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Lisa's New Game part 2

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 11:07:39 PM

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After classes for the day had ended at 2:30, Lisa put her plan into action. She was going to follow Kelly to her car, then if Kelly was alone Lisa would give her a good knock on the head, and drive off in her car with Kelly unconscious in the backseat. Once Lisa got home with Kelly, she could really have some fun. Lisa waddled into the parking lot, smiling at her great luck with timing. Here Kelly was walking to her car alone, thinking who she was with her little ass, and bouncing tits in that tight white tank-top. Boy oh boy, was this bitch just asking to be flattened. Lisa got to Kelly, just as she was putting her key into the driver door.
"Hey bitch!" Lisa said
"What the hel..." Kelly never got out the rest of her sentence, as Lisa's big heavy hand came right down on her head. With a thud Kelly landed on the parking lot floor, between her car and the next.
Lisa took a look around to make sure no one was watching, then she opened the drivers side door. Lisa picked up Kelly with one hand by the neck, and pushed her into the passager seat. She was about to lower her huge bulk into the small car when she got an idea. It was about 10 miles to her house, so why waste all that driving time doing nothing. Why mot begin her squashing fun in route so to speak. She grabbed Kelly by the shoulders and lay ed her down on the two front seats. Kelly's legs were bent on the passager, while her stomach and upper chest were across the drivers seat. Lisa set her so that her head would have just enough room between her massive thighs and the door to breathe.
Lisa took on more look at her work, and feeling quite proud of herself, she turned around and slowly set her huge ass into the car, and on the tiny girl. The bump to the head wasn't as strong as Lisa had thought, because Kelly awoke just in time to feel all of the air rush out of her system, as this fat bitch sat on her. Lisa's immense butt covered the skinny girl;s complete chest, belly, neck and mouth. When Lisa looked down at Kelly she saw only her tiny nose, and wide open shocked eyes.
"Hey there bitch. How you doing? Not to good, uh? Too bad, cause we're just getting started."
Kelly tried to scream for help, but of course all she got was a mouthful of fat. Lisa started up the car, and wheeled them out of the parking lot, and toward home. Kelly meanwhile could feel all of her ribs sink into her lungs, and her tits begin to flatten out. She was barely getting enough air to breathe, and most of the time just as she got a lungful, Lisa would hit a bump in the road, and send her big ass bouncing on her chest. Each time this happened Kelly felt like a tube of toothpaste that had been stepped on. Halfway through the drive Kelly began to cry, which started to get Lisa wet. Just the thought that her incredible body was squashing this little bitch to tears got her more excited that she had ever felt in her life. She truly was going to have the time of her life once she got home...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.