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Moving a Couch

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:32:41 PM

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Mike looked in the mirror as she washed his face with cold water. This wasn't gonna happen, or was it. He got back into the room and looked at Debbie. "Are you serious? Will you let me stay in this room while you and Marie and Susan try on your new summer dresses. Why?" His cousin was five years older than him, and wouldn't do anything good for him if there wasn't anything good for her to gain. She was just over 6 feet and weighed 300lbs. She had just turned 20 and she and her friends were going out to celebrate that, that's why they were coming over this evening to try out some new clothes and planning for the weekend. "You're right" said Debbie. "There is something I want you to do. Steve, your best friend's brother owns the place next to the coffeshop downtown. This Saturday as I'm going out with Marie and Susan, there is a band playing there that we just love. If you can get me three tickets, I will hide you in this room as we try our clothes." Mike swallowed, turned around and ran to the phone. One minute later he entered the room again and said. I hope I'm gonna see some skin real close, 'cause I'll get three tickets tomorrow at school." "Wow, that's impressing," Debbie said. "Oh yeah, you'll see some close up I assure you. You know the old couch at granny's? I'll have you lying on that with a blanket over you and some pillows so you wont bee seen". Mike sighed as he saw for himself what was gonna happen He would see his cousin half naked, and not just that. He would also se Marie, a brunette two years older than Debbie and pretty much same size as her, and not to forget the amazon Susan. 20 years old, 6"9' and probably over 500 lbs. Debbie snapped him out of his daydream as she reminded him that he ought to get the couch over in two hours if he was going to see anything at all. So he got into his pickup and managed to get it over in just over one hour. As he got in Debbie said: "You could lie down at once and get some rest. I'll tuck you in and hide you right away, and I'll wake you up as they get here.

Of course Mike fell asleep and awoke as Debbie shook him lightly and whispered "I hear them coming up the stairs. Don't worry, I've covered you up with pillows and blankets so there is no way of seeing you under there." Debbie got up and went out to greet the girls. They were talking all the way into the living room and Mike heard Marie's voice: "oh, my feet are killing me, I'll have to get these boots of now." "Use the chair over there" he heard Debbie say, "I'm just going to the bathroom. He saw Marie walking towards the chair by this huge mirror on the wall. Just as she reach the chair, he heard her say "oooh, you've got a new couch", and in just four seconds he felt about 300 lbs bouncing down on his chest. He couldn't even get a sound out, he just felt his ribs flex under her butt. And before he could try to get free he heard her say "it's a bit hard to sit on, what do you think Susan?" He nearly paniced as he saw this amazon getting close to the couch. But he still couldn't get a sound over his lips, and now it got even more difficult as he felt a quarter of a ton slowly sitting down on his stomach and lower area. 800 lbs on his 180 lbs body. This is it, he thought, but just then Debbie entered and saw the two girls compressing Mikes body. "Come over here and see what you think of this", she said and walked over to the mirror. Mike took a very deep breath and just managed to resist coughing, as they got up. Even though, he thought that they must have heard his loud sigh. He thought, I must get up before they come back, but Debbie wouldn't let them go back, would she? Debbie interrupted his thoughts by saying "Nice couch, isn't it, and soft to" "I think it's a bit hard", Susan said. "Yeah, me too" Marie filled in. "Ah, come on, have a jump on it. It flex's all the way to the floor," Debbie suddenly bursted out. Mike couldn't believe his ears, and not his eyes eighter as he saw Susan leaping into the air. He waved his arms in the air and tossed away the pillows over his head and that's just all he had the time to do. As his sight got clear, all he saw was Susan. 500 lbs Susan crashing down on his body once again. But this time it wasn't slowly. It was like a bottle of ketchup. Nothing, nothing and then, evrything at once. As he saw her coming down, he also saw her realizing there was somebody under her. She got up and all four in the room started screaming. Mike from terror and pain, Susan from fear of hurting him, Marie from surprise and Debbie shouted, to Mikes big surprise, "It's my cousin. What are you doing there, you pervert?! You were gonna look at us undressing weren't you!" Mike's head was spinning, both from what his cousin just said and from his compressed body. "Get him girls" Debbie said with a grin on her face. Susan looked at the others and said calmly: "I don't think he will run after that squish I just did on him." "Your right", Marie said, laughing as walked over to Mike. "What have we got here?", she continued. "Did you like that did you? There's plenty more of that if you don't speak up.

Debbie laughed quietly and thought to herself what a genius she was. The plan worked out better than she could ever imagine. She knew Marie and Susan wouldn't give up this chance of compressing Mike, this little brat who teased them a few times to much.

Part two coming in a few days

Carpe diem, Bobel_boy
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.