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Katrina's revenge

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 09:47:18 PM

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Katrina was massive. No, thatââ,¬â,,¢s not even close Katrina was utterly gargantuan! At only 15 years of age, she stood 6ââ,¬â,,¢5ââ,¬Â barefoot, and weighed in at a scale-crushing 982lbs. Being of Jamaican origin, she had smooth dark skin and an absolutely mammoth ass and thighs which, when seated, were a staggering 8 feet wide.

Katrina had two sisters, both of whom were well over 700lbs, and her mother who weighed in at over 1,200lbs. All four of them exercised to keep fit and mobile, all four of them were over 6ââ,¬â,,¢ tall, and all of them loved to eat. Her father was a successful businessman (yet standing a mere 5ââ,¬â,,¢10ââ,¬Â tall and weighing a tiny 180lbs), which meant that they were quite a wealthy family with food in abundance and the majority of their household furniture custom-made to support the colossal weight of the women and also to accommodate their ultra-wide asses.

She went to school in California, and was at least 10 times the size of most of her schoolmates and because of this, she was the subject of considerable teasing. She ignored the majority of the teasing because she was very happy with her size and herself and was always happy and therefore had very many friends. There were, of course, a few people who were quite nasty and would never accept Katrina for who she was, and one day they pushed just that little bit too farââ,¬Â¦.

Katrina was walking through her classroom and heading towards the back where her specially designed chair was. The chair was reinforced with solid steel and was made to provide enough space for her 8 foot ass. As she walked (making the room shake slightly with every half-tonne footstep that she made) her main protagonist (Martin) made a snide comment from his seat which she didnââ,¬â,,¢t hear, but his little group of cronies around him all laughed nastily while glaring at Katrina.

That was it. She was going to put up with no more of this. She stopped walking and turned to look down at Martin. Her massive frame towered over him and his little gang, and they all stopped laughing quite quickly when they saw the look on her face. She reached a massive, strong arm down and grabbed Martin by the scruff of his neck and lifted him effortlessly into the air and level with her face, his feet dangling about a foot and a half off the floor. The entire room fell silent in amazement.

"Right then, you little runt" boomed Katrina, "since you've been constantly teasing me about my weight and size, you've never actually bothered to find out how heavy I am, have you?"
"Errm.... &rtgulp&rt... I..... errr...." stammered Martin
"No, you haven't" replied Katrina, "Well, I'll tell you, shall I?"

There was a pause while Martin opened and closed his mouth, desperately trying to say something through his sheer panic.

"I weigh" continued Katrina "982lbs, which is roughly half a tonne."

There was a collective gasp of disbelief from everyone in the room, and a petrified whimper from Martin.

"And you're going to discover just how heavy that is" Katrina said in a menacing voice.
"Oh n... no! I'm sorry Katrina! I... I.... I won't tease you ever again...." stuttered Martin
"Ha ha, it's too late for that little man"

With that, Katrina turned around to face the back wall, and changed her grip on her little victim so that she had a hand holding each shoulder and pressing his tiny body against her unbelievably massive belly. With that done, she began to run (as best she could at her size) towards the wall. The classroom shook slightly more and Martin, suddenly realising what was about to happen, began to scream and plead for mercy.

"Noooooooooo! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaase don't!" begged Martin as they got closer and closer to the wall, but it was too late. Katrina's mammoth bulk slammed into the wall, sandwiching tiny Martin in between and silencing his screams. His body was instantly compressed flat and all of his air left his lungs in a huge rush. The people in the room were utterly stunned and open-mouthed at this amazing display of strength and weight.

Katrina stepped back a few paces, allowing some air back into the semi-conscious Martin, and then charged at the wall again, crushing his tiny body with her behemoth bulk. The sound of the plaster on the wall cracking was audible for everyone in the room, which only added to their amazement. She stepped back once more, and bits of cracked plaster fell to the floor as she turned to face the room holding the now motionless body of Martin against her huge belly.

She walked a few steps back into the middle of the room and threw his little body onto the floor. Martin landed on his back with a thud, which seemed to help him regain consciousness a little. Katrina was towering over him and looking down upon him with cold, merciless eyes.

"And now it's time for you to experience a half-tonne splash" growled Katrina
"N... no... please Katrina" begged Martin, "have mercy! I can... can... barely m.... m.... move from your last crushing"
"Hah!" She laughed back, "and that was NOTHING compared to what's about to happen to you. This time, I have GRAVITY on my side!"

And with that, Katrina bent her legs a little and propelled herself into the air. Her colossal bodyweight did an arc through the air and a massive shadow was cast over Martin. He look up with a horrified look on his face and screamed for all he was worth, but it was too late. Katrina's full 982lbs impacted belly first onto his tiny body, completely covering him and silencing him at the same time. Several people in the room realised with horror that it could have been their body was now buried under half a tonne of flab and bulk, and they quietly thanked their lucky stars.

Katrina slowly got to her feet and looked down. The lino floor had actually dented around Martin's body! There was a slight indentation in the floor that was the size of her massive belly, and it was MUCH bigger than her victims entire body, which was also indented in the lino, slightly more than her belly print! She felt very proud of herself as she saw the look of utter terror in the eyes of people who would normally tease her.

"And this boys and girls" she boomed at everyone in the room, "is what will happen to every single person who teases me or any of my friends"

Everyone looked dumbstruck! With that, Katrina leaned down, grabbed Martin's still body and carried it back to her massive chair. She laid him on the seat like a cushion, smiled, turned around, and sat her full, gigantic weight down onto him.

At that point, the door opened and their teacher walked in, who knew that various people teased Katrina and she tried to help put a stop to it. She saw the missing pupil from his chair, then saw the cracked plaster at the back of the classroom, and then saw the massive indentation in the floor. She looked at Katrina who had a huge smile on her beautiful, fat face, and the teacher winked at her, saying nothing about Martin.

Katrina lifted up slightly and dropped back down again, feeling utter pleasure at the sensation of the tiny body crunching under her mammoth ass, and settled down ready for a great lesson....
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

I wish the author would go ahead and write the next chapter on this one.

I know, this one's one of the all time greats

This is my most favorite story yet, and I love it when a teaser gets "theirs"
  Thanks for good story and more please.

I agree. It's not a mean spirited story that seems to permeate this (and other) story boards. It's a simple story that gives the protagonist his just desserts without relying on intentional cruelty. Although I'm sure the victim would disagree with the last statement.

hi Id like to add something for probably the first time lol Id like to say that I too like this story its not right that some people make fun of some girls just because they are big Im a guy but I do respect bigger girls I actually prefer them over skinny girls and not just because Im big myself its been my experience that its the bigger girls who are nicer more polite and more respectful towards others I know that cant be said for everyone out there but I do like bigger girls always have and always will I only hope that one day I can meet a nice one and maybe get to know know her and maybe even settle down and get married someday you know and I know there are big girls here Im just shy lol ohwell I suppose good things comes to those who wait eventually anyways I might start leaving more posts Im not much on the erotic storries but maybe ill take a crack at one of these times for now im just a reader who likes to read stories like this one that involves the big sexy girls sitting on there victums and showing them what happens when they tease the big girls to much especially when they teast with the intent to hurt i know i sometimes like to tease and joke aaround but I never do or say anything to hurt anyone and if I do its an accedent and i am quick to appoligize and will try to make it up to whoever Ive hurt its just the way I am anyways thats it from me byes for now.

Wow! I'm the author of this story, and I wrote it years and years ago! I've long since lost my original, so it's good to stumble across this.

In case anybody is interested, after several years break from writing crush stories, I've started again and also have a brand new website - http://www.crushwriter.com. I'm going to post this long lost story up there shortly. Please take a look and leave me some feedback on the forums.

And no, I never did write a second part to this story!! LOL. :-)

Quote from: CrushWriter on April 14, 2009, 01:57:21 PM
Wow! I'm the author of this story, and I wrote it years and years ago! I've long since lost my original, so it's good to stumble across this.

In case anybody is interested, after several years break from writing crush stories, I've started again and also have a brand new website - http://www.crushwriter.com. I'm going to post this long lost story up there shortly. Please take a look and leave me some feedback on the forums.

And no, I never did write a second part to this story!! LOL. :-)

I remember this story on a differnt place and glad to see it again. It a shame there no 2nd part, though I bet you could think of something your skill are good.

I use to imagine a 2nd part be kinda having the teacher ask her to stay behind, and some how he end up for her for the rest of the teacher classes.

i wish i had a big girlfriend like that 700lb girl, she sounds hot