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meant to be...a love story.

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 10:40:29 PM

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I've know my wife for 28 years now, and we've been married the last 12 years. Our relationship began one day when I was just 4 years old. By then I had developed an interest in large females. How or why I do not know. It was the 4th of July and there was a celebration, with families from the whole block coming to a house next to mine. The grown ups were cooking lots of food out back on the grill, and drinking lots of beer. Just after dark everyone went out to the front yard to watch the fireworks being set off in the street. This was the first 4th of July that I can remember, and the noise and flashing sparks were a bit starttling to me. I soon made my way around to the back of the house. I came around the corner and saw someone all alone sitting at the patio table. I approached and introduced myself, " name is Jason.". I stood beside this person. It was obviously a young woman, I could see now. She glanced at me, and she had a mouthful of food. "Liz......Beth." was all that she muttered. I took a seat in the chair next to her. In front of her was a plate of barbeque chicken, or the bones left there of, and a cheese burger on the side. There was a pitcher of cool aid as well within her reach. I sat quietly, just watching her consume all the contents on the plate. It took her about 10 minutes. She then took the cool aid in hand and drank several gulps. She stood and picked up the empty plate, heading towards the back door of the house, and went inside. A moment later she returned to her seat beside me.
......more to follow....

Author: spcbrown

Posted: 08 Aug 2003 10:04 She began eating again with great vigor, another plate of barbeque chicken. Within another 10 minutes she had consumed it all, and took several gulps of cool aid to wash it down. I chose this moment to speak again, "You're really fat." I blurted. "So what!...You're really small!" she replied loudly. I had a curriosity about her. For some time I had been making premative drawings of fat women, and she was the closest resemblance that I'd encountered personally. I had questions to be answered by her with no regaurd to if she wanted to or not. "Can you eat more?...How much can you eat?" I asked and continued..."Is that why you're so fat?...How much do you weigh?" I finished for the moment. "Shut up! Leave me alone!" she yelled. She stood up and went in the house again carrying her plate. She returned a moment later, but this time she had some cheesecake, and icecream and quite a bit of both. "You can really eat a lot. You can eat all that too? I bet you weigh a whole bunch. Do you know what you weigh?" I rambled on relentlessly. "If you don't stop bothering me I'm going to sit on you!" she threatened..."Then you can feel how much I weigh, and you'll be squashed flat!". That starttled me a bit. I sat quiet for some time then as she ate her cheesecake and icecream, finishing every bit of it. She stood up and looked at me. I was a little scared thinking she was about to sit on me, but also intregued at the thought. "Come on." she ordered. "Why...where?" I asked. " Just come with me, and stop asking so many questions!" she ordered again. "Alright." I said softly. I followed her hesitantly into the house. I had been in here before.I looked at her in front of me walking. Her fat rear jiggled. She was a foot taller than me too. She led me straight to the bathroom. She walked over beside the toilet and squat down. When she stood up she had a scale in her hands. She placed it on the floor and stepped onto it. "See? Look at the numbers." she told me. I saw that they read 1-4-1. "I weigh one hundred fourty-one pounds. Now you know. Happy?" she said sarcasticly. "Yes!" I said very pleased. "Now it's your turn.". "What?" I asked. "You get on the scale." she told me firmly. So I did just that. The scale read 3-8. She giggled as she looked at the numbers. "See little boy, you only weigh thirty-eight pounds." she said, again with sarcasum. "Well I'm only 4!" I roared. "Well I'm only 6." she retorted. "Really? No way." I refused to believe that. She looked like a fat 12 year old. "Yes, I'm only 6 years old." she confirmed.
...more to follow...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 08 Aug 2003 12:51 She was even wearing a bakini like the teenage girls did, but most of them weren't so fat. She overflowed it. She even had big fat boobs bulging under the top barely able to stay put. The side straps disappeared into fat rolls on her sides. Her pudgy belly overlaped the bottom in front a little and those side straps were sunken into her hips. "'re so fat!" I blurted the obvious again. "You said that already.....I'm want to sit on you." she addmitted, which now scared me a great deal. "You can't.......I don't want you to......why would you do that anyway?" I exclaimed. "For fun." she said calmly with a little giggle. She grabed me by the shoulders and forced me down to the floor.I ended up on my back as she stood staddling me then leaning forward, her hands still on my shoulders. Then she straighten, and quickly knelt.
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 09 Aug 2003 08:29 She placed her soft bottom onto me gently, but then placed her feet out to sit full weight on my lower chest/upper abdomine, quickly forcing the air out of me. I gasped and grunted, and squealed in agony as the hard bathroom floor was not helping me at all. She then bent her knees and placed the soles of her feet against each side of my head. She started to pick between her toes with her fingers and after a moment she put her fingers under my nose to make me smell them. The odor of feet filled my sense of smell. It wasn't a sickening odor, but disgusting enough that I didn't like it at all. Unfortunately this gave her another idea.
She put her feet to the floor and stood up. Then she placed one of her feet on my stomache as she manuvered to turn around, and put all her weight on me while she moved her other foot to the opposite side of me and then she took her foot off my stomache and placed it one the other side. She was now straddling me, but facing my feet. She knelt down again and I could do nothing to stop her. I was physically exhausted from her having sat on me for only a few minutes. Now her huge ass was approaching me again, but this time I could definately see that it was going to be on my chest or a little higher. With 6 or 8 inches to go she just dropped down on me caving my rib cage in quickly. This pain was more than I could take. Still she raised up just a little and I got a breath, but she moved back towards my head a few inches and sat back down. Now she had my nose wedged into the crevase of her ass, which she had done very much on purpose. She giggled joyously, "Smell my butt." she ordered. I had no choice but to do just that if I want to breathe at all. To encourage me she pressed down on my stomache heavily with her hands and settled her anus on my nose. She giggled endlessly so amused at herself and probably my suffering. "Does my butt stink?" she asked sarcasticlly. At first as air came into my lungs I had only the smell of sweat lightly running through my nosstrils, but soon the foul stinch of her bowels overwhelmed me. She continued to humiliate me this way for several minutes, and then I felt the skin on my face blasted with a rush of air. It also blew into my nosstrils. She had released a massive and disgustingly horrid fart right on my face. It was so gross that I could even taste it. I felt it begin to assault me by making its way down my throat and into my stomache. I now felt sick. But she quickly got up off of me. She looked down at my green face before jumping up and landing with both her feet on my lower chest. Amazingly she didn't break any of my ribs or other bones in doing so. However it was extremely painful. I was severly crushed. She stepped off me quickly. "You need to leave now. I have to poop." she told me. I could hardly move and when I did it hurt more. "Hurry up!" she ordered. I slowly got to my feet and walked out. People that had been watching the fireworks began coming in the house. I made my way out the back door and draged myself home. I stayed in my room and did very little for the next 3 days. be continued....
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 14 Aug 2003 09:17 I couldn't stop thinking about her though. I found out that she lived just across the street and I ventured over there to see her once more. She answered the door and looked at me as though I were a ghost."What are you doing here?" she asked. I tried to think of an answer for her, but little of any intelligence came out of my mouth. " see if you wanted to play." I muttered bashfully. "What? Cowboys and indians or something? No thanks." she said giggling for some reason. "Oh....well..." I tried to think of somethingelse to say but she interuped. "Are you just going to stand there, or come in?" she asked. I slowly made my way inside. Her mom was on the couch watching TV. "Mom, this is Jason." she introduced me, remembering my name even. "Hello Jason." she said, "Nice to meet you." I looked at her in awe. She was a very fat woman. How could I have never seen her before? "We're going up stairs mom." Beth told her. We headed up the stairs,and I watched her butt bounce and jiggle in front of me. "I weigh more now." she stated as if bragging. "You do? Wow." I answered quietly. She took me to a bathroom and stepped onto the scale there. "See? Look." she ordered. I looked at the numbers, 1-4-6. "I've gained five pounds since the 4th." she blurted. "You're getting fatter?" I said. "Yes, goofy. I am. I want to get really fat like my mom. Fatter even." she admitted to me. "Why?" I asked. "So I can squash you flat as a pancake." she said in a low voice. She grabbed me and forced me down onto my back. The floor was very cold and hard. She held me down with her hand on my forehead and had her feet to one side of me. She turned her large butt around and quickly squat down, dropping it onto my chest and stomache with a plop. It felt as though she had gained 100 pounds for all I cared. I was in great distress. The air rushed out of me so fast. I grunted from the initial blow and began to gasp and weez soon after. My chest started to trob with the strain of her weight on it. And then her mom appeared in the door way. "Liz, what are you doing?" she asked shocked at what she saw. Liz looked up at her mom and was slightly embarassed, but didn't get up. "We're playing." she answered. "Playing what? You're playing crush Jason to death?" She asked sarcasticlly. "No, mom...I'm not crushing him to death..." did she think that I wondered,"...We played this before. I didn't hurt him then." Liz said. She thought that it didn't hurt me? She isn't right. "Well if you two are going to do that, go to your room and do it there." she said to my amazement. She wasn't going to make Liz stop all together. "He must be a crazy and strong little boy?" her mom asked. "Yeah he is." Liz answered for me. This was the second time I had ever seen her. Things went just about the same from then on. She even started coming to my house to abuse me this way when there wasn't any of my family around to see.
...more to come...
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 15 Aug 2003 06:15 By the time Liz was 12 she weighed 287 pounds. I was a meek 85 pounds and 10 years old. This was when I was taken to the hospital for the first time because she broke four of my ribs. We were on her bed, me on my back face up as usual, and she started standing on me and jumping up and down. Just when my ribs began to give way she had jumped, pushing off with her feet as hard as she could on my chest and stomache. She came up in the air and kicked her feet forward, coming down like a bomb and landing on me with her ass. The noise was a load thud and crack of her skin contacting me and of my ribs breaking the rest of the way. I went unconscious for several minutes from the shock, and the whole time she never got up. She just sat there on my broken bones waiting for me to wake up. As soon as I did I began screaming as best as I could. Then her mom came in and started yelling at Liz and I was taken to the hospital. We didn't see eachother much for 4 or5 months until my mom had foregiven Liz and her mom. I was spared any more abuse for a while after that too. But being the disfunctional kids we were, 7 years later she was 17 years old, and I was 15; she weighed 426 pounds, and I was just 110, and I got hurt bad again. Initially we were just playing around sort of wrestling on the floor in the livingroom, but it started getting more and more serious. We were on our knees, and she attacked, simply falling forward, and I did move fast enough to evade her. I fell backward and she landed on top of me. This tore the cartiledge in my left knee. But she continued moving until her blubbery belly was over my head and then flopped down encasing it with her soft flesh. I was nearing unconsiousness when she sat up to see my blue face. She noticed my wincing in pain and got up. She drove me to the hospital again. Our moms wouldn't let us see eachother after that for a long time. Liz went off to college anyway soon after that. She came back home 5 years later and I was I love. She looked like a different woman. She was so beautiful. She even looked real smart and acted so mature. And she had gained a lot of weight. She was now an amazing 568 pounds, while I was a bag of bones at 135. I ate like a horse. I just didn't gain weight much. Anyway two weeks after she returned we got married.
...more to follow....
Author: spcbrown

Posted: 16 Aug 2003 05:46 We had not had any playing around since her return. I had been working ever since I was a senior in high school and had a pile of money saved up, so we flew to Italy for our honeymoon. Finally arriving at the hotel we unpacked, and took a shower. Unfortunately the shower was not big enough for both of us at the same time, but we each helped eachother shall we say. I soaped her up and rubbed her down real good making sure not to miss an inch of her. I especially enjoyed washing her blubbery hanging belly. I lifted it and felt the divine heaviness of it to get a good scrub under and behind it into her very pudgy mound. That excited her a great deal. Then she turned around to present her ass for a wash down. "Wash my big fat ass." she ordered. I quickly started rubbing all over her massive soft buttox with a soapy wet cloth. "Don't forget my crack." she reminded me. So I took cloth in hand and started to slide it into her deep crevase from the top down until my hand and the cloth disappeared between her thighs. This too excited her. I repeated the movement several times. I was fully errect. She turned around to face me and grasped me with a hug that placed my errection into a very soft place. I almost unloaded right then. She pushed me back and stepped out of the shower taking my hand and led me to the bed. She quickly got onto her hands and knees on the bed. " I'm already dripping! Put it in me baby!" she howled. I quickly came up behind her. She was positioned perfectly, and I just had to stand at the edge of the bed. Her fat cunt was right there just hidden in the flesh of her ass and thighs. I placed my hands and opened the way and out came her muffin. I pushed ahead with my hips and and slowly my penis disapeared inside her. I let go of fat I was holding open and felt it further surround my member. I leaned forward against her soft ass and rapped my arms around her hips and began a barage of steady thrusts. As she too got in time with me I felt I was riding waves on her blubbery ass. She began to moan, and then squeal, and I stared breathing hard feeling the rumble in my balls of what was quickly approaching. "Oh baby harder!" she ordered. I slammed into her as hard as I could and on the third stroked her juices gushed. She orgasmed hard and heavy. "Don't stop!" she insisted. I managed another three hard strokes, and sank my shaft into her hard and as deep as I could errupting a spew inside her. I collapsed completely onto her and we stayed in that position a moment until I finally went soft. "Oh my god, baby!" I blurted. "You liked that?" she asked and again with the sarcasm. "I sure did." I addmitted truthfully. "I'm glad baby. You hit the spot....but now I'm hungry. Feed me." she said. "Anything and everything you want honey." I told her not then realizing how much thinner she could make my wallet.
....more to follow....
Author: spcbrown
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.