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Kidnapped and enslaved by BBW's

Started by miami_FA, October 05, 2005, 12:02:49 PM

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I used to work at an ice cream store right next to a popular restaurant. I say

used to cuz as of yesterday i had quit, unfortunately though, it wasn't my

decision to quit. Let me back this up for u a little, it all started 2 weeks

ago on an abnormally hot summer day. Days like this usually mean a lot of

customers and normally i would mine, but watching this thin beauties walk by

me in there short skirts and tight tops always made my day. Now me myself am

not that attractive per say, i mean at 5'6 and 130 pounds and glasses, not

many women are throwing themselves at me. Well on this day during one of my

breaks i was outside smoking a cigarrette when i saw 2 enormous women walking

by, one in tight denim shorts, about 5'2 must've weighed about 275lbs., and

the otherin tight black lycra pants, she was taller, 5'7 but must've weighe

more than 300lbs. at the least. Her pants were so stretched they were almost

transparent, and they hugged each dimple and lump of fat in this woman's beefy

thigh. The other one had the shorts on so tight, the fat from her thigh was

covering the the bottom of her shorts, and being so short the rest of her

thighs were literally pouring out of them. I began coughing when i saw them

and laughing as they got closer, i couldn't help myself, did they not notice

the fat when they walked out of their homes? They both just stared at me and

kept walking, i actually laughed out loud as they walked around the corner. I

finished my cigarette and went back to work through the service door. I walked

in and went back to my post making ice cream and sure enough, the lady in the

lycra pants was my customer, i giggled and looked away. This fat ass is eating

ice cream, i thought to myself. I began making her ice cream, she orders the

largest size and goes on to add various toppings to the already over flowing

cup and i began to ring her up and she told me to wait for her friend. I

laughed when i saw her friend with an even larger cup of ice cream coming

behind her. I punched in their totals and added a few charges to the order,

just to be a dick, and ended up charging them $18 for the ice cream, even

though it was barely $15. After handing her the change i burst out laughing

and went to the back room. I finished off my day and went home, making lude

comments to a group of girls in mini skirts as i left. I decided to follow

them from behind the bushes where they couldn't see me, since i work in an

outdoor shopping plaza this went on for quite a bit, so long that i didn't

notice my bus pass by. Then one dropped something and was picking it up, i got

closer but stepped on a twig, she heard the crack and i ran like a bat out of

hell to my bus stop, just in time to see the last bus of the night drive off.

That means i would have to walk home, since i didn't have enough for a cab, i

was in for a hell of a walk, my job is 20-25mins away in car, an hour to an

hour and a half on bus, and i guess i was about to find out how far it would

be walking. I lived alone so i had no one waiting for me, so that was one less

thing to worry about. It was a little past midnight too so the sun wouldn't

even be an issue. After about half a mile i notice a minivan soming in my

direction and they slow down and lower the window, it was my manager, i ran to

her car and began explaining how the bus never came (i wasn't gonna tell her i

was stalking girls) and i had to walk home, she offered me a ride but told me

they would have to pick up her cousin and friend at the restaurant next to the

ice cream store, so i sat in the back. I was exhausted and decided to lay down

across the seat for a nap. I woke up to multiple femlae voices and a large

shadow over me, and a very strong odor. I slowly opened my eyes and almost

went into shock, it was the fat bitch in the shorts and the other one in the

lycra pants, what are they doing here. My manager introduced them as amy (the

one in shorts) as her cousin and tabitha (the on in the lycra) as her friend,

she went on to explain how offended they were by my actions and how she's

pretty much tired of me being such a chauvanistic pig. I began to sit up but

tabitha sat on my legs and pushed me back down, just as i was gonna say

something amy sat square on my face and i was completely pinned down. Just

then i heard the engine turn on and felt the car move and amy's thighs were so

soaked from sweating she slid off of me when the ca stopped at a stop sign.

They all started laughing as i gasped for air only to be cut short by her

sitting back on my face. This time she slid back some more and had my face

underneath both her sweaty thighs where the shorts no longer covered. I

couldn't hear what was going on around me, but that changed after hitting a


"i'm cold" said amy as she leaned forward allowing me to take in a deep breath

of fresh air as opposed to the the smell of her sweat. I heard her flip a

switch and felt air hit my arm, only it was hot, these bitches turned on the

heater. It wasn't long before drops of sweat trickled down between amy's

thighs and down my face. I struggled but couldn't get these bitches off of me,

they were too heavy. After struggling and not being able to breath, amy opened

her thighs enough for me to be able to breathe through my nose, but she would

randomly slam them shut and cut my air short. They would then laugh about it

above me, not that i could hear, but when they laughed their rolls of fat

would jiggle and bounce on me. We must've been driving for 45mins before i

heard the driver shift the car into park. It was then that i felt my ankles

tied together and tabitha had grabbed my wrists and shackled them together

right before sitting back down on my lap. Thats when amy got off of me and

they all looked at my face covered in sweat, mostly amy's sweat an dthey began

to giggle. Just as i opened my mouth to start yelling she stuffed her foot

into my mouth and held it there, the smell was intense and my eyes watered.

She then slowly rolled her sock off of her foot while it was still in my mouth

, when she finished getting her foot out of the sock she used it to push the

sock further into my mouth and then pressed her toes against my nose. They put

a blind fold on me and carried me out of the minivan and up some steps to a

door. I began struggling so they just dropped me onto the floor and i landed

with a loud thump, amy then planted the sole of her foot against my face as

she fiddled with some keys and soon enough the door opened and i was pulled

into the doorway. They removed the blindfld and laid me onto a padded bench

and strapped my arms and legs to the legs of the bench.

It wasn't till tabitha walked back into my view that i saw she was naked, i

looked at amy and she too was undressing. I tried to spit out the sock but the

cotton absorbed all my saliva, making the sock stick to my dry mouth, i could

still smell amy's feet on the sock. Just then Tabitha pulled the sock out, and

i opened my mouth to talk but was cut off by tabitha sitting right on my face.

This was too much, i could barely breath and what little are i could breath in

was mixed with the stench of her wet and sweaty pussy. I tried to cough but

couldn't since she was on my mouth. Then she began to grind on my face, first

slow circular motions and as she got wetter it lubricated my face and she

began moving more and more until eventually she was sliding her lips and clit

all over my face. From my hairline to my chin i was drenched in her juices,

the only breaths i had where in between her movements. Then she slid down onto

my chest and i was gasping for air trying to speak but then amy stood right

above my face. I tried to turn away but her thighs were so big that even at

mid thigh level her fat held my face in place. My face was still wet from

tabithas using me so she slowly slid down onto my face, making sure her thighs

never stopped rubbing against my face until i was met by her asshole. She then

lifted her legs up onto tabitha and leaned back onto my face while holding

onto the bench. Now i was completely engulfed by her ass cheeks, stuff in the

crack with no light, no air, only pressure, an dthe smell of her anus. Thats

when she began sliding back and forth on my face, apparently tabitha was

helping by pulling her legs back and forth. Little by little the tempo

increased until she leaned forward and pressed her snatch against my face and

continued to ride it relentlessly. After what seemed like 30mins. amy came,

all over my face as she smeared her cum all over my face with her pussy. By

now i had stopped struggling and just laid there, breathing whenever i could,

this was insane, who would've thought these bitches would hold a grudge. Just

then she leaned back and tabitha got on my mouth before i could talk. It was

then that i heard my manager's voice in the background.

"if u can hear me tap ur finger twice" i tapped twice, "ok well listen, these

2 ladies you so blatantly offended are very close friends of mine, tabitha is

my cousin and amy is her girlfriend an dthey don't like men, especially little

shits like you who think its cute to ridicule big beautiful women like them."

She began to walk around the bench, "Now here's whats gonna happen, i want

nothing to do with u anymore, you are no longer working for me, and i checked

your background, you were 3 weeks from getting evicted so i've gone ahead and

arranged a place for you to stay and also a way for you to apologize to these

lovely ladies. Are you comfortable, cuz this is where u will be spending the

majority of your days" I twitched, "and u will serve these 2, goddesses in

which ever way they please, in other words, you are have been demoted from

cashier at the ice cream parlor, to my cousin and her girlfriend's slave,

congratulations," she laughs, "I would stay and celebrate ur new, position,

but i have to get home, i've got to work tomorrow," She pauses, "and so do u"

It was then that amy got off of my face and tabitha slide down to my stomach

and i began to plead with my ex-manager, "please please, don't leave me here

with these cows, please no u can't do this!! plemfph, mmmmph" my begging was

cut off when tabitha stuck here sweaty foot into my mouth and began to rub the

other on my face. "SUCK IT!" tabitha yelled as she grabbed my balls and

squeezed, the pain was unbearable and i began to suck her toes and she

released my balls, i looked to the side and saw my manager waving at me with a

huge smile on her face as she slowly closed the door, "welcome home" said amy

and i looked up only to be greeted by her enormous ass falling onto my face...


Great story, I hope it's just part 1 of things to come.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.


thanx a lot for the comments...i'm glad u guys like it, i'm hoping thay i can continue it, just need the time to do so...


damn that was a hot story, it's like you took one of my personal fantasies and wrote it down. Good work.


lol well thx i always appreciate the feedback...

i'll have to see if i can start writing again soon...


Love the story, sounds really good. Makes me wish I was in that guy's position, even if it would kill me.
