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My first squash! (long and a 2 parter)

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:23:30 PM

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Squashing in Pudding Texas~

I have to start for the beginning, you know where there are a ton of random men who IM me to ask if I would like to squash them. Since I am newly out of the closet about my preference, I just get excited to hear from people who want be part of my pleasure zone. So after a ton of not so serious inquiries, I find one that is willing to travel and meet me in a neutral place. I am REALLY excited about the whole idea of getting to squash a new victim. He says that he has no limits and I can do just about anything I want. YAHOO at this point the excitement is raging!!

Now for safety for both of us I set up the meeting in a very public place, a bbw-Bash up in Pudding Texas. That is a 9 hour drive for me and a short plane ride for Horace. So we agree that on Saturday we will meet up for some good clean squashing fun.

I arrive in Pudding on Saturday in the early afternoon. I didnââ,¬â,,¢t even stop for snacks on the drive over because I was really looking forward to meeting the little victim. As I get closer to Pudding, I realize that other than his online name and the fact that he lives in Maine, I donââ,¬â,,¢t know squat about this person. I canââ,¬â,,¢t recall seeing a picture or even asking for a general description of what he looks like. So as soon as I get to the hotel, I jump into my bathing suit and run to the pool. I was actually expecting to see a stranger waiting beside the pool for me. I had plans to make him lie beside to pool so I would not have to snag my suit by sitting on the hard rock edge. To my extreme surprise, there was no such stranger!

I get in the pool and chat around with my friends telling them about my little friend who is coming to this party from Maine. I am going to squash him and make his face all red from pressure. HA HA HA I am really looking forward to this lil guy! The other girls ask what he looks like, and I canââ,¬â,,¢t even tell them. They ask ââ,¬Å"what if he is UGLY or a big geek?ââ,¬Â ââ,¬Å" I donââ,¬â,,¢t know, guess it doesnââ,¬â,,¢t really matter what he looks like. Iââ,¬â,,¢m gonna squash him downââ,¬Â I say. The girls give me the YOUR CRAZY look but I just keep my eyes peeled for the stranger! Twice during the afternoon I see men come into the pool area and look around, a bit lost and a bit like they are looking for someone. They were both very little guys and it was going to be great if they were the ââ,¬Å"strangerââ,¬Â Horace! Each time, these men found the one they were looking for and it wasnââ,¬â,,¢t me!

You must know what I am thinking now! Horace has come, taken one good look at me and decided he will not be able to take the brutality I am planning on inflicting on him and has bailed out on me. He has exchanged his skin for chicken feather and taken off. I feel angry and a bit rejected. I know now that 520 is too big to be a pleasurable squasher. I hang my head low and make my way back to my hotel room to shower and change to get ready for dinner with the fat chics. After my shower I talked to my friend who has stayed behind for a few more minutes of fun in the sun. I asked her if there was anyone at the pool from Maine who was looking for me. ââ,¬Å"No, Just some guy from New Orleansââ,¬Â was her reply. We giggle about the wimpy chicken and get dressed for dinner!

I am feeling a bit low in spirits because at this party I am the biggest one there and for a fact I have been stood up by someone with my same interests. BOOHOO. At dinner there are about 30 fat woman, 4 men and a few that Iââ,¬â,,¢m not too sure about. There are a few new faces in the restaurant but no one looks out of place or new to this group. Still no victim, for sure the rejection by a true weinerdog has set in. My date at dinner is very entertaining as usual. He keeps everyone happy and laughing at our end of the table including me, so no one notices the despair that I am feeling due to rejection by a giant turkey. I did once notice a nice looking man at the end of the table but he was very cozy with one of the local faties so I assumed he was one of the local girls boyfriends. They were very cozy so I wrote him off as my potential victim.

Now that dinner is over we all head back to the hotel for tonightââ,¬â,,¢s PJ party. I had packed some really cute PJââ,¬â,,¢s since I was going to be in a room full of people. We get dressed and head to the party. I am sitting in the corner of the bed room on a little window seat talking on the phone to the front desk. I am explaining to them that the person I am looking for is from Maine. I do not know his first or last name, just that he if from Maine. She can not look up residence by their location so I am finally understanding that this squashing will never take place. As I hung up the phone, the fatties sitting on the bed turn and say to meââ,¬Â¦. ââ,¬Å" THIS IS HIM, THIS IS YOUR GUY!!!!ââ,¬Â I look up only to see the local boyfriend. Now I am confused and pissed off a bit. This is the hotie that was sitting at the end of the table looking all cozy with the local girl. Had he not recognized me by one of my one million (dr.Evil accent) pictures available on the internet of me. What was his problem, and why the hell didnââ,¬â,,¢t he have chicken feet and feathers. I was relieved to see that he was nice looking and very willing to take orders.

Willing to take orders. YES. I ordered him to get over there where I was standing and lay down on the floor. He was so ease. He did it and in flash time! I was impressed. I stepped right on his chest/stomach. Once I was securely up there, I did a few bounces so he would fill the torment that needed to be delivered! It felt GREAT, I was so powerful. I had this cutie right where he deserved to be, at my feet with all my 520 pounds pressing down on him. I felt like I was QUEEN OF THE WORLD! Our play time was cut short due to the party breaking up for unknown reasons. Since I didnââ,¬â,,¢t have much time to talk to MR. Chicken, all I got out of him was his room number. So we left and went to different hotelsââ,¬Â¦..

Author: Zsalynn

Posted: 03 Jun 2003 07:07 PART 2

When I got to my room, I gave Horace Chicken a phone call to his hotel room. I left my room number so that he could call me the next day so we could get together for some REAL fun. He called a few minutes later. We agreed to meet up the next morning.

Bright and early 10:45am my phone rings. It was Horace. He was just waking up and was giving me a call as I had instructed the previous night. I was in a dead sleep but I told him to get dressed and come on over. I get up and get in the shower. Horace arrives just as I am out of the shower and getting dressed. I let him in to entertain my friend who was sleeping on the couch while I finish getting dressed. Now is the time to find out just how brutal I can be.

As we get into my cute little Jetta he curses it by saying how cute and nice it is. Damn HIM! I ask what he would like and he leaves it totally up to me. (Now is the time to give you a little flash back. Remember I was looking for someone from Maine, this guy told the other fatties he was from New Orleans. What! Iââ,¬â,,¢m really confused. The guy from Maine was supposed to come here, take me to lunch and then have me squash the day light out of him. This guy is someone else. To my horror I realize that I have people all mixed up. Horace is not the squashee from Maine, he is the little annoying guy that I chat with in my chat room. He only talks to me about squashing, like Iââ,¬â,,¢m some kind of squashing machine. Like I donââ,¬â,,¢t have any other part of life except SQUASHING! This is not a perfect world. I do have a personality outside of squashing. I know this is very hard to believe but since I am a woman, I can not think about sex and sexually stuff 23 hours a day. Thatââ,¬â,,¢s a mans job.) I suggest we have sea food for lunch and he canââ,¬â,,¢t believe we are not having breakfast. I bet he is glad he didnââ,¬â,,¢t eat twice before I squashed him, I am sure he would not have been able to take all the pounding I gave him. The two of us are a lunch, laughing and joking about our lives and getting to know each other. I find out that he has had PROFESSIONAL squashes before so I am starting to sweat. What if I donââ,¬â,,¢t measure up to the others? What if I suck? What if I canââ,¬â,,¢t squash him till he canââ,¬â,,¢t take it? Oh Iââ,¬â,,¢m in serious trouble. Lunch was a saving grace.

Back in the hotel room, I am pacing and worried about the kind of job my little ole 520 pound body could do. I am worried that I will chicken out and not be able to unleash the true squasher in me. Will he be able to take it. Now I know he is a really nice normal guy and I am not feeling such disappointment in his late arrival. As he knocks on the door, I figure, Oh well, Iââ,¬â,,¢ll just do it for all the times he made me talk about squashing when I wanted to be asking what he looked like.

I want to take it easy on him at first. I sit on his little skinny chicken finger legs.. (hence the picture) We talk about my favorite basket ball team which is playing later that day. He winds me up by rooting for the opposing team. Dirty Lakers fan! There was my inspiration! I stay on his lap for about 20 minutes while we formulate a plan.

First he layââ,¬â,,¢s down on the couch and I bounce my big butt on his chest and stomach. I not only sit on him but I jump up and land my big fat ass right on his chest and stomach. Root for the LAKERS!!! DIE More jumps with a ton of gasps for air. Then he layââ,¬â,,¢s on the floor where my 380 pound friend get on top of him and I come and jump on top of them both. They both gasp for air as I grip them with my gorgeous body. At this moment, they have faces the color or a matadorââ,¬â,,¢s cape. I am giggling and love the torture. My friend and I change places, now I am on top of Horace and she jumps on me. Oh HOLY CAKES, I am about to die from the pressure of this fattie on top of me! I think my tonsils are about to shoot out of my mouth. It was scary and Horace was on the bottom of it all. Next we take it to the bed room, where I instruct him to lay across the foot of the bed. It takes about 7 jumping butt drops on his chest/stomach to break the steel castors on the bed. Horace seems to be taking it better than the bed.

After a quick check of Horace and a makeshift repair to the bed, he lies in the middle of the bed where I jump up and down on top of his tiny body. Each bounce seems to be pushing him farther and farther into the mattress. I am sure there is an imprint of his little face and body still in the mattress today. After about 3 or 4 hours or brutal bouncing it is time to watch the game. Before I made him my human chair, I wanted to step on him again, just to prove to him and myself that I was the master. Then Horace got on the floor with his knees up so that I will have a comfortable place to sit while I root for my team!

To conclude, this story it is to explain that squashing for me is all about having fun. I had a great time. There was lots of laughter and pleasure for both of us. It was an all day experience and Iââ,¬â,,¢m sure I would not have it any other way. Thanks Horace from me (Acme Anvil) and my date for the weekend. He did receive MANY rewards later that night at your expense.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.