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Iââ,¬â,,¢m pretty sure I made the ten minute mark, but I cannot be sure because she never called out the time again. I held on until things started to go white and my blood starved legs began to throb. ââ,¬Å"Up. Please up.ââ,¬Â I managed to say, though I was worried I couldnââ,¬â,,¢t say even that much. Her thighs again left my chest, and her left big toe brushed against my lips for a second time. This time I sucked it. And then I sucked the other nine and licked the soles of her giant feet. Already completely spent and beyond my threshold of pain, this process seemed to take forever. Then, she rolled to her left and it was over. I felt a rush of cold air against my chest and realized I was covered in perspiration. I could feel the goose pimples on my body, but nothing else was really moving. I was utterly exhausted. ââ,¬Å"I guess you were right. You can handle me,ââ,¬Â Laurie said, now standing and looking down at my compressed body. Her giant foot came to rest on my stomach, and pressed down on it slightly. Surely she wasnââ,¬â,,¢t planning to step on my stomach, not after it had spent ten minutes beneath her buttocks. ââ,¬Å"Why donââ,¬â,,¢t I let you rest for a little while and squash you some more?ââ,¬Â she suggested. I wasnââ,¬â,,¢t sure if she was serious and was less sure whether I wanted her to ever squash me again. I was also trying to satisfy my oxygen starved body with deep breaths. For those reasons, I didnââ,¬â,,¢t answer right away.

She stepped up full weight onto my stomach, that one huge foot dropping all the way down, my flattened stomach giving as much as it possibly could. Had I anything in my bladder I would have pissed my pants because I felt those muscles constrict and relax. Mercifully, she didnââ,¬â,,¢t stand there long. ââ,¬Å"Yes or no, squirt?ââ,¬Â she demanded. ââ,¬Å"Yes,ââ,¬Â I answered, not knowing why I said it or sure that I really wanted more. ââ,¬Å"Amazing,ââ,¬Â she chuckled, shaking her head. She stepped back up onto my stomach; I couldnââ,¬â,,¢t manage enough energy to even groan in protest. I watched her left foot drift over me and then beyond as she stepped on across me. She sat back down on the sofa and chuckled, ââ,¬Å"you know, I used to have a boyfriend twice your size. He wouldnââ,¬â,,¢t even let me sit on his lap.ââ,¬Â

I should have been flattered by the compliment, but I was completely preoccupied with the pins and needles stabbing my legs as the blood finally began reaching those starved limbs. It was only because my back was getting very sore that I found the motivation to pull the beanbag off my legs and slowly bring myself into a seated position. I saw Ray lying on the carpet with Tammyââ,¬â,,¢s feet resting on his face, one on his eyes and forehead and one across his mouth. I remembered the girls had decided the first one to give up had to be their slave. I guess Tammy really did have a thing for feet, which may be where I got it. When I had finally collapsed into the beanbag, Laurie seemed in a mood to start a conversation with me. ââ,¬Å"Did you enjoy me sitting on you like that?ââ,¬Â she asked. ââ,¬Å"Yes,ââ,¬Â I admitted bashfully. ââ,¬Å"Thatââ,¬â,,¢s good. I liked sitting on you. It felt good knowing someone so small could actually handle me. I really liked stepping on you, too. That was awesome,ââ,¬Â she told me. ââ,¬Å"You almost made me pee my pants,ââ,¬Â I admitted to her. ââ,¬Å"Oh, well, I wonââ,¬â,,¢t step on you anymore if you donââ,¬â,,¢t want me to,ââ,¬Â she assured me. ââ,¬Å"Itââ,¬â,,¢s okay. I just wasnââ,¬â,,¢t ready for it,ââ,¬Â I answered, again foolishly not taking advantage of an ââ,¬Å"out.ââ,¬Â

ââ,¬Å"Tongue,ââ,¬Â Tammy interrupted our conversation. Tammy had taken her left foot off of Rayââ,¬â,,¢s face and placed it on his chest, he was refusing to stick his tongue out to lick her feet. ââ,¬Å"Do you want me to sit on you some more?ââ,¬Â she threatened. ââ,¬Å"No, Iââ,¬â,,¢ll sit on him instead,ââ,¬Â Laurie replied to the question and moved like she was going to get up. In a heartbeat, Ray complied. I watched Tammy rub the sole of her left foot back and forth across his tongue for quite a little while. ââ,¬Å"It felt pretty good having you lick my feet,ââ,¬Â Laurie teased me. Accepting what I took to be a hint, I rolled my partially re-inflated body out of the bean bag and lay back down on the carpet in front of Laurieââ,¬â,,¢s huge feet. ââ,¬Å"Heââ,¬â,,¢s the slave. You held out longer,ââ,¬Â she assured me, even as she brought her left foot up to my mouth. I said nothing as I began to lick her long, broad soles, kissing the ball of her foot, and taking each toe into my mouth. I had gotten lots of practice at this in my many hours beneath Tammy, and my prowess seemed to shock Laurie. ââ,¬Å"Oh my, oh God, do that again,ââ,¬Â she said after I had lightly nibbled on her big toe. I complied with that wish and many others. I kept her amused long enough to recover, except for sore stomach muscles that would need a day or two. Eventually, she noticed that I was now rested.

ââ,¬Å"Lie on the sofa,ââ,¬Â she told me, removing her feet from my face. I had real trepidation about complying. She squashed me too completely and too quickly the last time, which really shook my confidence. Nonetheless, I lay on the sofa with my feet against Tammyââ,¬â,,¢s right thigh. Laurieââ,¬â,,¢s bottom dropped heavily back across me, one hip just below my floating ribs and the other below my knees! From where I lay on the couch, I could clearly see my abdomen was pushed far below the level of my ribcage. In addition to the heartbeat, I could feel a rapid muscle spasm in the center of my stomach. It actually felt kind of cool, but experience told me that it would soon lead to an almost irresistible urge to vomit. Laurie did nothing to lessen my ordeal by shifting her weight from hip to hip in a rolling motion, rather like she was kneading dough. It probably took me about sixty seconds to start to adjust to my situation, but eventually, I was able to clear my mind enough to watch television. Distractions made it easier for me to ignore the more painful aspects of my predicament and more completely enjoy the general feeling of being squashed.

After a few minutes, Laurie asked, ââ,¬Å"Are you dying or getting used to it?ââ,¬Â masking a genuine concern for my lack of motion or sound. ââ,¬Å"Getting used to it,ââ,¬Â I assured her, actually beginning to truly enjoy life beneath her three hundred pounds of pressure. ââ,¬Å"Youââ,¬â,,¢re amazing,ââ,¬Â she complimented me with a slight chuckle. The soft cushions of large sofa certainly made it a lot easier to absorb the pressure than the unforgiving carpet and cement floor of the basement. I heard Ray loudly plead, ââ,¬Å"No, please!ââ,¬Â followed by an agonizing grunt. ââ,¬Å"Youââ,¬â,,¢re such a wimp,ââ,¬Â Tammy teased him. ââ,¬Å"That hurts,ââ,¬Â Ray insisted. ââ,¬Å"All I did was step on you,ââ,¬Â Tammy discounted his retort. ââ,¬Å"Look how tough he is compared to you,ââ,¬Â Tammy continued, standing in front of me and affording me a full view of her broad butt. Then, to my surprise, I saw that butt descending toward my chest and face. I was just able to get my head turned to the side before her right hip could break my nose. Her left hip rested against Laurieââ,¬â,,¢s thighs, on my lower ribs, and her right one pressed down on my skull. It was all she could do to squeeze into the space between Laurie and the arm of the couch. I could see a few grains of light from beneath her thigh, and there was fresh air available if I was strong enough to breathe it in.

I wish I could say I loved the experience of supporting their combined weight, which had to be close to five hundred pounds. While it wasnââ,¬â,,¢t unbearably painful, their weight being distributed over most of my body, it was nearly impossible to breathe with Tammy on my ribcage. I could only manage shallow gulps of air, and these I couldnââ,¬â,,¢t get quickly enough. ââ,¬Å"I canââ,¬â,,¢t breathe,ââ,¬Â I panted out from beneath Tammy. To my relief and surprise, she got up quickly. ââ,¬Å"Canââ,¬â,,¢t handle it?ââ,¬Â she teased. ââ,¬Å"I canââ,¬â,,¢t breathe with you on my chest,ââ,¬Â I admitted. ââ,¬Å"Maybe this will be better,ââ,¬Â she said with a sly smile. Tammy sat full weight on Laurieââ,¬â,,¢s lap, leaning back into the bigger girl. The rolling muscle spasm in my stomach transformed into a tidal wave. As my stomach gave way in harmony with the muscle spasm, I gagged, the harsh acid taste of vomit eating away at the top of my throat. ââ,¬Å"Too heavy. Gonna throw up,ââ,¬Â I warned, fighting back the powerful urge to regurgitate. Tammy again clambered off of me quickly; this time followed by Laurie. I manage to get the contents of my stomach back down and take a couple of slow, deep breaths. ââ,¬Å"You okay?ââ,¬Â Laurie asked, concerned. ââ,¬Å"Guess Iââ,¬â,,¢m not strong enough to handle both of you,ââ,¬Â I admitted. ââ,¬Å"But are you okay?ââ,¬Â she asked again. ââ,¬Å"Yeah, Iââ,¬â,,¢m fine. Give me a second and you can sit back down,ââ,¬Â I assured her. ââ,¬Å"Youââ,¬â,,¢re kidding right?ââ,¬Â she asked. ââ,¬Å"No, you or Tammy I can handle, just not you and Tammy,ââ,¬Â I replied.

ââ,¬Å"Well, you rest up. Iââ,¬â,,¢m going to go get some snacks and drinks,ââ,¬Â Laurie told me. Before I could answer, I heard her thundering back up the wooden stairs. ââ,¬Å"Dead yet, shorty?ââ,¬Â Tammy teased. ââ,¬Å"Canââ,¬â,,¢t you hack it?ââ,¬Â she pressed when I didnââ,¬â,,¢t answer. ââ,¬Å"I can take it,ââ,¬Â I assured her. ââ,¬Å"Almost made you puke, though,ââ,¬Â she said with a wicked smile. ââ,¬Å"Yeah,ââ,¬Â I admitted, embarrassed. ââ,¬Å"Still, youââ,¬â,,¢re a lot tougher than this little wimp,ââ,¬Â she decided, stepping down hard with her left foot. ââ,¬Å"Ouch! Get off!ââ,¬Â Ray half whined, half growled. ââ,¬Å"Donââ,¬â,,¢t be such a baby. Itââ,¬â,,¢s only your hand for Christââ,¬â,,¢s sake,ââ,¬Â Tammy chastised him. ââ,¬Å"Youââ,¬â,,¢re breaking it,ââ,¬Â he pleaded. ââ,¬Å"What? You going to tell your mommy on me?ââ,¬Â she teased him, knowing that ratting was the one unpardonable sin among our little gang. If you tattled, you never played with us again. There were no exceptions, no appeals, and no forgiveness. Finally realizing he had no choice, Ray stopped whining and lay still, emitting only soft little grunts of pain when Tammy shifted her weight.

A minute or two after Ray had stopped whining, Laurie came pounding back down the stairs, a bag of Oreo cookies and a six-pack of Coca-Cola in her hands. ââ,¬Å"Get up, tough guy, I need the space,ââ,¬Â she commanded. I forced myself into a sitting position, suddenly recognizing my stomach muscles were complaining at even the slightest exertion. Dropping the goodies onto the middle cushion, Laurie sat down on my lap. Aside from immediately cutting off the circulation of blood to my legs, her return had almost no impact on me. I leaned to my left to reach the cookies and to be able to see around the wall her back formed in front of me. When I could see, I saw Laurie inserting one of the Oreoââ,¬â,,¢s between the big and second toes of her left foot. ââ,¬Å"Ray, as my slave, I want you to eat this cookie from between my toes,ââ,¬Â she commanded. Ray was mortified. ââ,¬Å"Or would you rather be here?ââ,¬Â she asked, bouncing playfully on my legs. I watched Ray swallow what was left of his pride and begin to eat the cookie. ââ,¬Å"Make sure you lick all the crumbs off,ââ,¬Â she added. Ray reddened, but said nothing. ââ,¬Å"Me next,ââ,¬Â Tammy laughed, putting a cookie between her own toes. I watched Ray obediently begin eating that cookie even as Laurie was reloading her own toes. My back was getting sore leaning that far to the left, so I sat up straight and didnââ,¬â,,¢t watch anymore.

After six cookies had been eaten, Laurie decided to return her attention to me. ââ,¬Å"Okay, little guy, up for me stepping on you a few times?ââ,¬Â she asked, already getting off. I suppose I had a choice, but it sure didnââ,¬â,,¢t feel like it. I had scarcely lain down on the carpet when I felt that huge foot on my stomach. I twisted quickly to get my body as flat as possible on the ground. ââ,¬Å"Ready?ââ,¬Â she asked, her eagerness visible in her eyes. I nodded my assent. As before, my abdomen completely collapsed beneath her weight. Try as I might, I couldnââ,¬â,,¢t grab even a hint of air or make a whisper of a sound. ââ,¬Å"Tap my leg when you need me to step down,ââ,¬Â she told me. I didnââ,¬â,,¢t hesitate to give her the signal. Leaving her foot on my stomach, she let me catch my breath. Realizing she was waiting for a sign, I nodded my consent for her to repeat the performance. I counted ten Mississippi in my head and quickly tapped her leg again for relief. ââ,¬Å"Think that stomach can handle another one?ââ,¬Â she asked, prepared to end my torment. ââ,¬Å"One more,ââ,¬Â I answered in a breathy exhale. ââ,¬Å"Say when,ââ,¬Â she answered with a shake of her head. Fifteen or twenty seconds later, I again nodded that I was ready. Again she went up. Again my stomach collapsed beneath the pressure. Again I felt the throbbing rhythms of muscle spasms and my heartbeat. I made sixteen Mississippi, then tapped out again. I had been aiming for twenty, but just couldnââ,¬â,,¢t hold on.

ââ,¬Å"Once on the chest?ââ,¬Â she asked. ââ,¬Å"Okay,ââ,¬Â I agreed. ââ,¬Å"You can say no,ââ,¬Â she assured me. ââ,¬Å"Iââ,¬â,,¢ll do it,ââ,¬Â I reaffirmed my answer. When I was ready, that gigantic right foot pressed down on my ribcage. I felt my ribs bend downward, her heel and the balls of her feet digging into my flesh. Involuntarily, I gurgled as the last of her weight finally transferred onto her right foot and my chest. My bones were holding up, and for that I was grateful, but there wasnââ,¬â,,¢t going to be any heroics. I endured it for only about five seconds, and tapped out with tears welling up in my eyes. ââ,¬Å"Do you think youââ,¬â,,¢ve been squashed enough for one night?ââ,¬Â she asked, anticipating my answer by stooping down to offer me a hand. ââ,¬Å"No, I can take more,ââ,¬Â I replied, realizing I might never have another chance to experience this. ââ,¬Å"Youââ,¬â,,¢re kidding, right?ââ,¬Â she asked in disbelief. ââ,¬Å"No, really, Iââ,¬â,,¢m having fun,ââ,¬Â I assured her, trying to mask any pain in my voice. ââ,¬Å"Okay, letââ,¬â,,¢s see you prove it,ââ,¬Â she decided. I heard the beanbag chair being pulled toward me and being pressed down. ââ,¬Å"Slide back and lay your head on this,ââ,¬Â she commanded. I obeyed, placing my head on the lower part of the chair. She placed her left foot on my forehead and pushed my skull to my left. Realizing her desires and her intentions, I turned my head so that I was lying on my left ear. She settled her left foot carefully onto the side of my face, her toes stretching beyond my nose and my right ear in the high arch of her foot. ââ,¬Å"Either say youââ,¬â,,¢ve had enough or ask me to stand on your head,ââ,¬Â she ordered. Itââ,¬â,,¢s strange. I was willing to endure it if she commanded, but it was very hard to summon the courage to actually ask for her to crush my skull. ââ,¬Å"Well, one or the other,ââ,¬Â she repeated. ââ,¬Å"Please stand on my head,ââ,¬Â I said quickly but softly. ââ,¬Å"Amazing,ââ,¬Â she sighed from way above me. My world exploded into a shower of lights as she pressed down onto the side of my head. The big toe of her right foot tapped playfully against my lips, assuring me her full weight was on her left foot and my skull. Then she stepped down, ending my suffering without my having to signal for a rest.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.