i felt him bite thru the turd as he choked and choked down the few inches that was in his throat down into his stomach. i giggled a little harder as i relized how good he was at suffering for me. i blushed at that thought. i checked my knots again then sat there smiling as he weakly went back to eating his massive breakfest.

   i stood up after a few minutes and walked around a little to see how well his body tied to mine would pull him and my legs around. hsi chest and bulging tummy was still pounding against my legs but it was steady since his body couldn't bounce around this time. it made some smacking sound when his body meet mine but i was sure no one would be able to hear it, i was really hoping they wouldn't. i walked to the kitchen turned around then walked back to my room. i was rather happy with the tie job i did, it was almost perfect but tieing them so tight on my legs was bothering me just a little bit. back in my room i walked over to the mirror and looked into it. i looked and turned around in a circle a few times see how badly his badly stuck out, as i looked as was rather happy with my thick ass and body right now. as i looked in the mirror turning in circles i got another idea that was better than the bandanas. a smile came on my face as i walked back to my dresser, jimmy was still chewing away, he was only swallowing about a fourth of a bite each swallow. it didn't bother me he was traped there til i felt like taking him out. at my dresser i bent over a little, as my ass cheeks tightened around his head, his head sank in as they tightened, ohh it felt so great. i opened the next to bottom drawer and pulled out my knee high stockings. they were rather tight and would be great or i was hoping they would be.


 with them in my hand i shut the drawer turned around with a smile on my face and walked over to my make up bench again. i set the stockings down as i forced out another fart. i just loved feeling turd come out with them and choke him. i sooo loved it. again a few inches came out with my fart and jammed down into his throat. i giggled as i just walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen as he choked on it. as before he bite thru the turd and choked down the inches stuck in his throat right down into his stomach. i just laughed as i grabed a drink from the fridge, i was fully enjoying myself and my little jimmy honey was suffering badly for my enjoyment. with my drink i started walking back to my bedroom, not able to stop my self i forced out another fart, this one was long, hard and extra rotten, his body started vibrating again the back of my legs from the cruelty of the fart, to my shock a good four inches came out with this fart and wedged itself in his throat. i laughed even harder as i walked back into my bedroom. he got lucky, it was the end of the fourth turd and all he had to do was choke it down into his stomach that was so bulging out right now. i opened the drink took some swallows as i got back to my make up bench. i set my drink down, picked up my stockings, turned around and sat down hard once again. his head sank in and then crackled a little, i blushed at that as his head was being turned into jello like the rest of his body. i bent over and untied his legs then put on my stockings stuffing his jello legs into them as i put them on. it was much better than the bandanas. i was happy with that. "now that is perfect." i said out loud to my self as i stood up and walked around my room, his legs pulled out just a little but wasn't enough to matter. now i was very happy with my plan working but still had some douts.

   happy with having him in place i went right over to my closet right when my farts started. i smiled not able to stop my self again, right when i was about to fart i forced it out making it harder and longer and so brutal, only a four inches of the turd came out with it, it was the start of the fifth turd, he hadn't even gotten to it yet, i laughed as he started choking on the turd that was now buried in his throat. i started looking thru my clothes as he bite thru the turd and suffered as he choked it down into his stomach, i could feet tears coming from his eyes and that made me so much happyer. i sqeezed my ass cheeks on his head then went back looking thru my closet for what i was going to were. i had such a massive smile on my face. i stoped when i came to a pink and purple dress my loving honey bought me for christmas about five years ago, it was a little thick but it was perfect for this speical day. i got it out and and walked to my bed and set it down on the bed. i walked over to my dresser and got out a bra and put it own, jimmy had bought me the bra for my birthday. already deciding what shoes i was going to wear i got a pair of my ankle socks and put them on standing at my dresser then i walked right back to my closet bent over and picked up the high heels solid leather hot pink boots he got me for christmas with the dress, they had four inch heels, i carryed them to my bed and and set them down beside the dress. with my farts going steadly i forgot all about my jimmy as i was getting dressed. i picked up the dress and put it on then turned around adn sat down on the edge of my bed. i put on my heeled boots then stood up right as i farted. these farts didn't not force out a lot of turd with them, i was kinda sad he didn't choke on my turds more but i was ok with it. i giggled as i relized i could feel his very little weak heart beating against the back of my left leg. i walked over to my mirror and looked into the mirror as i turned in circles then walked up and away making sure he was not seen at all. no one would even know he was there. "perfect, now let's go see that the problems are shall we.!" i said loudly rather excited as i looked into the mirror a little red in the face but with a massive smile on my face.

   i grabed my purse, i made sure i put my fart pills in my purse, got my sons bank card and my truck keys. i made sure everything i had all i was going to needed. i turned off the lights as i walked to the door, making sure to leave on the kitchen light. i usally did that to have light when i came home at night. as i walked i relized just how hungry i was. i walked out the door then made sure i locked it. i walked to my truck thinking about where i was going to get something to eat. when i got to my truck about a minute later i opened the door, got right in, jimmys upper back was pressed hard against the bottom of the seat under my legs and was squished up, his head squished around in my ass as i settled down in my seat. it felt so great. is shut the truck door then started the truck. i noticed that my little jimmy had barly eaten any of the fifth turd other than the part that was forced down his throat from my brutal farts. i giggled to myself not able to hold myself back, i forced out a hard rotten fart, his body vibrating against the back of my legs, his little heart vibrating aswell, a good three inches of turd came out with the fart. he started choking on it which made me smile even bigger as i put the truck in gear and started backing out of the drive way. it took him a little longer this time and he was ssooo so slow about it as he bite thru the turd and painfully choked it down into his still bulging stomach. i was even happyer as i felt more tears coming from his eyes. when i got out of the drive way, i put the truck in first gear then went on my way.

   as i changed gears my ass tightened on his head which made it more fun for me to drive. i cut on the radio and started lightly bouncing to the beat as i drove. my little jimmys head was taking a crushing as it sank in over and over as i bounced, my truck seat was not all that soft. a few minutes later down the road, i busted out laughed as i farted a brutal lond 60 second fart right down his throat, the last five inches of the fifth turd wedged its was down into his throat with the fart. i was laughing so hard adn got a little wet as even more tears came from his eyes. his body vibrated roughly against the back of my legs. i stoped bouncing as i got even wetter. i had to calm myself down. more tears came from his eyes as he choked down the rest of the turd down into his tummy, i was so loving it. once he got the turd down he buried his tongue into my asshole only to find the start of the sixth turd log. i pulled to the side of the road only about ten minutes from my home as i was sent into a massive climax. i gribed the stering wheel with all my might as my body started shaking, my cum was ozzing out of my cunt and down onto his chest then ran down onto his stomach and private area. "awww ohhh yes awwwww fuck yes!" i screamed out i climaxed. it was a monster climax and i loved it. tears were steadly coming out of his eyes now i could feel the dampness where his eyes were as i squeezed my ass cheeks with all i had on his head as i climaxed. his head got real small, i was sweating, out of breath as my climax went on. clobs of my cum running his chest adn stomach onto his private area, his cock was still pulsing against my inner legs. it was fun driving with that. i climaxed for a hard 5 minutes. when my climaxed was over i was leaning back into the truck seat, legs stretched out, soaked with sweat and fully out of breath. with my window down i just relaxed there and calmed down. i didn't even see the car stoped behind me and the man walk up to my window. "are you ok ma'am?" i heard a deep male voice say.

  i jumped in surpise. i leaned forward to see a nice looking man in a suit and tie smiling at me. "i am fucking fantastic sir. i was just yelling at my son on the phone, worked up a good sweat doing that to." i said to him. there was now way i was going to tell i just climaxed and my son was lving in my ass eating his breakfest still with his body tied to mine. "thanks for checking sir." i finished as i looked him in the eyes. he smiled a little bigger.

  "ok ma'am, i'm glad your so well. have a great day." he replied to me then walked away, got into his car then pulled off. i just sat there so surpised by that but it made me blush so badly as i thought how close i was to getting caught and i was so close to my home. i sat there for a few extra minutes making sure i was all calmed down then i lifted up my dress to see a white stream of cum on his chest adn stomach and a pool of cum around his cock. i just loved how great that climax was. ohh i loved it. i picked up one of his shirts that was still in the truck and whiped him clean, this time i kept a eye out making sure no one snuck up on me. no one did. i cleaned him up then tossed the shirt down onto the floor board on the passenger side. i grabed his pulsing cock and squeezed his hard. i didn't feel him moan or anything but i felt some more tears come from his eyes. i let go of his cock then droped my dress and focused back on the road as i looked around. i started driving once agian.

   i stoped at a fast food restruant and got me a buger and frys with a coke to drink. i was only a few minutes away from my metal wood workshop. i had taken the long way enjoying myself while my little jimmy suffered. when i got to my company, i parked in my parking stop near the door, i backed in, just for the fun of it. my store manger was not there and her spot was empty. i saw a shift manger standing outside the main door waiting for me it seemed. it was now about 7pm or around there. i knew the manger there and her shift was over a while ago. i cut the truck off and took a deep breath. "well here we go." i said softly to myself then opened my truck door. i grabed my purse and my late late lunch then got out of the truck. my dress fell in place as i moved over and shut the door. i then walked to my manger waiting on me.

  as i walked i could feel my honeys body beating against the back of my legs, i got so excited as i walked to the manger. he had barly even started the sixth turd. i smiled at her standing out in the open with him there caused me to get a little wet but i was able to control it this time and taking a crap at the same time made it a little diffacult but i was able to do it. i stoped infront of the manger. "if you need to speak with me follow me to my office please." i said to her then started walking. i walked right in and to my office that was on the second floor, she was right behind me. i had a hugh smile on my face as i walked up the stairs. jimmy head sinking in with each step i took made it hard to control myself. when i got to my office i looked out over the floor and saw a few people not going any work and was rather mad about that. i walked into my office set my meal down then walked back out. "wait here for me please." i said to her as i walked out.

   i walked down the stairs again his head sank in with each step i took down the stairs. ohhh it felt so fantastic. when i got back to the main floor, farted a lite fart but it was enough to keep him with me. i walked slowly looking around and noticed most people were not really working hard and were not in a hurry. i came up onto the two ladys talking not doing anything. as i approached one of them walked away and the other lady just smiled at me as i got to her. "why are you not working like you should be doing?" i asked her as i stoped and stood infront of her. the smile on my face didn't move and neither did hers.


  "sorry ma'am but i have made allmy orders and even some of theres and no one wants my help. what can i do?" she replied to me in a sweet soft voice still smiling. i farted another long hard brutal fart as i looked into her eyes. his body again vibrated against the back of my legs and his little heart was slowly and weakly beating against the back of my left leg. a good three inches came out with my fart adn wegded it self in his throat. it took him a minute of choking to bite thru it and choke it down making my smile even bigger as i looked at her. she heard the fart. i was truely enjoying myself.

  "opppps those spicy buritos, get you everytime." i said to her still smiling. we both giggled at that adn stood there for a few moments in silence.

  "i fully understand on that ma'am." she replied with a little harder giggle. her name was malina. she was a cute little girl.

  "well since your not doing anything you can build something for me." i said to her, he smile got even bigger with that. i told her what i was wanting and that she could make it her own design as long as it was what i was wanting. she went right to work with a hugh smile on her face. i farted again as i stood there watching her work. it was a weak fart just enough to keep him with me. i turned right around and walked right back to my office with my belly growling for the meal i had waiting on me.

  i walked thru my office door and shut it behind me. april, the manger waiting on me name, was sitting in a chair infront of my desk smiling and just waiting on me. from all the walking i for got all about jimmy again as i walked right over behind my desk and sat down hard in my off chair. thats when i remembered jimmy was there as he head squished as he was still working on his breakfest. april was just waiting for her cue as i rolled the chair up to my desk and picked up my lunch and set it out getting ready to eat. i set my drink in place. april opened her mouth to say something right as i farted a long 40 second brutal fart down jimmys throat, three inches of turd came out with it and wedged itself into jimmys throat. as i looked at april my smile got even larger as she had no clue how bad my loving son was suffering and that he was living off my ass while he suffered. i was surprised she didn't hear the fart but i didn't care either as i enjoyed jimmy bite thru the turd and painfully choke down the turd into his stomach. "what is the problem april?" i asked her as he choked it down.

   i started eating my lunch. "your plant manger had been stealing and selling your product and keeping the money. she has not been getting the merindise to the customers, the things she sold she would go to the workers and make them build it again. the storage room where we put all the done product is over filled. also ma'am we hardly see her anymore and when we do she is telling us to build the same stuff again and again. i have been answering the phone more since she is not here that much and our i mean your cushomers are not happy at all ma'am and are wondering where there orders are!" she said to me firmly and to the point. i liked that about her. the look on her face told me she was flat out telling the truth. if it was for how serous she was i wouldn't have beleaved her. then i remembered my normal plant manger was on vacation leaving the co plant manger in charge. not i was mad.

  i stood up and walked over and got the remote to the camrea i had all over the place. i walked back over sat back down, again i had forgotten all about jimmy again. i turned it on and we watched the footage as i finished my lunch. sure enough there it was all that she said right on the footage. i turned it off and looked at her. before i could even say anything she stood up and grabed a hand full of paper work. "ma'am here is all we have made, hereis all we had to remake and how many times we had to make it. if you want me to i can call the customers and help get everything the way it should be." she said to me making two piles of the files she had. i looked up at her.

  "yes please, thanks for your help and telling me. how long has this been going on?" i asked her as she got the customer list.

  "three days ma'am. i would have called you sooner but i found out yesterday when two of the employees complained about making the same thing to many times. so before i called i checked into it and found all this out then called you this mourning." she said to me still so serous.

  "thank you for all your hard work and honesty. i'll take care of emily myself." i replied to her then started looking thru all the files as she walked out and went to calling the customers. i was happy i had such a great manger but i was very angry with my co plant manger emily.

   as i looked thru the files busted out laughing as i farted a very brutal 90 second fart. his body shook violently against the back of my legs. his heart mess a few beats to my enjoyment. i laughed even harder as 6 inches of the turd came right out and buried itself into his throat and upper chest causing my little honey to chock roughly. ohhi was loving it. again tears started coming from his eyes which made it even better for me. he bite thru the turd and slowly and painfully chocked it down into his stomach. i couldn't stop myself from lifting my dress and watching the turf log go down into his stomach. i was sent into another massive climax when i did that. my body started shaking and i clutched my ass cheeks as tight as i could on his head then i leaned back into the chair as my cum started ozzing out of my cunt and down his chest again. i was lucky she had shut the door behind her. "ohh aawww ahhhh ahhh awww ohhh." i screamed out in total pleasure as he suffered in my ass. i climaxed and climaxed minute after minute. finally after 5 awsome minutes i stoped climaxing and cumming. ohh i could only lay back in my chair, soaked with sweat again, fully out of breath, i relaxed my ass cheeks muscles as i relized jimmys hair was dranched from my ass sweat adn his tears. i so loved it.

  i just relaxed for 10 long happy minutes then i had to clean up jimmy again, he had even more cum on his than the last time. i thru the napkins away then went back to going thru the files. i very happy the fart pills were still working or i would have killed jimmy again and had another or a even bigger climax. a massive smile came over my face at that thought and i turned bright red. i was very happy i was alone in my office.

   for the next four hours i forgot all about my little honey as me and april got everything fixed and the orders sent out, picked up, and all. at the end fourth hour my storage room was almost fully empty. i hugged april and gave her a $500 cash bonus for staying late and all the hard work she did for me and saved me a lot more trouble and possibly my company. after that i sent her home. as i walked out of my office and stood there stairing out looking at my employees another shift change had happened as i stood there i noticed that my honey was not chewing no more and that his heart was not beating. "oppppps." i said out loud as i forced out a fart. nothing happened so i foced out another fart. the last of the sixth turd came out with that fart and wedged itself in his throat. i had no choice but to force out another brutal horrible minute long fart. the turd came loose and slide down into his stomach. i had walked back into my office to make sure i cleared his airway. nothing happened with that fart, i forced out another fart then another fart. i was kinda of surpised when the start of a seven turd started to come out with my farts. i farted again and to my releaf he started licking the start of the seventh turd that had started to come out and his heart started back beating against the back of my leg. i took a deep breath and let it out. i took more fart pills giving myself many more hours of fun after they kicked in. i giggled to myself as i walked back out of my office as he started eating his breakfest again.

  i walked down the stairs wondering if malina was still there or not. jimmys head sank in with each step as it did before, ohh it felt so great. i walked slowly on the floor, checking to see what all every one was doing. it was thirst shift there now and there was only half a crew there for this time aday and for them being so caught up. i wasn't even thinking as i walked and my sons tongue stoped again, along with his heart. i forced out a fart, then another fart, than another fart as i walked. i was just smiling away knowing that no one there even new that my son was there under my dress still eating his breakfest living from my farts and that now i was trying to bring him back to me. it made me love it even more. i saw malina as i slowly walked still forcing out fart after fart then after the seventh fart he started chewing again and his heart started beating again. i smiled as i got closer to malina, she was smiling as i got closer. she had no clue why i had such a large smile on my face. i was stunned that no turd came out with my farts this time, non, i didn't know why that happened but i was ok with it.

   when i got to malina she was very excited. "hi ma'am, i'm done with what you wanted me to build. umm i build three of them for you. here they are." she said to me as she pulled a cover off them. and there they were three custom made barstools. one metal, one wood, and the last one metal and wood. they were awsome. they were normal barstool but the seat was different. instead of the flat seat it was higher adn just a small three inch wide peace of metal or wood, that depended on the stool. i was happy with them. they also had speical places to tie stuff to but only i knew i was going to be jimmy tied to it.

  "very awsome thanks very much. will you please help me take them to my truck then you may go home. you did a great job with them malina." i said to her as i picked up one of them, she picked up they other two before i could do anyting else. she followed me to my truck. i was happy about that as i forced out a fart to keep jimmy with me, his tongue had almost stoped again.

  "thank yuo ma'am, i'm so glad you like them. is there anything else i can do for you or build for you?" she said to me and asked me as we walked. i thought about it on the way to the truck. jimmy was struggling very hard to chew with my ass cheeks crushing his head as i walked but it felt fantastic to me and i loved it.

  "yes you can i would love bench like that with a small peice sticking up about a foot or so about seat part. and those loops in places thru out it. this time i will let you create it for me, it i love it i'll pay you well for it." i said to her as we walked outside. we walked to my truck and put the barstools in the back of my truck, she tied them down for me. then we stood there beside my truck.

  "you already pay me ma'am, i work for you. i will get started on it first thing when i come in tomorrow. how will i be able to tell you that i'm done ma'am?" she replied to me as we stood there beside me truck. i forced out a fart, again no turd came out with it.

   "i will be here for the next few days. i still got stuff to do. i'll check on you when i get here tomorrow. thanks again." i said to her. she smiled then walked away, got into her car then left.

   i walked back in and went to my office to get my purse. my farts kicked in when i got to my office. i was happy about that now i didn't have to worry about it for a while. i used the phone to call natasha, latasha and ky to see if they wanted to meet me at my sons restraunt and they did. i was hungry again and was so loving having jimmy with me for it all. i turned out the office light then shut the door behind me and walked back down the stairs and out to my truck. i opened the door and got right in and shut the door. i started the truck. i blushed then i forced out another long brutal 90 second fart. four inches of turd came out with it and was stuck in his throat. i grabed the stering wheel as i enjoyed him choking on the turd log in his throat. he slowly bite thru it and again choked it down into his stomach as i put the truck in gear and started driving to the restraunt. i just could not beleave he was still eating his breakfest but i so loved it. once he got the turd long down he went back to slowly chewing his meal right out of my asshole. ohh i so loved it.

  again i took the long way giving time for my friends to get there. my farts were steady but not bad and no turds came out with them. i was sure that made jimmy happy. i took about 40 minutes to get there, when i pulled into the parking lot i saw my friends getting out of the same car. i pulled up and parked right beside them, then cut the truck off. i made sure my honey was in place then that my dress was in place. i grabed my purse as i opened the truck door and got out, shutting the door behind me. i went right over and hugged my freinds. they each hugged me back. togather we walked into the restraunt, since it was real late they were not all that busy and we picked a table with chairs instead of a booth. we sat down and picked up the menu. "i'm so hungry girls." i said to them as i looked at the menu. a waitress came up to up a few seconds later.

  "so are we, we were about to cook when you called." latasha replied as the waitress got to us. she smiled at all us.

"may i take you order or do you ladys need more time?" she said to us very kindly. i smiled at her.


 "well i would love to have a steak, mashed potatos, mac n cheese and some rolls all with a nice cold coke to drink?" i said to her as i farted filling jimmys lungs with it. i smiled as i staired at her knowing non of them had a clue he was even there. they each ordered next then she walked off.

  "hey where is jimmy? you always have him with you." ky asked me, they all had confused looks on there faces. my smile got even bigger and i blushed a little bit.

  "my honey is with me." was all i replied to them and they got even more confussed looks on there faces making me laugh.

  "did you leave him in the truck?" natasta asked as i stood up.

  "i got to pee, meet me in the bathroom." i said to them after i stood up. now they were blown away with that. i smiled even bigger at them then i walked off to the bathroom. in the bathroom i got into the stall and hiked my dress up and spread my legs, i enjoyed jimmys head crushing as i tightened my asscheeks on his head. i stood up and peed then cleaned up. as i cleaned up i heard my friends walk in. oncei was cleaned up i droped my dress wondering how they were going to react to what they were about to see. i walked out of the stall and they were standing there still with the blown away looks on there faces. i giggled as i turned my back to them then grabed my dress, i looked over my shoulder at them and they just didn't have a clue. i hiked up my dress showing them his body there straped to mine. his head buried in my ass.

   i heard there deep gasp. "no fucking way!!!" the three of them yelled at the same time. i waited a little while longer then droped my dress back in place then turned around to see them. all three of there mouths were open, eyes bulging out.

  "damn girl, thats amazing!" ky said loudly in shock.

   "yep, i told you he was with me, he's been mine ever since he gave you buttface rick. and he is so so much fun." i said to them as they tried to get there composer back. i smiled at them giggling.

   "how does he breath in there?" natasha asked faintly. i laughed at her question and forced out another hard long 50 second rotten fart, making sure they heard it. his body vibrated against mine making me laugh a little harder. a peace of turd came out with it and got stuck in his throat. he started choking on it to my happyness.

   "he gets all the air he needs right from my ass. come on i'm starving." i said to them as i choked down the peace of turd. i loved it as i washed my hands then walked out of the bathroom, they were quickly on my heels. my honey still pulsing cock rubbing the inside of my legs as i walked. he was back to chewing his breakfest. i was so surprised that he haded finished his meal yet but i was ok with it.

   "wow, he looks like you mangled him. like almost dead." latasha said to me as we walked back to out table, out drinks were already there.

   "well he serves me to anything i want and he does it so well." i replied to her. after that i answered question after question as we waited for out meal. totally focused on out conversation i used jimmys heart beat to tell that he was still with me. about 20 minutes later out meals arrived and we kept on talking thanking the waitress aswell. i was to used to his chewing and his tongue adn that made it to easy for me to forget about him even thou i could feel it. i was so loving it. they told me a woman had killed buttface rick from sitting on his face to long but they were able to revive him and she paid extra to do it again. of course they accepted the deal and i found out she killed him four more times and paid for each time. 30 thousand dallors each time. i was shocked about that but was so ok with it. i knew how great that felt. i squeexed my ass cheeks on my honeys head then went back to talking with my friends.

   we finished eating and talking about a hour and half later. i used jimmys bank card to pay for all four of our meals and gave the waitress a hugh $20 tip. she was really happy about that. "hey you want to go to the porn store with me i'm not tired yet are you?" i asked them as we walked. they smiled and yelled out. i knew they would meet me there. i got in my truck and shut the door and drove to the porn shop. in the porn shop they kept smashing there asses into mine crushing jimmys head everytime, i loved it and from the looks of the people in the store with us they were loved it to as they eye balled us. i didn't mind at all. only my friends truely knew why there were doing that. jimmy jello head squished around in my ass as they did so, which made it even harder for him to eat his meal. he was still eating it. i laughed at the thought of that and laughed harder as no one knew why i was laughing not even my friends. my friends looked all thru the porn movies i mostly looked at there toys and other things they had. i picked out some cock and ball rings, leather straps and some new stocking that were just to cool to pass up. the stocking i like the most were more like really long socks but i loved them. my friends still smashing there asses into mine. i was getting a kick out of it as they did. i felt his weak heart beat again the back of my left leg as i walked around the porn store. i did feel his arms come loose but they were still tied around my thighs.

   i paid for the stuff i picked out, well jimmy paid for it. after about another hour they bought the movies they picked out and we all walked outside. we decided to go to a clotheing store that was open all night long, it sold lot more then clothes thou. it was kinda like a walmart but about twenty times bigger than them. i drove there following them. when we got there we bought a drink and drank it as we walked around checking out everything. i had a buggy with me and picked out some really awsome dresses and some even tighter stockings. we were only about a tenth thru the store when i relized jimmys heart had stoped. i smiled as i started forcing fart after fart after fart, my friends looked at me puzzled as they heard my farts. the last 3 inches of the seventh turd came out with my farts, it got stuck in his throat but two farts later it was forced out and down into his stomach. my friends came closer to me. "whats wrong?" ky and natasha asked me at the same time, they all were smiling at me. i forced out a few more rotten farts, i had forced the last of my crap into his stomach trying to revive him.

  "his heart stoped i'm trying to revive him." i whispered to them as i stood there and forced out a few more farts. they had shocked looked on there face as what i said. i forced out a few more farts. it took about a minute but my happyness came back as his tongue buried itself deep into my asshole and his heart started beating against the back of my left leg. "ahhhh there we go, now back to shoping." i said to them with a big smile on my face. they just laughed and shrugged there shoulders and we went back to looking at everything. i got myself some more shampoo and some soap, some new razors. i was having to force out farts as we shoped and looked around. about thirty minutes later we were looking at some new movies when i noticed his heart stoped again. his tongue was fully in my asshole, ohh how i loved that. i quickly forced out fart after fart after fart. it took almost 17 farts to revive him this time but i was happy when his tongue went back to work and his little bruised heart started back thumping against my leg. i took a deep breath then squeezed my ass cheeks on his head and went back to looking at the movies. i picked out about ten movies and put them in my bugy. they got a bunch of movies as well, i also got some new books and a few magizines.

   about two hours later i was standing in line waiting to pay for the stuff i picked out, well for jimmy to pay for it all. i had all my things out and the cashier started ringing them up. my honeys heart stoped again as i stood there waiting for her to ring it all up. the cashier busted out laughing as she heard fart after fart followed by even more farts. is she only knew that my honeys life depended on each and every fart and that i was standing there in the store trying to give him his life back. my three freinds were laughing there heads off at it all, so were the two drunks behind them waiting to buy more beer. she told me the total as i kept forcing out farts. i was releaved when his tongue went back to work as i swiped his card paying for the $256.98 worth of stuff he just bought me. i was very happy with his tongue digging into my ass hole as i got my reciept. with his heart beating against my leg again and all my stuff in the bugy i blew the cashier a kiss. she was really cute but was only 18 or 19, she blushed. i turned around and started pushing my bugy out to my truck. "ma'am youhave a bandana draging on the floor from underneath your dress." she said to me. i stoped and looked down. i was about to bend over then ky walked over and reached under my dress and untied it from his wrist for me. i knew if i would have bent down i would probly have been busted. ky stood up and handed me the bandana

   "thanks ky, and thanks ma'am, i would have triped on that if it wasn't for you. thank you." i said to ky then to the cashier and blew her two more kisses. she got even redder. i smiled at her then turned back around and i walked to my truck. i went to the passenger side to put it all into the truck. i opened the door by the time i was almost finished ky had walked out then latasha and last was natasha. they put there stuff in the trunk of there car. we stood there in the parking lot talking for a few minutes then we hugged adn kissed each other good bye. "oh i forgot to tell you, tomorrow or the next day i am having a party and want you all to be there. it's going to be a speical party." i said to them right before we walked away from each other. they all smiled.

  "we will be there, call us afew hours before it starts please." natasha replied.

  "i will and see you all then. have a great rest of the night." i said to them as they got into there car, i walked around to the drivers door and got into my truck after that and shut the door then started my truck.

   i sat there in my truck for a while. i just sat there smiling asi enjoyed jimmys tongue digging into my asshole and start to slow. it got slower then slower til it stoped. not even a second later his heart stoped. i took a deep breath with a massive smile on my face as i waited a extra 40 seconds then i forced out fart after fart once again. it took some long hard brutal rotten farts, his body tickled the back of my legs as it shock from the cruel farts, i was giggling cause of that. it took about a minute of non stop brutal rotten farts for his heart to start thumping again as his tongue went right back to work. i blushed as i put the truck in gear and started driving, working my way home.

  since i didn't take any more fart pills i had to force them out as i drove once every four minutes. i was totally exhausted from my very long day. i had only been driving for about 15 minutes when i saw blue lights in my rear view mirror. i forced out a fart as i pulled over to the side of the road and stoped. i rolled down my window and got my licence and insurance ready. i forced out another fart as i waited for the officer to get to my window. a little over a minute later there the officer was. "how are you doing tonight ma'am?" the lady officer asked me. i started to get wet between my legs as i looked at her.

  "i'm great how about you ma'am? may i ask what i did i do wrong officer ma'am?" i asked her as i got a little wetter. jimmys tongue started to slow dow as i talked to the officer. i was smiling at her.

  "well ma'am i'm going good myself and i pulled you over because you were going 30 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone. the miminium is 40 ma'am." she replied to me me. i was getting wetter by the second. this officer had no clue my son was under my dress with his head intumbed in my ass while he ate my asshole, with his body under my legs. his arms were dangling down but i was luck that my dress still covered them.

   "oh really, didn't know i was going to slow. sorry about that but when i saw those deer on the side of the road i thought it would be a good idea." i replied to her hoping i wouldn't have to get out. i was kinda laughing knowing she had no clue as jimmy's life slowly sliped away as i talked to her.


 "i saw them to ma'am and i do agree it was a good thing to do. they can so a lot of damage. may i please have your licence and insurance card." she replied back to me giggling a little herself. i was releaved at that cause i truely didn't see any deer at all. but wasn't paying attention to that, i was focused on my sons suffering. i handed her my licence and insurence card when she asked for them. "i will be with you in a few minutes ma'am." she said to me then walked off back to her car. i forced out a fart as his tongue had almost stoped as she walked away. his pulsing cock still rubbing the insides of my legs.

  i was still sittiing htere waiting for her to come back about 4 minutes later, i was rather wet between my legs. i was about to force out a fart but i just couldn't stop myself knowing i had a cop behind me. i waited and waited as his tongue and heart slowed and slowed, it seemed liek minutes but it was only 30 extra seconds then his tongue and heart stoped at the same time. his tongue was fully buried in my ass again, ohh how i loved that. i griped the sterning wheel as i loked into the mirror as i started climaxing hard. ohh it was a rough climax. my body was shaking, i was instinly out of breath. "ahhh awww ahhawww ohhh ohh fuuuuuuck yyes awww awwww!!" i yelled out unable to stop myself at all. my body just shock and shock as cum ozzed out of my cunt right onto his chest down to his stomach and on his private area. ohh it was so rough, i found myself unable to get in anyair, i was farting, i had no control what so ever over my body. i thought the officer was going to come up to my window and bust me but to my great luck she did not even come up, my ass cheeks were crushing his head in my ass, they were clinched shut as tight as i could get them, my back was arched out a little as my body shook, my knuckled were white as i griped the stering wheel with all i had. i just couldn't control my self. i was happy i was farting but i didn't care at that moment. thanks to the fart, i got even more pleasure as his tongue started digging in my ass again and his heart started again while i was still climaxing. 5 minutes passed, then another then another finally seconds after the 7th minute i stoped climaxing. i slumped down in the seat, my ass cheeks relaxed, i farted still unable to control it, soaked with sweat. i quickly turned on the a/c then my hand arm slumped down. i was out of it. my honeys chest, stomach, and cock area was fully covered with cum and juices. it was the hardest and longest climax i had ever had and i so loved it. i had a massive smile on my face as i relaxed. my honeys tongue doing its job diging in and out of my asshole. breathing deeply as i just laid there in my truck with a cop behind me. i was so blown away from it all and i was hoping she wouldn't come up to my window. a few minutes later another fart came out as i was started to get control of myself again. i sat up, still trying to catch my breath. i just couldn't get over how powerful that climax was but i loved every second of it. his tongue was about to stop again when the officer got back to my window. i forced out a hard rotten fart making sure she heard it. "sorry for taking so long ma'am, here is your licence and insurance card back. i'm giving you a warning. again a sorry for taking so long. are you ok ma'am?" she said to me with a concerned look on her face. i locked my eyes on hers.

  "i'm absoluty fantastic ma'am. thanks for not giving me a ticket and your kindness. you have a wonderful night well mourning it is really late or early it depends on how you look at it." i said to her still with a massive smile on my face adn looking her right in the eyes.

   "you to ma'am. be safe." she said to me then walked off. i was so happy at that point. i forced out another hard long brutal rotten fart, his body vibrated against the back of my legs and i made sure she could hear it as she walked off. i heard he giggle as she walked away. i waited a extra minute then put my truck in gear and started driving off.

  i got home about an hour later, i made sure to keep jimmy with me as i forced out farts for hom to breath now only once every 4 minutes 30 seconds. i remembered how long it took him to leave me and smiled as i enjoyed him lasting long with out air. i back into my drive way then cut off my truck. i got out, when i looked i saw a pool of cum and juices where his butt was, my mouth droped open as i saw that. i was stunned as i staired at it. i stood there for a few minutes just stairing at the pool of cum and juices then i walked over to the passenger side and opened the door. i filled my hands with all my stuff then carried it in after i unlocked the door. i set it all on the couch then walked back out with both doors open. i went to the bed of the truck and untied the barstools then carried two in then went back and carried the last one in with the rest of my stuff. i set the barstool up in the middle of the room and the rest of my stuff on the couch with the other stuff. i walked back to my truck and got the same shirt i cleaned him up with earlyer then shut the door and walked over to the driver side and cleaned up the mess. as i did so i was just stunned about that. once it was clean i shut the door then walked into the house carrying the shirt into the house with me.

   in the house i quickly swallowed double the fart pills i normally took, then shut adn locked the front door. i walked to my bedroom right after that and forced out a fart. i was barly able to keep my eyes open. the sun was coming up now. i was almost out of my feet. in my bed room i took off my dress and set it down onto of the dresser then took off my bra i then walked right to the bathroom and peed then cleaned myself up and walked back into my room. i walked to my bed and sat down, i took my heeled boots off and my ankle socks as i forced out another fart. i just droped the boots and socks on the floor and left them there. i sat there and looked at the dress i smiled as i scooted back onto the bed leaving my stockings on as i knew the perfect memorys i was going to have every time i saw that dress and those boots. i laid on my back with his body under my legs, his arms were caught under him but i really didn't care. i just thought about how my day went as i laid there waiting for my farts to kick in. i pulled the covers over me with a massive smile on my face as i forced out another fart. this fart was another brutal 90 second fart, his body vibrated under my legs causing me to giggle but ohh it felt so wonderful. after about fifteen mintues of laying there my farts kicked in and my smile got even bigger as i squeezed my ass cheeks on my honeys head as his tongue kept on loving on my asshole. i was out cold only seconds later. i so was happy falling asleep with a massive smile on my face, my face was bright red and i had jimmy eating my asshole as i slept, ontop of that i enjoyed his weak heart pinned under my thick thigh struggling to beat. oh how happy i was.

written by bonkersjm


I am so loving this story. Please keep this story going. Thank you so much.


mmmm...keep it going...hope to read the next part soon.