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my best yet possibly.

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:43:03 PM

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When I married Beth she was a firm and fit woman, not peteit by any means at 5'7"/160 pounds. She only some slight puggyness on her stomache, but under that was obviously firm sculpted muscle. Her hips were broad atop her thick, but solid thighs. Her ass too, was wide of course, well rounded and soft, but there was no cellulite there at all. Firm muscle was it's foundation aswell. Her arms were firm and sculpted. Her breasts large, 40D's, but still firm and not overly droopy. She was stunning.
In our first year of marriage she became pregnant, and gave birth to our son James. Through the pregnacy she gained 40 pounds. The obvious firmness under her flesh disappeared.
This did not concern me to any great extent. I figured she would get herself back in shape within a year. That year of time passed and she hadn't lost hardly any weight. She was no less than 185 pounds. I began to worry that she was going to remain this fat.
" When are you going to lose all this weight?", a question I frequently started asking her and it aggrivated her to no end.
" I'm very busy right now if you haven't noticed.", or, "Next year." was her usual reply.
Two years later she was still 185 or even 195 pounds. I was losing interest in her sexually, but I couldn't stop making love to her. I still loved her as my wife.
She was the sexual persuer, so I went along and was more than well rewarded. be continued...

Author: spcbrown

Posted: 31 Aug 2003 05:29 Blow jobs in the middle of the night, the skill she had with her feet, and the anal sex she offered me...I could't say no to her even if she was so fat.
Then she got pregnant again. By our second childs birth, a girl named Rossie, she had gained 55 pounds more. I was somewhat depressed about this. She weighed 250 pounds even after the baby was born. She was now truly fat, covered with rolls of flab, cellulite, and stretch marks. This was just too much.
When we had first married we had sex twice a day on average on thru to the end of her first trimester with James. That fell to 3 or 4 times a week thru her second trimester, which fell to once a month until she had the baby. She hounded me for sex all the time. After the baby was born I was very disinterested in her sexually and was thankfull we had little time for sex due to carring for him until he was about a year old. Then sex was back up to once a day, because she wouldn't stop nagging for it. I could barely find the desire, because she was already over 200 pounds. She was just too fat. She was unattractive.
She continued giving me blow jobs frequently. She enjoyed doing that, and I think she was worried I would stray and they would keep me interested in her sexually. I managed to have sex with her once or twice a month. I felt I owed it to her, but her flabby body against me was difficult to take.
I'll be dambed if she didn't get pregnant again two years after Rossie was born. She still weighed around 250 pounds, and rapidly began gaining weight. Her bubbery body expanded another 70 pounds at the time our second girl, Renee, was born.
Beth was a flabby 320 pound blob of cellulite. The last straw was broken when, after Renee was born, she continued to be a glutton and ate constantly. I couldn't make myself touch her then. I didn't even want the blow jobs she gave me. In the next three months she was up to 380 pounds. I could not accept this.
I soon met a beautiful, sexy woman who hadn't an ounce of fat on her body. Her name was Sara and she was about 5'9" and 112 pounds of pure heaven.
She and I had an affair for the next six years. She never gained a single pound. I was happy as I could be.
Meanwhile Beth was eating and gaining weight nonstop. She was up to 630 pounds. About this time her mom came to me highly concerned about Beth's weight. She told me Beth had been very fat, 400 pounds, when she was only 12 years old. She had never mentioned this before. Strange that any of the stretch marks from then had fadded away before I met her.
Her mom had put her on an extreme diet and excersize regimine and she was down to just 115 pounds at age 17, two years before we met. Anyway I told her " We were not doing so well because Beth was so fat and getting fatter all the time, I don't know what to do" . I didn't say anything about the affair I was having.
I still did my share of work in raising the kids, and when I went to see Sara I would leave them with one or both of their grandmothers, especially after Beth had become so fat that she couldn't keep up with the little heathens.
Then it happened, after six years with Sara she suddenly gets pregnant. I paniced and distanced myself from her. In return she confessed our affair and her pregnancy to Beth in person at my house.
Unfortunately to Sara she didn't realize that this would make, the 630 pound woman who stood just a couple of feet away from her, an angry 630 pound woman. She thought she was only going to get back at me.
I had drove like mad to the house to try and stop Sara but I was too late. I came to the front door and saw them standing in the living room talking. I couldn't decide if I should go inside as I watched them thru the window in the door. I heard Beth loudly swearing my name for my betrayal. Then I heard her say "You little slut!".
Sara didn't consider herself to be a slut. I heard her say, "You fat bitch!".
Beth was ready to lash out at me, but she didn't know I was there at the front door. Sara was there, just there, close. be continued...

Author: spcbrown

Posted: 01 Sep 2003 11:05 Beth took a step towards Sara throwing a wide swing at her. She struck her solidly on the side of her head and face with a powerful slap. Sara was dropped to the floor near the wall by the kitchen enterance. She was dazed and confused about what had happened and where she was. She reached out to the wall to steady herself as she began to stand up. As she sraightened and turned around towards Beth she had a horrified look on her face as she saw 630 pounds of blubber jiggling and bouncing as Beth was in full charge towards her.
Beth's belly collided into her slender frame, absorbing it into the deep softness while pushing Sara back against the wall. This was followed by several hundred pounds of presure that slammed into her, crushing her to the wall. There was a loud thud, and a crunch. I thought some bones of Sara's had broken, but then Beth stepped back and grabbed a handful of her hair draging her away from the wall. I saw that an area of the wall had given way.
Beth dragged her towards the couch and slung her around so that she fell onto it. Beth spunaround much quicker that I thought she would"ve been able to, and soon after plopped down onto her ass, causing another loud thud and a crunch. She landed on Saras tiny body and burried her from head to hips with all her blubbery ass and thighs. Beth must have wanted to kill her, because she began to move in a way that soon led into her begining to bounce very heavily. All her body jiggled and gyrated in motions like the ocean tides. She came up enough with each bounce that when she came down on Sara again the whole room shook. The whole house may have been shaking. The floor squeaked and moaned from the force of each blow to its integrity. Sara could only do about the same, and was unable to catch a breath of air. Any little bit she did get would be crushed out of her a second later.Her ribs and her spinal collum were forced to flex in unnatural ways far beyond their designed limits, and her internal organs painfully compressed. She gasped and grunted each time Beth fell, then gasped and weezed every time Beth was up which soon just became a fit of gut wrenching coughs, but she hadn't the air to cough fully. This caused her to start choking. It had been 2 or 3 minutes since Beth had sat on her. She needed oxygen and soon.
I had been watching this and was frozen with terror and shock, but just then came to my senses. I rushed into the room.
"What are you doing? Beth your going to kill her! Get off her right now!"
She stopped bouncing, but still sat there. Sara was now completely smothered and had no chance for air. Beth glarred at me with hate in her eyes.
"You son of a bitching bastard!...This is the little slut you been fucking!?...I'll show her to fuck my husband!" she yelled at me and she started to bounce once again.
Sara had been almost 4 minutes now with little or no oxygen. As soon as Beth had lifted just enough I heard her make a big gasp for air and immediately coughed just as Beth fell on her again.
...more of this to come...


Author: bigmarisa

Posted: 01 Sep 2003 12:51 my pussy is dripping when i read the story!!!!!!

Please, you must make to Beth break the sara's spine!!!!!
Wet kisses and bear hugs!!
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 05 Sep 2003 09:24 Beth began to bouce again and in a few seconds the legs of the couch gave way. She broke the damb couch. Sara had to be dead. Beth just kept bouncing, but now she was landing even harder since the couch was lower. I rushed up in front of her.
"Get up you fat bitch!" I yelled at her, "She is going to die!"
"Thats what I think too." Beth answered sarcasticlly.
Just then as she was on the rise she reached out and shoved me back, using her momentum to both thrust me into the air and rise to her feet. I heard Sara gasp for air as I was in mid air. I landed flat on my back a few feet away from her.
Before I could move she was charging towards me. She kicked me in the balls with full force, and came to a stop now astride me. I looked up and could only see her thighs and belly from below. I was horrified as she kicked one of her legs forward and soon the other came out from under her. She began to fall towards me. I was suddenly crushed with the force of weight falling on me from high above. I was in total darkness, my face burried by her belly and thighs. Her ass compressed my chest and stomache , even though most of it was not on me but hanging past my sides and settled on the floor. This launched all the air from me in an instant, pressing my ribs inward severly as well as tourqing my spine flat to the floor. I could do nothing to help myself. My balls and my entire body throbbed with pain.
Beth could have hurt herself pulling this off, but a moment later she rolled off to one side and got off of me. I felt I shouldn't move, even if I could as the pain lessened only a little when she got off of me. I couldn't see what Beth was doing.
I heard Sara moaning and squealing. Beth had picked up her limp body inher arms, and carried her over to me on the floor. She put Sara down, sitting her on my face, and pushing her back down on her back lying on top of me. Her head slamming into my groin, crushing my balls again. Her firm ass covered my face. She had shit herself and stank of urine aswell. Now beth came over beside us and slowly squat down untill she was sitting on us both. Sara's body compressed, and sank into me, and I was further flattened to the hard floor with about 740 pounds on me. Beth just giggled as more gas was forced out of Sara's ass, right on my face. And Sara's head was further pressed into my balls, crushing them to the bursting point. They were seperated enough not too fortunately. Beth settled down on us with her full weight and held her feet off the floor to insure this. Then she quickly pushed her feet to the floor and lifted her ass up several inches then dropped down again. I could not breathe at all. I felt as though my ribs were going to snap like dry twigs at any second. My back wrenched in pain.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 05 Sep 2003 11:23 Beth did this over and over, crushing Sara and I into a mangled mess. The last bit of Sara's gas finally past out of her, and I just had to deal with being crushed. Thankfully I couldn't really breathe so I didn't have to smell her anymore.
Beth was just giggling with delight and it seemed getting some other pleasure out of this. She especially got excited when finally some of Sara's bone's made a cruching sound. Sara screamed out as best she could but her face was smothered with the blubbery flesh of Beth's ass along with having all her weight on her. Just after Sara's bones began to give way Beth started to bouce with greater intensity and more rapidly. The sound of cracking bones put her into a frenzy. A moment later I felt the pain within my chest and back increase ten fold. My ribs had cracked and were on the verge of total collapse. All of my lower vertibi had also been compressed and slipped out of alignment completely. I screamed in agony, though not at all loudly enough to be heard outside the room. Still Beth continued to bounce and crush us more and more.
A half hour later Beth got up and walked away. She came back a few minutes later with a huge sandwich and sat on us again to eat it.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 07 Sep 2003 01:34 She just sat there on us, slowly crushing sara and I more with each passing second while she ate her sandwhich. She was finished with it in just five minutes and got up once again. Beth looked down at our flattened, semiconsious bodies. She felt an urge to punish us more, and straddling us, she dropped down with another huge butt bomb, with her full weight. This finished off Sara. There was another crunching sound. It was her spine snapping, along with the rest of what was left of her rib cage being destroyed. My rib cage took futher damage aswell, cracking the rest of them and damaging one or two more of my vertibri. I don't know what kept me alive. I slipped into darkness just as she was getting up.
When I awoke I was in the hospital, completely covered in casts, bandages, with many tubes going in and out of me. Beth had taken Sara's broken dead body, and hauled it away. When I got out of the hospital 4 months later, the house was empty. Beth and the kids were gone. Nobody knew where they were
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.