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My entry to the story competition...

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 11:29:40 PM

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lol, it's kind of my epic saga of squash. It continues my first story, so you may want to read that one first.

It was about a week after the last humiliating ordeal Jill had put me through, and I knew she'd soon have something new in store. It was Saturday, and we both had the day off. I was laying on the couch watching TV when Jill walked in, wearing pyjama pants and a too small t-shirt which did nothing to conceal her big boobs and bigger belly.

"Mornin, Geoff" she said, and before I could reply, she plopped her massive ass down onto my chest. The air was immediately forced from my lungs, as I let out a loud groan. Her entire body visibly jiggled beneath her revealing outfit, and I was amazed to realize how attracted to her I'd become since the last beating she laid down on me. Her hips stretched from near my chin to almost my crotch, and I was struggling to breath right away. She just sat there for about five minutes, without another word, as a gasped for air beneath her bulk.

Finally, she lifted up off of me, and I gratefully sucked in all the air I could get, which wasn't much, because she came crashing back down after I had a few breaths. She placed her left hand on my crotch, discovering my raging erection. "Enjoying yourself, Geoffrey?" she smirked down at me. I nodded weakly. Suddenly, BAM! She slapped me across the face. "I SAID, are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, ma'am" I wheezed. She slapped me again.

"Good boy. You really wanted to have sex with me last time, didn't you?"

"Yes, ma'am" BAM-BAM! Twice, back and forth across the face.

"Well, you just might get your chance tonight." She noticed the excitement in my eyes and laughed. "BUT," she continued, "You're going to have to be a very good boy today, okay"

"Yes, ma'am" She lifted up and dropped back down, crushing me further into the couch. I could feel the wood below the cushions pushing against my back.

"Yes ma'am, what?"

"Yes ma'am... I'll be a very... good boy"

"Excellent, because Anna's coming to visit, and she'll be staying here for the night!". I froze. Anna was Jill's bitchy step-sister; we'd never got along, and we hated each other's guts. Generally, when she came to visit Jill, Jill gave me a heads up and I made myself scarce. But I could tell from the glint in her eye that this time I would be staying at home. I shuddered... well, under Jill's massive weight, I probably didn't have enough space to actually shudder, but you get the idea.

"That's right!" she taunted, "I've promised Anna a VERY pleasant visit, and you're going to help provide it." She finally lifted up off of me, turned around, and glared down. "Any problems with that?"

I desperately wanted to say no, but I realised that it wasn't really an option, and maybe if I cooperated I would actually get the sex Jill had mentioned. So I panted out a faint "Yes, ma'am", and her face lit right up.

"Awesome! This is going to be fun!" She sounded just like a giddy teenage girl, only she was giddy over the prospect of my humiliation. She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket, and handed it to me.

"Here's you're instructions for the beginning of the day: 1) Memorize this speech. 2) Get naked, and 3) Go lay by the front door, you little welcome mat! Oh, and just to remind you why you're going to be good today..."

She pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her tantalizingly proportioned breasts in bra, and her upper belly. Then she pulled the waistline of her pants down underneath her lower belly, leaving her entire stomach on display. "Pretty flabby, huh? Watch this-" She began to shake, and her amazing gut wiggled back and forth, jiggling and bouncing... it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. I sat up, my jaw dropping, as she shook like Jello for around fifteen seconds. Then she abruptly stopped, replaced her clothing, and proceeded to slap me back and forth across the face for a minute, while I just sat there in front of her and took it, my cheeks burning, both from the slapping and the embarassment of being so complacent.

"Boy, oh boy, Geoff, you're sure pathetic! Now I have to get in the shower, and you have to get to work, Anna will be here soon!"

She turned and walked off, and I stared and her big fat booty until she was out of site down the hallway, then I read the speech a few times to myself- I was shocked. I couldn't believe the things she wanted me to say to someone she knew I hated to lose face in front of... and this was just the beginning of my day. I sucked it up and got to work...

After laying on the floor naked for about fifteen minutes while Jill took a long shower (As she explained to me once, it takes a long time to wash so much body), I heard the door opening... and in came Anna, without even knocking... typical for her... ugh...

She looked down at me and burst out laughing. I felt my cheeks burning already. Without a word, and without taking off her sneakers, she stepped up onto my chest. "What a nice little welcome mat!" She chortled. I strained underneath her weight. Anna wasn't nearly as big as Jill (I knew from a conversation I overheard that she weighed around 250 pounds, and if you remember my last story you'll know that Jill weighed MUCH more than that.), but she was heavy, and really, any woman standing on your chest is a bit uncomfortable. Anna was a pear shaped girl with a small potbelly, big boobs, big hips, big butt, big thighs... you get the picture. She has a round face and long, curly blond hair. But I digress...

Lifting her feet up one at a time, she kicked her sneakers off. I gasped and wheezed under the intense weight of all of her on one foot, and she laughed some more. She bounced on the tips of her toes for a few seconds, and then, probably because I was turning purple, stepped off of me onto the floor. I was relieved, and sucked in air, but it was short lived, because she lifted her left foot and rested it on my face, with her toes positioned just above my nose, forcing me to suck in her pungent foot odour. "Smell good?" she smirked, "Well, how about you stop breathing through your mouth for a little bit, so you can enjoy the smell... and while you're at it, Jill said you have something to say to me!"

I had hoped she wouldn't remember... I hesitated to speak, although I did start with the nose-only breathing. Just then Jill appeared from the hallway... "Geoffrey, don't hesitate!!! Be a good boy!" she taunted. I had no choice... really...

"Anna, (sniff) you beautiful princess, I realize (sniff) that all our problems are my fault, as I am a pathetic worm (sniff) who scarcely deserves to (sniff) smell your beautiful feet. I promise to be utterly obedient (sniff) to all your desires today, so that you may derive enjoyment from (sniff) my suffering." I don't know how I got the words out. Anna and Jill both burst out laughing.

"Give him some orders, babe, try him out" suggested Jill.

"Stand up, slave!"

I stood, and Anna looked up into my eyes (I'm about four inches talled than her.) "I hope we have as much fun as Jill promised". Then, without warning, she jammed her chubby knee into my bare crotch. Stars exploded in front of me, and I fell on my knees. The pain was excrutiating.

"Careful with those babe, I'm gonna need em later" Jill said, giggling. "Now let's go get some snacks ready, we can watch a movie."

Ten minutes later I lay upturned on the couch in front of the TV. They marched into the room, with a big bowl of popcorn, and two big bags of chips. Jill put on the movie, while Anna just plopped down onto my stomach. I wheezed, and she laughed her obnoxious laugh. I couldn't believe what Jill was putting me through, or that I was willing to take it.

Regardless, after Jill popped on the movie, she walked over to me, stood in front of my face for a minute, then sat slowly down onto my face and chest. Her enormous butt cheek blocked out all the light, and as the fat of her ass gathered around my face, I barely managed to turn to the side enough to be able to get a bit of air now and then. Jill wiggled around, getting comfortable, while Anna just reclined. A minute or two later, I faintly heard Anna say "I think he likes it, Jill. Hahaha", and she started slapping my bulging erection. "Having fun down there, couch?"

After a few seconds, Jill got angry... "Geoffrey, I believe Anna asked you a question..." she said, and started bouncing lightly on my already flattened face and chest... "Just because you're down there doesn't mean you get to just ignore us!"

"Yes... ma'am, I'm having fun..." I could barely get the words out. Jill told Anna that she should punish me for my delayed reply... do I even have to say that Anna was thrilled by the idea? She got off me, which released a lot of pressure and allowed me a few more breaths, but then she flopped back down onto my stomach, bouncing a few times. She slapped my penis harder than ever, and cackled with delight.

By the end of the movie, I was barely conscious, and utterly squashed. The credits rolled, and Jill heaved herself up off of me. I couldn't take deep breaths right away, my chest was too compacted from the two hours of her bulk weighing down on it. Jill told Anna that she was going to take the movie back, and pick up supper. Supper? They had devoured all the junk food they brought out with them over the past couple hours, and they still have room for supper? Jill walked out the door, telling Anna to have fun while she was gone.

After the door shut, Anna wasted no time. "Get your knees up, slave". I complied, and she lifted her butt off me once again, only to rotate so she was facing me, and drop her fat ass down on my crotch, hard. She leaned back against me knees, and lifted up her legs to take off her socks. She set one over my face... it was sweaty, and I had no choice but to enjoy the smell.

"Is my big butt crushing your balls, slave?"

"Yes, ma'am"

"Awesome." She lifted up and bounced back down. "Does my sock smell good? Be honest"

"No, ma'am"

"Wonderful. Would you like me to take it away? Of course you would." She kicked the sock off of my face. "Now you can suck my toes until Jill gets back!"

One by one, I sucked on her sweaty, salty toes, all the while wincing from the pain of her ass squishing my crotch, and straining from the effort of supporting her with my knees. She maintained eye contact the whole time, which only added to the humiliation of being so subservient to someone I loathed. Now and then she'd bounce on my crotch, or slap my face with her feet. Jill finally arrived home a half hour later. Her and Anna went into the kitchen to divvy up the food Jill brought home, and I heard Jill say something about getting into more comfortable clothes. She shouted to me to get ready to serve as a footstool, and I got down onto the floor on my hands and knees.

They returned in skimpy lingere. Anna walked in first, her thighs wiggling like crazy, her wide hips undulating with every step. I was turned on in spite of my distaste for her. But that didn't compare to Jill, whose entire body shook as she bounded into the room. Her belly wobbled from side to side, her hips shook and bounced, her breasts had taken on a life of their own inside the too-small bra she wore. Amazing. My jaw just dropped as they sat on the couch, resting their meaty legs on my back. I struggled, in my weakened state, to support them while they chowed down on Jill's favorite...tacoes. I shuddered at the thought of what was to come.

When they finished, it was time for face sitting. I sat at the foot of the couch, my upturned face ready to serve as a cushion. Anna was up first. As she settled her fat butt down, she stopped with her panties just brushing my nose. "Ready, Geoff? Take a deep breath, and a good look at my fat ass!" She settled down, her slightly damp panties were all I could see for a second, then I could see nothing. My face sank deep into her ass crack. "Spread my cheeks, Geoff, so you can get wayyyy up there!" I obeyed, and her flabby butt cheeks swallowed my face whole. I was surrounded by soft, glorious fat on all sides. That has to be one of the glories of all fat girls (even Anna)- when they sit on your face, there's nothing hard to hurt your nose, just lots of soft butt flesh to cushion you for the crushing.

Anna cackled. "Wow, Jill, now I know why you keep this loser around... what a great cushion! Hear that, worm boy? You're a real good seat. I bet your face is gonna smell like ass for days, though. Oh well!" Her and Jill both laughed. I'd been down for a long time, and I was starting to need air. I tapped her thighs. She didn't get up. I got frantic, and started kicking. She simply ordered me not to squirm. I thought I was going to pass out, when she lifted just enough for me to breathe through my nose, and ordered "Sniff my butt, you little dog!" I took in the smell of her sweaty ass for a few seconds before she settled back down. After thirty seconds, she said "You want air again, you have to earn it!" She put her hand on top of mine, and said the words I'd been dreading: "Pull my finger!" Jill just laughed. I had no choice, really... with my dignity (if I had any left to begin with) completely gone, I pulled her finger. PLBBBT! A very loud fart in my face. She lifted up again. Jill was laughing her ass off.

"I just farted in your face, Geoff! How do you like that? Does it smell good?"

It didn't, but I had to breathe, so I sniffed her putrid fart, while she reveled in having me in such an awful position. Then she suddenly jumped up. "Shit, I forgot, I have a date in fifteen minutes, I gotta go!" She ran for the guest room to get dressed, and I thanked my lucky stars.

Jill wasted no time in walking across the room. She towered in front of me, and I observed that she'd removed her panties. "Finally, we have some alone time, Geoff!" And she dropped down onto my face. I heard Anna run out the door, saying she'd be back later. After almost a minute, Jill cut one and stood up. "Remember the rules from last week, Geoffrey?"

I did, so I sniffed really deep, and said "Thank you."

"Good boy. Now, I'm about ready for sex, but we still haven't finished our little carnival game. So here's what we'll do... you're gonna lick my ass for a few minutes, then you can have ONE guess. You were close last time, so there's a hint. If you get it right, you're gonna get laid... well, more like steamrolled."

I spread her cheeks and she plopped down, engulfing my head in all her wonderful ass flab. She positioned herself just well enough that I could sniff her butt while I licked it. After a minute, she farted right on my tongue. I kept licking diligently, and she laughed to herself. "Another one! I hope you like sniffing my gas Geoff, cause there's more where that came from." She let out a succession of three or four more farts, and then got up.

"465?" I offered.

"Close enough, 467. You're in luck Geoff, now get on your hands and knees and give me a pony ride to my room."

I didn't have a chance. She sat down, and I managed to support her weight for a few seconds, but when I tried to lift my arm, I collapsed to the floor, with her on top of me. I was squashed more completely than ever before.

"I guess here will have to do, then. Too bad, you don't get the extra support from the mattress... cause of course, you know I'm on top!"

She got up so I could roll onto my back. Then she grabbed one of Anna's socks and stuffed it in my mouth. "Just so you don't get any ideas about kissing me with your fart filled mouth" she teased.Then she passed me a condom, and I put it on. Then she lowered her self on to my eager cock. She straddled my crotch while I lay on my back, thrusting up into her wonderful pussy. She bounced mercilessly on my crotch, but that only enhanced the sensation. As if it wasn't already clear who was in control, she started slapping me across the face again. "Come on, Geoff, grab some flab! You know you want to!"

Of course I did. I took big handfuls of her fat, shaking her belly around. It shook like a flan, I swear it was one of the most beautiful things I ever saw. As her fat body jiggled, she kept right on slapping me, and bouncing... I was near orgasm in minutes. She must have known, because to top off the sex, she lay flat out across my body, giving me the full benefit of her 467 pounds, and burying my head in her luscious bosoms. We orgasmed at the same time, my pathetic little body struggling to spasm underneath her massivity. I can only imagine what her wonderful bulk must have looked like at the time, since her boobs blocked out all the light.

No sooner had we finished than she got up. To my shock, she stepped up onto my chest with both feet, and beamed down at me. "Well done, little man. Anyways, I'm going to bed. Anna's gonna need a doormat when she gets in, so you know where to position yourself. And keep that sock in your mouth, she'll get a kick out of that."

That said, she spat on my face, and walked down the hall, leaving me to gape at her jiggling ass for the last time that day.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.