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isn about bbw but is about extra very big women... 1

Started by bigmarisa, October 11, 2006, 02:51:03 PM

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This is the exactly text of the storie. Is not my creation.

From: (Anthony Cotto)
Subject: STORY: Amy Zonn (giantess, violence, crunch-and-munch)
Date: 7 Dec 1994 23:35:22 -0500
Lines: 1135


This Giantess story first appeared over a year ago. Ã, It was not written by
me. Ã, It contains A LOT of gore and violence, so if this offends you, STOP


Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Amy Zonn: Beauty Treatment
Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Scott Grildrig

Ã,  Ã, She had not expected the process to work so well...

Ã,  Ã, Dr. Amanda Zonn worked for a cosmetics and beauty company as a
Ã, researcher into beauty enhancers. Ã, It was something of an obsession
Ã, with her, this business of improving looks. Ã, She was a mouse of a
Ã, woman, short, thin, pretty in a quiet sunday afternoon sort of a
Ã, way. Ã, Standing in front of a mirror she would consider her flat
Ã, chest, narrow hips, stick-like legs and try to imagine herself as
Ã, something different. Ã, She wanted to be better looking, she wanted
Ã, to be tall, voluptuous and stunning. Ã, For years she had help
Ã, research new products that could augment the beauty of a woman.

Ã,  Ã, Amy had sampled them, herself.
Ã,  Ã, But all the cosmetics and prostethics and padding and creams
Ã, only painted beauty onto an otherwise drab body. Ã, Amy had a
Ã, dream to create a system, that would directly modify the body,
Ã, endowing it with strength and elegance, in whatever measure was
Ã, desired. Ã, The Company tolerated her endevours, looking the other
Ã, way from money it perceived as being wasted. Ã, Amy was an excellent
Ã, researcher, and had helped create products that generated millions
Ã, of dollars of revenue every year. Ã, So they ignored her
Ã, extra-curricular research, even while they raked in the profits.

Ã,  Ã, Amy would never have admitted to her real dream.
Ã,  Ã, Her secret desire.
Ã,  Ã, She didn't just want to be beautiful, she wanted to be a ravishing
Ã, beauty, with hoards of men at her beck and call. Ã, She wanted to hear
Ã, their begging voices, she wanted to feel the power that knockout
Ã, looks can command. Ã, It was her private fantasy, that drove her
Ã, public obsession.

Ã,  Ã, Amy tried everything.
Ã,  Ã, Really, everything.
Ã,  Ã, Exotic plants from the furthest rain forests, obscure fungal
Ã, mixtures, rare proteins from gathered from animals all over the
Ã, earth. Ã, No luck.
Ã,  Ã, She shifted to direct modification of the body: hormonel and
Ã, glandular treatments, psychological uplifting and biofeedback,
Ã, DNA modification. Ã, Zippo.
Ã,  Ã, Beauty formulas from ancient writings: Greek, Egyptian,
Ã, Babylonian, Hittite, and others. Ã, Conconctions and potions
Ã, hidden in cultural magic, voo-doo and witchcraft. Ã, Nada.
Ã,  Ã, She moved into physics: gamma radiation, neutron bombardment,
Ã, tachyon phase locks. Ã, No sale.
Ã,  Ã, Then she got into the really bizarre: quantum constant shifting,
Ã, hyperspace distancing, relativistic mass retention.
Ã, Nothing. Ã, Nothing. Ã, Nothing.

Ã,  Ã, But Amy was very determined.
Ã,  Ã, If one procedure alone was ineffectual, perhaps some of them in
Ã, concert together would work. Ã, The possible combinational test
Ã, cases were enormous. Ã, She worked hard trying to narrow the field
Ã, down to the most likely candidates for success. Ã, Then she started
Ã, experimenting all over again.

Ã,  Ã, The weeks went by.
Ã,  Ã, Combination after combination failed.
Ã,  Ã, Then....something different. Ã, All along she had been using
Ã, norway blacks (a kind of white mice) for her testing. Ã, Many of
Ã, the tests had had deleterious consequences for the mice, most had
Ã, had no effect at all. Ã, But this one, this combination, had done
Ã, something. Ã, Compared to the controls, the test mice were larger,
Ã, healthier looking, much more active. Ã, It was a combination of
Ã, hormonel treatments and quantum modification that did the trick.
Ã, The quantum effects provided the extra mass, the hormonel
Ã, modifications directed where the mass was to be added. Ã, Otherwise
Ã, the system would just increase the size of the subject in even
Ã, proportions.

Ã,  Ã, That was only the beginning.
Ã,  Ã, Encouraged by her success, Amy fought to refine the process,
Ã, to define its parameters, test it for dangers or defects. Ã, In
Ã, everyway but one, it was perfect. Ã, But that one point bothered
Ã, her.

Ã,  Ã, In mathematics there is a area of study concerned with
Ã, catastrophe theory: the study of systems that make the transition
Ã, from order to chaos very quickly. Ã, Take a large plastic ball, and
Ã, fill it with marbles. Ã, Swirl it so that the marbles race about
Ã, the inside, then stop. Ã, For a moment they maintain their order,
Ã, slowing because of gravity and friction. Ã, But instead of just
Ã, gettng slower and slower, till they stop, at a critical point the
Ã, whole system collapses and the marbles bounce around wildly before
Ã, coming to rest. Ã, Amy found something like that in her process.
Ã, Tweak the system too far, and the energy flow slipped out of
Ã, control, shot up exponentially. Ã, The equations were unclear on when
Ã, this happened or what the effects would be. Ã, Amy experimented
Ã, carefully until she felt she understood the limits of safety.
Ã, It wasn't perfect, she would have to be careful, but she chose to
Ã, discount the risk.

Ã,  Ã, There was also a minor side effect from the hormonal treatment,
Ã, a certain euphoria, that was inevitable. Ã, But she felt she could
Ã, handle that.

Ã,  Ã, Finally, Amy was done.
Ã,  Ã, It was time for a real test.
Ã,  Ã, She mulled this one over for several weeks. Ã, It was highly
Ã, illegal and unethical for her to experiment on a human, even if it
Ã, was herself. Ã, But the drive, the desire, the need to realize her
Ã, dream made her willing to take the chance. Ã, It would be years or
Ã, decades before such a system could be packaged for sale, probably
Ã, even longer for FDA approval, if ever. Ã, The Company would
Ã, definately throw her out if she experimented on herself, but the
Ã, results of the process would be hers forever. Ã, She decided to do it.

Ã,  Ã, Amy had to make preparations.
Ã,  Ã, This was not a trivial problem.
Ã,  Ã, The Company was nobody's fool. Ã, Once they realized what was happening
Ã, they would halt the process. Ã, It took weeks to make all the proper
Ã, arrangments, to make sure that the power could not be interrupted
Ã, in the usual manner. Ã, The labs were monitored. Ã, Amy devised tapes to
Ã, show an empty lab, then built systems that could be switched in to
Ã, fool the cameras. Ã, She began to stop by the lab on friday nights
Ã, to get security used to the idea of her being there on off hours.
Ã, She feigned frustration with her efforts, even as they neared
Ã, completion.

Ã,  Ã, Late one friday night, Amy returned to the labs.
Ã,  Ã, The guard ignored her as she walked passed.
Ã,  Ã, Her low heels click-clacked down the many halls until she reached
Ã, the labs. Ã, For three days she had been injecting herself with the
Ã, hormonal triggers. Ã, The potential was at maximum, tonight she would
Ã, use the quantum field effect to twist probablity and construct her
Ã, new body from the flowing energies.

Ã,  Ã, Wearing her white lab coat and some white slacks, Amy entered the
Ã, Dirac cage, which was contained within a huge metal donut. Ã, The wave
Ã, guide torus held a single electron, almost ten centimeters in
Ã, diameter, in a standing probability wave. Ã, She held a remote
Ã, control, that would allow her to control the effect of the process.
Ã, She would customize her body.

Ã,  Ã, Amy threw a switch and the room blossemed with power.
Ã,  Ã, In the distance she heard an alarm go off.
Ã,  Ã, Carefully, she twisted the dial...

Ã,  Ã, At first, she felt nothing. Ã, The room hummed a little louder,
Ã, and that was all. Ã, Then she noticed her breathing was becoming
Ã, constricted. Ã, Pausing for a moment she tried to identify the
Ã, problem.

Ã,  Ã, Then it struck her.
Ã,  Ã, Her breasts were bigger.
Ã,  Ã, Not much, not much at all, from her orignal 33B to a 34C perhaps,
Ã, but she was very excited about it. Ã, She started the process up
Ã, again, and watched her chest.

Ã,  Ã, It was like two balloons, slowly inflating. Ã, Her clothes were
Ã, growing with her, but her breasts were growing out of proportion
Ã, to her body, and they began to strain at her little bra. Ã, They
Ã, were 36's now, big for a C but not yet a D-cup. Ã, The sensation
Ã, of growth was pleasurable, libidenous even, and Amy took a deep
Ã, breath and felt the bra stretch under the strain. Ã, She grew a
Ã, little bigger. Ã, Amy had been just over five feet tall when she
Ã, entered the room, now she was nearing six feet. Ã, Her breasts were
Ã, pressing mightily against a bra that just was not designed for
Ã, such weight. Ã, Taking another deep breath, Amy thrust her chest
Ã, forward, it was too much. Ã, The bra snapped open, spilling her
Ã, brand new 38D's, she cupped them in her hands, through the fabric
Ã, of the white lab coat, marvelling at how good they felt.

Ã,  Ã, Her legs, especially her thighs were growing more massive. Ã, The
Ã, white slacks felt like they were shrinking. Ã, Squatting a little
Ã, she felt the crotch split from end to end. Ã, Tensing her legs she
Ã, made her thighs buldge, and the seams blew out. Ã, Her feet grew
Ã, longer, shapelier and burst out of her shoes. Ã, She paused the
Ã, process and kicked them out of the field, then admired her long
Ã, lovely legs.

Ã,  Ã, Amy had to have more.
Ã,  Ã, Twisting the dial a bit further, she starting growing into the
Ã, seven foot range. Ã, Her breasts cleared 40D and began to press
Ã, ponderously at the front of her lab coat. Ã, She noticed that her
Ã, mousy colored hair had turned a rich golden blonde, and was
Ã, growing also, now midway down her back. Ã, Amy shook her head,
Ã, enjoying the way it flowed about her shoulders. Ã, The fabric
Ã, stretching across her naked breasts was pleasurable also, but
Ã, she wanted to pop the coat the way she had the bra. Ã, Breathing
Ã, in slowly she increased the pressure, noting for the first time
Ã, the way her enlarged nipples poked up through the material.
Ã, With a ping! and a dink! and a poink!, her buttons blew off, and
Ã, her stunning 48DD's came out to play. Ã, Massaging her breasts
Ã, with her hands she stroked her nipples, sighing at their
Ã, new sensativity.

Ã,  Ã, She was wearing only the lab coat and panties when the guards
Ã, burst into the room. Ã, She couldn't hear their shouting over the
Ã, all pervasive hum, but she knew that were demanding that she
Ã, stop. Ã, She smiled at them. Ã, Until they managed to switch off the
Ã, power, she was safe, nothing could enter the field. Ã, Moreover
Ã, she saw the glint in their eyes as her new improved body
Ã, registered with them. Ã, Placing her hands on her hips she let them
Ã, stare at her, her huge breasts thrust proudly forward. Ã, She was
Ã, still growing, and she felt a new tension. Ã, She looked down. Ã, Her
Ã, panties were straining against the swell of her widening hips, the
Ã, material was drawing up against her crotch, her honey blonde
Ã, pubic hair swallowing it in lush softness. Ã, Suddenly the fabric
Ã, ripped, and the panties fluttered to the floor. Ã, She looked up
Ã, at the guards under her long eylashes, and grinned.

Ã,  Ã, It was like a drug, their fascination with her.
Ã,  Ã, She watched them, they watched her.
Ã,  Ã, Amy wanted to be bigger.
Ã,  Ã, She turned the dial a little further...

Ã,  Ã, There was a flash, like lightening and a crack of thunder. Ã, She
Ã, felt power coursing into her body. Ã, The lights dimmed, flickered
Ã, and died as energy was sucked into the system. Ã, Her eyes grew wide
Ã, as she felt a sensation of rising in her gut.

Ã,  Ã, She had turned the dial too far...

Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  * * * * * *

Ã,  Ã, The guards stopped in their tracks when they saw Amy.
Ã,  Ã, It took them a moment to recognize her.
Ã,  Ã, Her process was going full tilt. Ã, Headquarters told them to stay
Ã, put, and to look for a chance to interrupt the experiment. Ã, So they
Ã, watched but did nothing else. Ã, No doubt about it, she was onto
Ã, something. Ã, And when her panties failed to stay on her growing
Ã, frame, they were all sweating a little.

Ã,  Ã, Then something seemed to go wrong.
Ã,  Ã, The noise in the room scaled up, the lights failed, emergency
Ã, illumination kicked in. Ã, The process was still continuing, but
Ã, seemed to be accelerating. Ã, Amy was growing at an increasing rate,
Ã, eight feet, ten, fifteen. Ã, The ceiling was thirty feet up, but she
Ã, reached it in just a few seconds. Ã, There was a steady wind as her
Ã, expanding body displaced the air. Ã, The guards looked up and up and
Ã, up at the growing giantess, towering above them. Ã, When she reached
Ã, the ceiling Amy crouched down and raised her hands. Ã, Then lifting up
Ã, she pushed her arms through the concrete, driving herself into the
Ã, floor above. Ã, In a moment, all the guards could see were her legs
Ã, and hips, and her barefeet were beginning to fill the field
Ã, chamber.

Ã,  Ã, High overhead the sounds of breaking and crashing continued as
Ã, Amy welled up through the guts of the building. Ã, Then a breath
Ã, of warm air drifted down. Ã, She had broken through the roof.
Ã, And still she grew. Ã, Now only her legs up to her knees were
Ã, visible to the top of the ceiling. Ã, Suddenly her left leg began
Ã, rising, concrete and dust fell as she wretched it through the
Ã, top of the room. Ã, Then distant crunching noises sounded as she
Ã, planted her foot down again.

Ã,  Ã, The guards began to fear that she would never stop growing. Ã, Two
Ã, of them dashed out of the lab. Ã, Two remained. Ã, Amy's leg was only
Ã, visible to her midcalf. Ã, Her single barefoot filled the field
Ã, chamber, but the etherial glow of the process fit her skin like a
Ã, glove. Ã, She was still in its power, still rising to the clouds.
Ã, Lifting her foot onto its toes, she managed to keep it inside of
Ã, the chamber. Ã, Her foot grew larger and larger. Ã, The raised heel
Ã, pressed up against the roof, lifting it in great jagged cracks.
Ã, Her toes began to fill the chamber, colossal and lovely, the floor
Ã, sank further beneath her weight. Ã, It was well that there was no
Ã, basement.

Ã,  Ã, Somewhere near the point where the enormous but delicate arch of
Ã, her barefoot was halfway into the floor above, her foot pressed
Ã, out onto the quantum torus. Ã, There was a blue flash, and the field
Ã, collapsed. Ã, Silence, but for the occasional crash of falling
Ã, concrete settled over the lab.

Ã,  Ã, The two guards stared at the colossal foot (what they could see
Ã, of it), sixty feet long and twenty-five feet wide, her toes had
Ã, the girth of tree trunks, even the smallest was bigger than a man.
Ã, Her nails were pink and pretty and the size of tables. Ã, Slowly
Ã, the giant foot began to lift into the air, tearing the ceiling up
Ã, with it. Ã, A great rush of warm air poured into the room. Ã, The
Ã, massive toes wiggled once before disappearing from sight.

Ã,  Ã, There was a long pause.
Ã,  Ã, Strange crashing noises were heard overhead.
Ã,  Ã, The two guards sprang for the door, too late. Ã, The monstrous
Ã, barefoot returned, crashing down the ceiling under its gigantic
Ã, weight, crushing everything in its path. Ã, The guards' screams were
Ã, cut off in mid-cry as Amy stomped them and the lab flat.

Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  * * * * * *

Ã,  Ã, Two things went through Amy's mind.
Ã,  Ã, ...Oops...
Ã,  Ã, ...Wow...

Ã,  Ã, She had screwed up. Ã, Betrayed by her greed she had crossed the safety
Ã, threshold. Ã, The price was an unstoppable surge of energy that made her
Ã, grow huger every passing moment. Ã, She had burst through the core of
Ã, the building like a bomb, shouldering aside each floor in turn until
Ã, emerging into the warm summer night. Ã, Then her breasts and hips went
Ã, through the same passage widening it further. Ã, The sounds of the
Ã, breaking concrete and steel faded as she soared up higher and higher.

Ã,  Ã, Her legs were binding in the small hole, so she lifted her left
Ã, leg out of it. Ã, There was no place to put it but back on the building,
Ã, and her foot sank deep into it with much crashing and crumbling.
Ã, Something else was growing within her too. Ã, That portion that had
Ã, delighted in the guards looking at her magnificant body was also
Ã, enlarged. Ã, It told her to raise her right foot, to drain every drop
Ã, of power in the transformation, until the last possible moment.

Ã,  Ã, Amy grew larger and larger.
Ã,  Ã, Finally, she felt the machine break against her toes.
Ã,  Ã, The field died, taking with it that strange sense of rising, that
Ã, tingling sensation on her skin. Ã, Arms akimbo, Amy surveyed the
Ã, world from her new height, then looked down, far far below to
Ã, where her calves emerged from the tiny fifteen story building.

Ã,  Ã, It occured to Amy that the machine was her only way to return to
Ã, a normal size. Ã, But she knew its secrets, knew how to make another,
Ã, and she decided she did not want anyone else following her in this
Ã, way. Ã, That meant destroying the machine, and the various records
Ã, of its construction.

Ã,  Ã, And Amy knew an easy way to do that.


And Amy knew an easy way to do that.
    Lifting her right foot, she extricated it from the building, then
  laid it flat upon the roof and stepped down.  Her barefoot crunched
  through it easily, it was a delightful sensation, all that stuff
  breaking under her weight.  She lifted her foot and stomped harder.
  The building fell apart like a sand castle, casting debris in all
  directions.  Amy trampled the whole building, taking especial care
  to stamp harder near to where her lab had been.  The ground was
  covered in rubble, pitted with enormous footprints, that she left
  wherever she stepped.

    Then it occured to her.
    There may had been people in that building.
  She stared at the ruin and wondered what it was like as her
  gigantic feet pulverized everthing around them before squashing
  them like bugs.  She hadn't even felt any of them.  Looking down
  at her feet she thought that she was probably still standing on some.
  Maybe even those guards that had run into the lab.  She wriggled
  her toes, thinking that nothing must remain of them but some
  grease stains.  God, she was big.  She carassed her mammoth
  breasts, sighed at their sensitivity.  She knew what was wrong.
  The euphoria was with her, a strange subtle lust that constantly
  hummed in her body.  It made her less mindful about those tiny men
  crushed under her toes.  Indeed, she felt some satisfaction at her
  new ability.  Maybe she would step on a few more just for fun.

    But first, Amy had some business to take care of.
    The machine was replaceable, so long as the records of its
  construction were intact.  She had managed to limit the distribution
  of her plans and prints, but one copy was on site in the records
  building, and the other was in the city at headquarters.  Both
  would have to be destroyed before she was safe.

    She started walking towards the records building with a stern
  look in her eyes, and the ground sank under her feet like
  wet sand...

                                 * * * * * *

    Though it was late on a friday night, there were other people at
  the complex.  And the noise of Amy's gigantic growth was too much
  to ignore.  So a dozen or so men were outside watching her as she
  stomped the lab building flat.  Then with a wicked gleam in her
  eyes she turned towards another group of buildings.  She seemed to
  move slow, with a ponderous magnificance that accentuated just how
  enormous she really was.  When she took a step her foot impacted
  the ground with a crunching thud, and the earth shook.  Her titanic
  breasts bobbed and swayed as she walked, her arms swung by her
  side with lazy grace.  Ker-runch THUD.........Ker-runch THUD, she
  reached the parking lot in a few steps, and stopped.

    There far below, illuminated in a circle of yellow light, was
  her car.  Amy squatted down on her heels, unaware of the terrible
  fright she gave a little man directly beneath her, and reached out
  her hand.  The car was tiny, sitting in the palm of her hand, she
  rolled it over, noted how fragile it was.  Then she turned her
  hand over and watched it fall and smash onto the ground below.
  Standing back up again, she looked at the buildings, then down at
  the few scattered cars.  The records could wait a moment longer.

    Stepping onto the tarmac, Amy noticed how brittle it was under
  her feet, like walking across firm snow on a cold morning.  She
  played idly, with no discernable purpose.  Pushing a car around
  with her big toe, she smiled and wondered if the driver had his
  insurance paid up.  On a whim she tried to pick it up with her
  toes, but it crushed and fell from her grip.  The next car she
  just stepped on, nothing fancy, just CRUNCH, and she looked at
  it.  There wasn't much to see, just a flat glob of blue metal and
  a tiny tire in the bottom of her giant footprint.

    The next car was a pleasant surprise.
    Amy saw it moving out of the corner of her eye.  Curious, she
  bent down and picked it up.  Looking it over she saw that there was
  a tiny man inside of it.  He was so small.  He could have lain full
  length across the nail on her little finger, with room to spare on
  every side.  He didn't seem to like her attention.  She could see
  him screaming and thrashing about inside.  It amused her that he
  was so frightened, but she saw his point, after all, he was just a
  bug to her, and she had already squashed more than a few tiny men this
  evening.  Amy considered trying to remove him from his little car.
  She found his terror of her disconcertingly pleasant.  But then
  decided that she should finish business first.  Squatting down she
  set the car on the tarmac and gave it a push with her finger.  It
  shot off like a rocket, bouncing and weaving and trying to stay
  on the road.

    Laughing, Amy stood and went on to the records building.
    It was only a few steps away at her new size.  She considered it
  for a moment, it was a nice little building, but it held information
  she wanted destroyed, and the building had to go.  But she couldn't
  just stomp it, the records might survive and be discovered.  Falling
  to her knees, Amy removed the line of trees decorating the lawn
  outside the building, plucking them whole from the ground like bushy
  flowers.  Peering closely, she tried to identify the rooms
  containing the trade secrets.  Upon finding them she marked it with
  her fingernail, gouging it into the soft stone, then went back to
  the parking lot and collected all the cars she could find.  She made
  several holes in the roof over the records rooms with her forefinger,
  then broke the cars in half, like raw eggs, spilling the contents
  of their tanks into the building.  A halogen streetlamp served as
  her match, she dropped it into the hole, and its heat ignited the
  gasoline with a whoosh.

    Sitting back on her heels, she watched the building burn.
    After a few moments she heard the sound of sirens, and she frowned,
  they were coming too soon.  The fire needed time to to do its work.
  Standing up, she started down the access road to intercept them.

                                 * * * * * *

    The two fire engines screamed up the road.  Turning a corner they
  came to a screaching sliding halt.  A foot.  A barefoot.   A woman's
  gigantic barefoot blocked the road.  As the men watched, the foot lifted
  slowly off the ground and moved towards the lead truck.  The men
  abandoned it, just in time, as Amy stepped on it, completely covering
  it under her sole, crushing it flat with a crunching screech.  The tank
  of water it contained split and blew water out the side.  Then Amy
  reached down and grabbed the other truck, stood up, turned it over in
  her hands, examining it.  Then with contemptuous ease, hurled it
  sidearm into the night sky.  It flew for nearly a mile before crashing
  into the side of a hill.

    Far below, the tiny men stared up in terrified awe as the giantess
  raised her barefoot and stomped, buckling the road.  Three times she
  pumped her great leg, pounding out a deep crater that made the access
  road impassable.  Then she strode off, shaking the earth with every
  ground crunching step.

    She had demolished the machine and the local records.
    Only one set of copies remained.
    At corporate headquarters.
    In the city...

                                 * * * * * *


 Amy walked easily, confidently.  Her head held high, giving no heed
  to where she stepped...

    He was walking down the road alone when he felt the ground shake.
  At first it was a bare murmur, a subtle movement.  But with every
  passing occurance it increased in volume and intensity.  He cast
  about, trying to figure out what was happening, wondering where
  there was a safe place to ride out the quake.

    Then he saw her.
    Looming above the trees like a rising mountain, her naked body
  glimmering in the moonlight, was a giantess of phenomenal size.
  Her strides were enormous.  The ground heaved with every step she
  took.  The trees around him waved and shook with the force of her
  passage.  He stared in dumbstruck awe as she approached.  When
  he realized his danger, it was simply too late.

    Her barefoot lifted from a strand of crushed trees, swung
  forward gracefully, her hips rotating as she took her next
  step.  He screamed vainly, knowing she could not hear him as
  her foot descended.  He had a brief glimpse of her toes and
  wrinkled sole, before they blotted out the sky.  He raised his
  arms to ward her off...

    Amy's foot sank heavily into the tarmac with a deep crunching
  noise, her toes splayed as her foot tipped forward and her heel
  lifted, rising back into the air for the next step.  She left
  another perfect footprint, this one with a spot of gore at the
  bottom.  She was so preoccupied, never felt him squish.

    She kept walking...

                                 * * * * * *

    She arrived.
    Amy stopped and regarded the city...
    It glowed on the near horizon, a bright tapestry of winking
  lights, only a few minutes walk away at her increased size.
  But between her and it was a community of small houses.  She
  had a decision to make.  Try to wend her way carefully amongst
  the tiny dwellings, or take the straight path and fuck 'em.
  She mulled it over for a moment.  But the euphoria made the
  decision for her, and with a devil-may-care grin she started
  walking again.

    Amy made a game of it at first, keeping her eyes high and
  trying to guess what she was stepping on.  Many different things
  seemed to crunch under her great feet.  Finally, she caved
  in to desire and decided to play the cruel giantess.  Looking
  down she sighted a small house, and without breaking stride
  trod upon it.  It crunched and splintered under her barefoot
  in a truly delightful way and she felt a thrill of excitment
  arc through her body.  A slow moving car became a shiney
  dollop of metal after she stepped on it.  More houses were
  destroyed, one she just kicked, her foot slamming through
  it, spraying debris in a wide fan.  It was very arousing, being
  so gigantic and powerful, and the euphoria cured her of care
  or concern.

    It was a quirk.
    But Amy didn't step on any people, who weren't in homes or cars.

    Not until the cops.
    The car came screaming around a corner, blue and red lights
  twinkling, siren wailing, she stopped and watched as the it
  came to a screeching halt.  Then two tiny men leapt out and
  began firing at her.  The bullets struck her bare breasts,
  they didn't even sting.  She glared down at them over her tits
  and frowned.  Then slowly raised her foot.  One of the men
  broke, and began running.  She tracked him easily, and stepped
  on him, then dragged her foot back, smearing him across the
  broken road.  The other man continued firing, she swung his
  way and bent down, plucking him up in the fingers of one hand,
  and the car in the other.  Looking at him with disdain she
  crushed the car in her left hand, let him watch as she reduced
  it to twisted ruin, then opened her hand and let it drop.
  Looking at him cowering in the palm of her hand, Amy sneered
  and slowly closed her fingers around him.  His tiny screams
  made her feel indomitable, a goddess.  She tightened her hand
  feeling the pressure build, feeling him squirm, until her
  strength crushed him like a bug.  She tossed the limp broken
  thing away and resumed walking.

                                 * * * * * *

    The buildings were as large as she was.  Some were taller.
  It was late at night, and the streets were mostly deserted, but it
  was well illuminated, almost daylike, as she walked down the
  narrow streets.  She lightly brushed her fingers along the
  buildings, admired her nubile body in those with mirrored
  surfaces.  The streets crunched delectably under her barefeet,
  the sensation of power was indescribable.  She was mistress of all
  she surveyed, and her body was warming up to the pleasures of
  her unassailable confidence.

    It did not take long to locate the Company headquarters, it was
  one of the larger buildings, reaching all the way up to the
  level of her breasts.  As she arrived, she saw a heliocopter
  taking off.  Reacting quickly, she bent down and ripped a small
  five story office building out of the ground and hurled it at
  the copter.  It was like swatting a mosquito.  The building hit
  it.  The copter exploded and was carried for most of a mile
  before smashing into a row of houses.

    That removed the possibility of someone trying to get away with
  the records.  Now Amy had to deal with the building itself in
  case they were still inside.  She couldn't torch the building,
  she didn't know where the records were kept.  So she would have to
  smash it, and hope the destruction was enough to take out the
  records.  Rising her right hand, she made a fist the size of a
  house and brought it down on the roof of the building.  The topmost
  two stories collapsed under the impact, and the windows blew out
  from top to bottom the full length of the building.  Taking a
  step back, she hurled an uppercut at the building.  Her fist tore
  through it like it was made of ricepaper.  Stepping forward she
  wrapped her great arms around it, and heaved, wrenching it from its
  foundations even as it was crushed against her breasts.  The
  building dissolved into rubbled, which she stomped and
  scattered with her barefeet.

    When she was done, Amy was panting.
    But she felt good.
    Brushing the dust from her breasts she lingered on her nipples,
  relishing the erotic tinglings.  She was safe from any contenders,
  and the sense of relief combined with the sense of power made her
  feel giddy.  The rush of euphoria demanded utterance, and she
  fondled her body, luxeriating in the sweet demands of pleasure.
  A questing finger drifted down between her legs and she gasped at
  the hot torrid wetness it found.  Laying down she spread her legs
  wide, daring any little man to watch her as she masturbated.  Her
  clitoris was a cherry sized flame under her fingers.  She rubbed
  with increasing fervor, lathering her clit with juices garnished
  from her gushing cunt.  With her free hand she massaged her nipples,
  then lifting her head suckled herself.  She tasted milk.  At first
  she closed her eyes, but then kept them open, wanting see the tiny
  city, to remind herself just how big she was.  At the first bright
  shocks of her orgasm she began to moan loudly, then desiring all
  should know her pleasure began to shout, "AAAAHHHH, OH FUCK, OOOHHH,
  I'M CUMMING....OH! OH! OH!" she began to thrash, kicking out with
  her feet, laughing and screaming as she felt her bareheels smash
  through the sides of buildings.  "OH YES!  OH GOD!  AAAAAAH,
  OH...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH." and with a wanton shriek she peaked,
  lingered, relaxed, then orgasmed again, and again.  The earth
  shook under her body as she writhed in the grip of her pleasure.
  Her orgasm was a whirlwind, a tsunami, she lashed out wildly, she
  wanted the whole city to witness her power.

    The comedown was long and lazy.  Amy combed her long blonde hair
  out of her eyes.  Her body glistened with her exertions, her
  fingers were sopping with her juices, and she sampled them
  daintily.  Mischieviously she wished a little man would wander by,
  she had something deliciously evil that she wanted to do to one.
  But she was too relaxed now to do more then lay back and look up
  at the night sky.  Her eyes fluttered, she sighed.  In a few
  minutes she was asleep...

                                 * * * * * *

    It wasn't dawn that disturbed her dreams.
    It was the sound of sirens that woke her.
    She was confused, surrounded by blinding lights, laying down
  within a jumbled of broken tarmac.  She was naked, but for the
  lab coat.  Sirens shouted at her.  She cowered within herself.

    Then it struck her.
    She was small.
    Voluptuous, yes.  The hormonels were irreversable, but the
  gigantic size had been lost.  She did not move when the men
  came and lifted her, and put her in the van.  Her mind was
  aswirl with equations, formulas, theories, frightened out of
  her wits, Amy retreated to the comfort of her discipline.  She
  tried to figure out what had happened.

    One other man rode with her in the van.
    He did not avert his eyes from her naked body.
    She wrapped herself as best she could in her tattered lab
  coat, and tried to think.  Where had the mass gone?  She would
  have thought it impossible for her to have shrunk in this way
  without producing an enormous explosion.  She mulled it over
  trying various ideas on it.  When solving a problem between
  two systems, look first for differences.  Being small again
  was the problem.  What else was different?

    The euphoria.
    She was cold, frightened.  In her sleep she had relaxed, settled
  down into misty dreams.  Perhaps the energy had not been
  disapted, perhaps it was still accessable, only stored in some
  way.  She thought about it for a while, as the van raced and
  bounced down the streets.  She was dealing with quantum effects,
  systems that could be modified through observer interaction.  It
  seemed impossible that a chemical change could make an impression
  at the quantum level.  But that was the premise of her experiment.

    She needed to try something.
    The guard was still staring at her.
    Unfolding her legs, she placed her barefeet upon the cold
  steel floor.  Looking at the man from under her long lashes
  she slowly parted her legs, gave him a clear, unobstructed
  view of her honey-colored pussy.  His gaze drifted to between
  her long legs.  Having him watch her body was nice, but not
  arousing.  Amy slid her hand down her breasts, over her belly
  and into her lush blonde nest.  Combing the hairs with her
  fingers, she spread her vulva, giving him a nice look at her
  wet inner pinkness.  Her eyes stayed on him, his eyes stayed
  on her pussy.  Biting her lower lip, Amy lolled her fingers
  around her vulva, and tickled her clit.  With her other hand
  she cupped her right breast and toyed with it.  The guard's
  attention was rivited to her body, she could see the huge
  buldge in his pants.  Under her fingers her nipples began to
  harden, her vulva began to swell with passion, her cunt began
  to grow warm and wet.  Spreading her legs further she slowly
  inserted two fingers into her vagina and pumped them in and
  out, taking her time with each stroke.  Then she pulled her
  fingers out.  The guard's eyes followed her hand as she
  raised it to her lips.  She pouted at him, opened her mouth,
  and wrapped her lips round her fingers.

    He was perspiring.
    She was getting horny.
    Spreading her legs wider, she gave him her best come hither
  look, which must have been pretty good, because with only a brief
  hesitation he dove forward.  His mouth was a glorious wetness
  against her cunt.  Amy struggled to contain her moanings, felt
  the excitment churning within her body.

    Then it struck.
    Her body began to grow.
    She felt her ass slip forward on the bench, her head pressed up
  against the roof of the van.  Her dwindling cunnilingus lover
  didn't notice at first, and when he did look up Amy laughed and
  with a hand the size of a chair, pressed his face back between her
  legs.  His futile struggles were a big turn on for her, but it was
  getting cramped in the van.  More, her increased weight was making
  the van difficult to control, and the driver stopped.  Going around
  the back, he opened the rear doors, and Amy's hand reached out and
  grabbed his chest.  With some effort she squeezed out of the doors,
  reached in and grabbed her pussy licker.  Slamming him down on
  the ground she sat on his face, while she wrapped her hand round the
  other guy's head and rubbed his face over her nipples.


Around her the convoy was coming to a confused halt.  Men poured
  out of the trucks and watched in awe as Amy continued her regrowth.
  Her two tiny lovers grew smaller and smaller in relation to her
  mindnumbing expansion, she was rubbing the one guy's entire body
  over her enormous breasts.  While she engulfed the other's head in
  her vagina, and left him dangling.  Someone began firing at her,
  but it was too late, she was too large for the bullets to do more
  than annoy her.  With a sneer on her pretty face, Amy climbed to
  her feet.  Reaching between her legs she thrust her tiny sextoy
  completely into her cunt, moaning in delight.  Then she cast aside
  her other little man, and advanced on the convoy.  The euphoria made
  anything possible, anything desireable.  The tiny man squirming in
  her vagina excited her beyond restraint.  With every step she grew
  larger, taller, towering over the tiny men, dominating them as if
  they were bugs.

    Looking down at them Amy licked her lips, her hands cupped her
  mammoth breasts, and she played with herself, while considering
  what to do next.  The desparate squirming of her vaginal prisoner
  decided it for her.

  DO YOU THINK I CAN FIT IN MY CUNT?" she pursed her lips, raised
  her eyebrows, "FIVE?  FIFTEEN?"  She grinned, "ALL OF YOU?  LET'S

    Dropping to her knees with an impact that rocked the
  city, she reached out with her hand and plucked a tiny man up
  between her thumb and finger.  Spreading her vulva with her other
  hand she plunged the hapless tidbit into her cavernous depths,
  then reached out for another.  The tiny men panicked and tried
  to flee from her, their terror was intoxicating, and each new
  addition to her cunt added to her pleasure.  She crammed every
  little man she could find into the hot hungry wetness between
  her thighs.  The excitement, the sense of power was incredible,
  closing her thighs together, she trapped them within her body.
  She began massaging her giant breasts, teasing herself with her
  impending orgasm.  She wanted to cum all over her little harem of
  cunt dwellers, drowning them in her love juices.  She wanted to
  squeeze them, she dominated them, owned them in everyway, and
  she wanted them to feel the full unrestrained strength of her
  body's pleasure.

    Her orgasm was tremendous.
    She shouted her pleasure out with words of thunder, her gigantic
  body rocked the earth.  Buildings shook on their foundations
  as she let her body impose its lust driven will upon the tiny
  men in her cunt.  Her vagina spasmed, contracted, crushed the
  tiny men from every side.  The sensation was too much, and she
  screamed herself hoarse with release.  Then let the orgasm ebb
  like a slowly receeding tide.

    Exercising her vagina she ejected her batch of tiny lovers from
  her immense cunt.  There were still a few survivors in the cum
  soaked group.  But many were crushed, broken by her cruel
  sexual play.  She grinned, the euphoria was pleased, and amused
  itself by squashing some of the survivors.  She was a goddess,
  and they were her minions, here only to serve her erotic whims.
  Why her clitoris was a big as any one of them, and she demonstrated
  her superiority to them by squishing a few against it.

    One she saved, and raised him to her face.
  DEATH?  SHOULD WE FIND OUT?  LET'S SEE." she grinned evilly
  at him, "HOW 'BOUT THIS.  LOOK." and she opened her mouth,
  then closed it in an 'O'.  "PRETTY BIG, HUH?  YOU LOOK KINDA
  CHEW FIRST, GRIND YOU BETWEEN MY TEETH." and she sanpped them
  together.  "I KNOW." she laughed.  "I COULD BITE YOU.  START
  TORTURE YOU JUST WITH MY MOUTH.  HELLO?" he had gone limp, but
  whether he was dead or just fainted, she couldn't say.  She
  looked him hm for a moment, then with a shrug tossed him into
  her mouth and swallowed him whole.

    The experiance of eating a tiny man riviled that of fucking
  them whole.  Amy felt big and invulnerable, wild and untameable.
  Nothing could match her, nothing could compete with her, she
  looked at the toy city sprawled out before his and felt contempt
  for it.  It was a toy for her amusement.  And she played rough
  with her toys.

    Standing, Amy surveyed the city.  If she wanted to stay big,
  she had to stay excited.  She decided that some wanton mayhem
  was in order, and twisting on her right foot, lashed out with
  her left.  Her barefoot smashed through two buildings, scattering
  wreckage everywhere.  Stepping forward she placed her hand on
  another and shoved, it cracked and toppled.  Raising her foot she
  stomped on a diminutive house, then swung her hip against a
  skyscraper and watched it collapse into ruin.  Panting, she pulled
  off her torn dirty lab coat, hunched down and charged one of the
  larger buildings.  It blew apart under the impact, and she laughed
  and kicked a smaller building.  Then she went on a stomping
  spree, cars, trucks houses, and the occasional people were
  flattened under her soles.  Dropping to all fours she crawled around
  crushing things under the weight of her hands.  Wrapping her fingers
  around one house she crushed it like an eggshell.  Another was
  demolished under her heavy fist.  She battered at one with her
  behemoth breasts, then squashed a little man who ran out of it
  with her nipple.  Laying down she rolled, just wanting to feel
  tiny things breaking under her weight.

    When she stopped, she was prone.
    Her head was near to the ground.
    She saw a tiny man quaking in fear before her.  The euphoria spoke
  and she bent her head and poked her tongue out.  He stuck to it and
  she drew him into her mouth.  Laying there she closed her eyes and
  concentrated on his movements within her mouth.  Toying with him
  with her tongue, she could taste his fear of her.  She almost started
  chewing, but changed her mind and spat him out onto her hand.
    "KEEP ME AROUSED, AND YOU CAN LIVE." she told him, and laying back
  set him upon her right breast.  He was so tiny, clambering up the
  enormous swell of her tit, it was like a hill to him.  And at its top
  her nipple rose out of her brown bumpy areole like the foundation of
  a tower.  "GET ON TOP OF IT." she commanded, and watched him leap and
  catch the top of her nipple, then pull himself up.  "NOW RUB IT."  He
  began stroking the sensitive tip with his hands, "HARDER, LITTLE MAN,
  I CAN'T FEEL YOU." he worked harder, pounding her nipple, flailing
  his arms.  "THAT'S BETTER." she purred.

    She watched him for a while, then decided she had to have more.
  Ignoring him she rose to her feet, he clung frantically to her nipple
  as she stood.  Scouting around she succeeded in flushing out several
  more tiny men.  Just to give them something to think about she took
  one and stuffed him deep into her cunt.  Then she assigned three
  apiece to her nipples, four to her vulva, the rest she squashed
  under her fingers.
    "OKAY FELLAS" she said, "STRIP FOR ME." there was no argument.
  back and closed her eyes.  She felt tiny feet on her breasts, tiny
  hands on her nipples.  Between her legs she felt tiny men clamboring
  through her pussy hairs.  When they started on her clit, she started
  moaning.  What woman ever needed ten men to get her off?  She sighed
  and resisted the temptation to masturbate.  The tiny man deep inside
  of her vagina was a writhing delight, and she squeezed him playfully.

    "KEEP IT UP BOYS" she said, "YOU'RE DOING FINE."
    Amy began to writh under their efforts, her hands twitching, the
  little men clung fearfully to her heaving body, but dared not stop
  their ministrations.  Amy worked her cunt, cruelly pressing her
  little slave with the muscles of her vagina.  Her head tossed from
  side to side, her golden hair flying.  She stopped, staring with
  glazed eyes at the men on her breasts, she was panting with tension,
  straining towards the blessed release of orgasm.  The men on her
  left breast watched in fear as her right hand rose and fell on
  their commrades.  While further down, her left hand sought to
  finish her rising pleasure.  "OOOOOH, SQUIRM.....YAH....." she
  ground the one group between her nipple and her hand, while with
  her left hand she mashed the others against her clit.  She squashed
  them and massaged them into her pussy.  The little men on her left
  breast quaked in fear when Amy orgasmed.

    She thrashed wildly, screaming with delight, her body was molten
  fire, her cunt a volcano.  The tiny man in her vagina was
  ruthlessly crushed by her mighty spasms, she laughed and shouted
  and played her body.  She orgasmed a half a dozen times.  Then
  relaxing, she let her body luxeriate in the afterglow.  The tiny
  survivors watched in horror as she licked her fingers clean of
  their comrades, mingled with her lucious juices.


    The tiny men needed no prompting.  She felt them scurry down her
  enormous breast.  Their tiny feet ran across her belly and down to
  her pussy.  There weren't many ways off her body, but they would
  have willingly jumped.  She felt them struggle through her lush
  mat of pussy hairs, then climb down her vulva.  The hairs grew
  scarcer and finer, but they managed to reach the ground between
  her gigantic buttocks, and ran for their lives.

                                 * * * * * *

    Amy tried a few more experiments.
    Stepping on a mob was a different sensation, her barefoot covered
  dozens at a time.  First it was all crunchy poppy, then a warm
  gooey muddy mess.  She showed the crowd the bottom of her foot
  before stepping down again, they didn't seem to like that either.
  It must have been an awesome sight, she thought, realizing that
  this colossal woman was about to step on you.  Making eye contact
  with her, watching her swing her great leg forward and raise her
  foot into the air.  Seeing the dirty wrinkled sole of her gigantic
  barefoot getting bigger and bigger as she lowered it, until it
  blotted out the sky with its giant size.  Then the ponderous weight
  of it, the sounds of other little men being squished, feeling the
  pressure increase...
    Amy shook her head, grinned at the tiny crowd, lifted her
  barefoot, and stepped on some more.  Doing it as slowly as
  possible, savoring their helplessness, anticipating the moment
  when they crunched under her foot.

    Amy experimented with lactation.
    She found a tiny man, and set him upon her nipple, and commanded
  him to please her.  She concentrated on the stimulation, felt her
  glands begin to swell, and her tits to harden.  She squeezed her
  breast, and was delighted when she nearly blew the little man off
  her nipple with jets of her milk.
    She filled the palm of her hand with the stuff, and made him swim
  in it.  Then she raised her palm to her mouth, and sucked him and
  the milk into her mouth.  She swallowed the milk, liked it.  Cupping
  her hands under her right breast she lifted it and bent her head.
    Amy suckled herself.
    The little man struggled desparately in her working mouth, trying
  to avoid being mashed between her lips, her tongue and her nipple.
  When suddenly her nipple began streaming warm sweet milk into her
  mouth.  He screamed and gurgled as the stuff blasted him, and gushed
  down his throat.  He swam in it, thrashing wildly.  And when Amy
  had a mouthfull, he felt her tongue undulate beneath him, and
  carry him back towards her throat.  He shrieked and tried to cling
  to her tongue, but to no avail, he slipped off and was dragged down
  her throat into her stomach with a flood of milk.
    Amy licked her lips and suckled some more...


Amy experimented with squishing little men.
    She was sitting, a group of tiny men trapped in a fence of her
  long tan legs.  Between her thumb and forefinger she held a little
  man.  Holding him up so she could watch him she slowly pressed her
  fingers together.  His arms and legs thashed wildly, she could hear
  him screaming.
    "BEG FOR YOUR LIFE." she whispered.
    He begged he pleaded.
    He hugged her thumb, he kissed it.
    "WORSHIP ME." she said, and he prayed to her.
    "NOW SQUISH FOR ME." she giggled and increased the pressure.  He
  flailed wildly, she felt him crunch between her fingers, his head
  was thrown back and his guts erupted out of his mouth.  She rubbed
  her fingers together, turning him into a little grease stain, then
  flicked him away, and reached for another...

    Amy pissed on them.
    She herded a mob of tiny people using her feet, stepping on the
  stragglers, finally cornering them against some buildings.  Squatting
  onto her heels she, fingered her cunt, masturbating.  Then she spread
  her vulva wide, reaching in with her fingers to part her labia.
  There was a moment when nothing happened, then a monstrous jet of
  golden piss gushed out into the crowd.  The hot yellow torrent swatted
  the tiny people aside, washed them away like rice in a river.  Amy
  twisted her pelvis, covering the entire mob, laughing as her tiny
  victims floundered in her piss.  She flooded the area, and when her
  bladder was empty she watched the tiny people trying to swim in the
  acidic stuff.  Finally she tired of her sport, and reaching out,
  toppled a building into her little puddle, to sop it up.

                                 * * * * * *

    At first she only heard them.
    Didn't recognize them, at first.
    Then while she played with the little people, she began to see
  them.  Sleek military jets, surveying the area.  Watching her.

    Amy watched the planes all day.
    She found out what was happening.  She had caught a military jeep and
  interrogated its tiny driver, before dropping him to the ground and
  stepping on him.  Later they strafed her, and shot a few missiles
  at her.  But the power that made her huge, also made her invulnerable
  to such petty explosions.

    They were going to bomb the city.
    Certainly, they would not give up, but given the failure of the
  conventional weapons, she was sure that they were going to go
  nuclear.  Amy decided not to try and run.  She could shrink down,
  of course, but that would only delay the inevitable.  Besides,
  she had a hunch that it might not work as they planned.  So she
  amused herself by wrecking some more of the city and terrorizing
  some more of the fleeing population.  She waited.

    They decided to use a plane, instead of a missile.
    Amy watched it float lazily across the sky.  It was in no
  hurry.  Then it curved and accelerated.  And she waited.  Closing
  her eyes, and bowing her head.

    There was a tremendous flash, and a rush of heat.
    For an instant Amy thought she was going to be flattened by
  the blast, but then there was that sense of rising.  It was
  wild, like being in a rocket.  She felt heat, then smoke
  whirled around her, then there was clean air, thin though.
  The process absorbed the engery, reduced the destructive power
  of the bomb to a virtual firecracker.  The sense of rising
  stopped abruptly.  She slowly opened her eyes, and gasped.

    The world was spread out before her like a map.
    The bomb had already disapated, it had been unusually clean.
  But the smoke and vapour was at the level of her knees.  Clouds
  tickled her belly.  She had to be more than a mile tall, she
  figured somewhere between two and three.  She was glad they had
  only used a fission device.  A fusion bomb might have been too
  much for the process to manage all in one instant.  Her laughter
  rang for scores of miles.  Raising her foot she stepped on
  dozens of buildings at once, a more vicious stomp made the earth
  heave and every remaining building leapt into the air and
  crushed back in ruin.  She brushed the clouds aside with her
  hands and started walking.  The ground sank deep under her
  unimaginable weight, she left footprints the size of lakes.

    A whole town vanished beneath her barefoot, she savored every
  crushed building, every mashed tree.  Amy trod down hills and
  destroyed rivers.  A forest was like a mossy bed to
  her toes.  She was impressed by her size.  But really thought
  it was too big.  She dragged her toes across another town,
  left a crater the shape of a barefoot where a clover-leaf in a
  highway had been.

    A real lake served to slack her thirst, she emptied it in
  two handfuls.  Then Amy came to a coastal city, the ocean
  beckoned to her, but she stopped to play first.  Laying down
  she stared at the tiny buildings, most only the size of her
  fingers.  She plucked up a skyscraper between her thumb and
  forefinger, the strain was too much and it crumbled to dust.

    Walking on all fours, Amy crushed whole city blocks under
  her hands and legs.  Dipping down she lightly brushed her
  nipples over the city, delighting in the way the miniature
  buildings exploded at her least touch.  She wanted to rub her
  nipples harder, laying down her breasts covered an entire
  section of the city, Amy couldn't image what it was like for
  the little people.  She dragged her breasts forward, watched
  them roll over entire city blocks, she was a playful goddess.
  Feeling more than a little wanton, she rolled over and sat
  up, the city crunched nicely under her ass.  There was a
  stretch of undamaged buildings between her thighs, her cunt
  was larger far than any of them.  Inching forward carefully,
  she spread her vulva and gently closed her lips around a
  skyscraper.  She didn't dare move or she'd yank it right off
  its foundations.

    It looked delicious, her pussy kissing a whole damn
  skyscraper.  She tried to imagine what the microscopic men were
  seeing.  Her cunt was simply too big for the mind to grasp.
  She tensed, made her vagina dilate, then close, she bet
  that gave a few tiny men a heart attack.  Inching back slowly
  she felt her labia slip from the building, with about six
  inches between her and it, she reached down and began
  masturbating.  She knew the windows would be crammed with
  tiny men, trying to see her through the cum smeared
  windows.  She showed them her house-sized clitoris, inserted
  fingers the size of skyscrapers into her cunt and fucked
  herself.  Laying back she lifted herself into an orgasm,
  rubbing and playing with her pussy.

    Then she sat back up.
    Looked down at the tiny building nestled between her great
  tan thighs.  "THAT'S THE BEST SHOW YOU'LL EVER SEE." she laughed
  and crushed the building under her hand.  Rising to her feet
  she nonchalantly trod with barefeet upon the last few buildings
  on her way into the ocean.  She had to walk quite a distance
  before the waters were high enough to cover her.

    After a while she dove down.
    Then the planes came, the satellites spied, the subs toured
  the waters.  But she was gone...

                                 * * * * * *

    She dragged herself, sputtering, onto the beach and laughed...

                                 * * * * * *

    The tall voluptuous lady wore a hat and dark glasses.  It had
  been months since the two cities had been destroyed, but she
  still saw her face on pieces of paper glued to walls or flashing
  by on newscasts.  She wandered down the isles, watching the
  people, not really shopping.

    Something about her bothered the checkout clerk.
    "May I help you?" he asked.
    She flashed him a winning smile.  "No thank-you.  I'm just
    He stared at her for a while, then his eyes widened and he
  hurried off.  She continued her browsing.  After a minute or
  two she saw the clerk again, talking to a security officer.
  Frowning she started to leave, then noticed another man
  standing by the door.

    With a sigh she headed for the fitting rooms.  It would not
  take them long to find her.  But she didn't need long.  She
  removed her clothes, admiring her body in the full length
  mirror.  She began to feel some anticipation, some excitment.
  She had been practising control, had a fine mastery.  Bit it
  had been a while since she had let herself go wild.  She opened
  her purse and removed a vibrator.

    The security guards met at the fitting rooms, they heard
  the buzzing and the moaning and banged on the door.  The
  moaning stopped, and a woman's voice, deeper and louder than
  might be expected spoke.
    "Wait a minute.  I'll be right out..."

                                 * * * * * *

    The people in the mall wondered what the people in the
  clothing department were shouting about.  A few minutes later,
  though, they found out and started screaming themselves...
