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Home Sweet Beth

Started by fuel1563, January 04, 2008, 08:10:01 PM

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Two weeks after returning from her vacation in California, Beth was happier, more relaxed, and just a bit wider. It took a few days getting settled back into work and the day to day of her life, but soon she was running (or waddling that is) at full steam.

Beth was sitting at home-engulfing her couch and the shirking amount of space left on it when she sat back-when she got the first deal lined phone call. She answered in her usual cheery voice and heard nothing but slight breathing on the other end. She hung up, figuring it for nothing but some dumb teenager with a phonebook and nothing to do. Five calls later, she was very annoyed.

Ring. Ring.

"Listen, why don't you just get some guts and speak up and tell me who you are?!" Beth yelled into the phone. Soon she heard the click on the other line, the prank caller hanging up. This went on for a few days, till finally the annoying stalker spoke up.

"It's me...Jenna. The cashier from down the block. I'm sooo sorry but...please can I see you?"

Beth smiled wide, having her suspicions answered. The little Asian girl who Beth should have finished off after their last encounter was jonesin' for more punishment from Beth's massive weight. "This little twig is really something," Beth thought to herself.

"Are you at work?" Beth asked the soon to be flattened girl.

"Yyes. Can...can I see you tonight?" Jenna answered meekly.

"Come over after you finish with the store. And bring me something to snack on while I crush the life out of you." Beth hung up the phone after finishing her sentence, knowing that a few blocks away a very tiny girl was shaking with fear and excitement. Beth then busied herself with preparing for the nights events.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

An hour and twenty minutes later Beth's doorbell rang. She noted the time, seems the little soon to be crush-toy closed the store early. Beth had a feeling she would. Beth rang the buzzer and opened her front door for the girl, then walked to the living room.

Jenna walked into the huge woman's apartment very slowly. She was holding a large brown paper bag filled with assorted cookies, twinkies, and any other sweet cake the little cashier could grab before running out to Beth's house. There was very little light emitting from the apartment, except from that of one lamp in the living room. Jenna dropped the bag she was holding as soon as she saw what was waiting for her in the room.

Beth was standing there in nothing but a pair of boy shorts and black bra which her folds of fat were overflowing like waves on a glorious beach. Her left leg was up and on the seat of one of her kitchen chairs, one that had been modified since last Jenna saw it. Beth had removed the back of it, creating a high stool. Beth glared at the petite girl, and pointed to the stool with her hand.

"Get over here and put your head down on this NOW!" Beth demanded.

Jenna almost tripped over herself while hurrying to fulfill this mountainous woman's demand. Jenna dropped to her knees and was now eye to eye with Beth's thick foot which was still on the stool's cushion. She looked up, past the great expanse of Beth's fat belly and large breasts with a questioning face. How could she place her head down with it taking up so much room on the surface of the stool. Beth grinned at the girl, then sliding her tongue out between her lips, she made a full rotation around her sensuous lips. Jenna got the picture. She leaned forward and began licking the toes of the Nubian Goddess. Beth quivered with delight, wrapping her arms around her belly and breasts. Loved how her fingers sank into her own fat rolls. Beth made the little women continue licking her feet, loving the sight of the Asian's slight tongue trying to slide between her dark toes. Then, with incredible swiftness, she pulled her foot away and off the stool, then grabbed the tiny girl's hair and shoved her head down onto the stool. Then letting go, she spun on her heal and dropped the full force of her close to 500lbs onto her victim's head. Jenna made a week grunt, the sound mixing with the impact of Beth's wide ass slapping against the sides of the stool and skull of Jenna. Beth began to bounce on the tiny girl's head, enjoying each whimper that escaped from Jenna's lips with each bounce.

If anyone was to look in on the two of them, the crusher and crushed, they would see an incredibly fat woman sitting on a stool, her body jiggling with each of her bounces, and the headless torso of a very thin girl sticking out from under her powerful ass. Jenna was totally crushed, not even able to fully comprehend the pain she was in at the hands of Beth's ass. He legs were kicking and her hands were trying to grab onto the fat thighs of beth to move her, her weak arms doing nothing against Beth's weight. Beth just ground in the girls head, and listened to the sweet sound of her moans.
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

How does the stool not break? might be cool if it did....

January 06, 2008, 04:30:16 PM #3 Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 05:13:35 PM by fuel1563
Beth soon grew bored of simply bouncing on the poor girls head. Minutes ago, Jenna stopped making any moans or whimpers at all. She was fading quickly into black, the immense pressure of Beth's squashing driving her into darkness. Beth stood up, the almost lifeless girl who was under her not even moving from the stool. her head continued to lay there for a bit, as Beth watched, till Jenna finally found it in her to move. Jenna's face was totally red, and there were some lines in her skin where the seams of the bench had pressed in. Beth reached down and took the girls small chin in her hand.

"Awww...poor thang. Your head actually looks a bit thinner now." Beth giggled. "So think you've had enough yet?"

Jenna shook her her head "No" in response. Beth continued to look at the girl's defiant yet fearful eyes, and found herself loving the challenge this little skinny girl provided. By far the smallest victim Beth had ever had under her awesome ass, yet one of the strongest. Beth helped Jenna off her knees to her feet, then took the girls hand, leading her to the bedroom. Jenna said not a word as she followed and watched the fantastically large body of Beth move. In her skimpy outfit, every fold of fat and curve was totally visible, each inch moving with power and finesse. Once they entered the bedroom, Beth pushed Jenna up against the wall, using nothing but her belly to overpower and ram the much smaller girl's body into the hard surface. After a few breathtaking and rib-bursting rams delivered from Beth's impossibly large and heavy belly, Beth just laid into the girl, slowly steamrolling her against the wall. Jenna being so much shorter, her face was buried deep into Beth's cleavage. Beth began talking to all that was visible out from under her flesh: Jenna's forehead.

"You just love this don't you? Calling me up at all hours and hanging up on  me, stalking me around, begging to be flattened. Well I promise you, tonight you'll get just what you wanted, and then some. lets see just how much that pathetic body of your's can handle once I really start crushing you with each of my 450 pounds."

Beth backed away, leaving Jenna gasping and sinking to her knees against the floor.

"Get up, skinny girl. And strip to your panties. I want to see that tiny ribcage of yours." Beth commanded.

Jenna did as she was told, using the wall behind her for balance as she stood up on her shaky legs. She lifted her t-shirt up over her head, wearing what you'd have to be generous to call an A-cup bra underneath. Then, watching as the huge woman stared down at her, she unbuttoned and dropped her jeans, carefully stepping out one leg at a time. Thus Jenna was standing there in nothing but her bra and tiny underwear, face to face with Beth, a woman close to five times bigger then her. Beth's eyes were aglow, as she reached out and ran her thick dark fingers over Jenna's midsection. Being so skinny, you were able to see each of Jenna's ribs sticking out from under her skin. The girl looked small, pathetic as beth said before. Beth played with the girls ribs, her fingers running over each in a slow motion while Jenna simply stood and stared at Beth's huge hanging belly, lost in her own trance.

"How many of these tiny ribs of yours," Beth begun saying while still gliding her hand across Jenna's midsection, "do you think you'll still have in the morning?"

Jenna snapped out of her trance and looked up at the face of this mountain of female flesh. She finally understood that Beth was not a woman she ever should have toyed with. AS much as Jenna lavished the sensation of being squashed under incredible weight, Beth overshadowed Jenna with her own lust for crushing and destroying smaller victims with her body and weight. Jenna had overplayed her hand, and now she was at the total mercy of Beth.

Beth turned and walked away, towards her bed-which had been taken off it's frame and laid on the floor. "Come here," Beth said. Jenna as usual obeyed. When she got close enough, Beth wrapped her thick arms around Jenna's body, over her shoulders so Jenna's arms were pinned to her sides, and lifted the little girl up in a crushing bear-hug. Beth began to crack up with laughter as Jenna groaned in pain, her tongue rolling out of her mouth as Beth used the power of her arms and titanic belly and breasts to compact her body. Just as soon as it started though, it ended, as beth swung around with the tiny Asian cashier in her arms, and leaped onto her bed. Jenna was pinned still against Beth's obese body as it came crashing down on top of her in a full weight splash. Had it been on it's frame, Beth was certain the legs would have shot out from underneath the bed like rockets, as it was, the box-spring made an audible crack, and Jenna absorbed most of the crushing weight of the splash along with the mattress. She was totally buried under hundreds of pounds of fat, fat which was now rolling side to side over her as Beth swayed her massive body from side to side on the petite girl. Jenna was in agony, knowing full well as beth did, at least on of her ribs had cracked along with the box-spring.

"One rib feels a little loose under there," Beth remarked. "One rib...nothing like a good start to the night."
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

January 06, 2008, 06:18:12 PM #4 Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 06:24:17 PM by fuel1563
Beth soon rolled off the crushed girl, off the mattress. She stood over the mattress looking down at the unmoving Jenna, who's eyes were open wide and watching with fascination at what Beth would do next. At the same time she felt a surge of relief when Beth got up, she still felt the after effects of Beth's huge splash. Her relief didn't last long. Beth grabbed Jenna by the wrists and pulled her off the bed onto the floor of the bedroom. Beth stepped to the side of Jenna, turning so that all Jenna had hanging over her was Beth's huge shelf butt. Jenna laid her arms at her sides, knowing that if she put them up to block what was coming, they would have snapped like twigs under Beth's weight. Beth didn't hesitate, throwing out her mighty legs and coming crashing down onto the chest and flat stomach of Jenna, the room filling with the thunderous sound of the two women's bodies meeting. Jenna was coughing like crazy, the air being forced out of her body, and Beth just planted herself dead center on the poor girl, the left side of her ass covering Jenna's chin, the right covering her all the way to Jenna's knees.  Beth as always was in amazement at how her awesome size overtook the little girl. She began to grind her weight and ass into the close to flat body under her, taking in each sound of desperation that escaped Jenna's lips. Then she did something particularly cruel, rolling on her hip to the left, so that all of her 450lbs of fat was now crushing Jenna's small face into the floor. Completely the roll, Beth was now on all fours, looking at the damage done. Jenna was crying and holding her face, some blood was leaking from her nose and Beth realized that she had broken the girls nose.

Making her way back to her feet, she grabbed the girl's hair and pulled her to her knees, then Beth grabbed a hold of Jenna's head, holding her small yet strong head with each hand, and said, "Don't worry about it, little girl. That's not the last thing that I'm going to break on you tonight. So lets see, what's next on the road of squashing you to paste?"
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Beth was standing full weight on Jenna's much crushed flat chest, when she began to feel the first hunger pains. Those were very rare for Beth as she normally ate so often she didn't get herself the chance to get hungry. Looking at the clock she was shocked to see that she had been crushing Jenna for five hours. Looking down to her victim Beth said,  "Time for a snack break." Stepping off Jenna, leaving the girl gasping behind and walking to the living room to the bag of goodies Jenna dropped hours ago. Beth was picking through the bag, when Jenna came crawling into the room.

"You did good, skinny. Got all of my favorites. Most of this is very fattening though, you wouldn't be wanting me to gain any weight now would you?" Beth said with a laugh as she patted her large belly.

"Why don't you crawl your little ass onto the couch so I can enjoy some of these treats." Jenna did as she was told, finding it hard to pull her crushed body up and onto the couch. All of her strength had been drained from the hours upon hours of squashing that she had endured. Beth watched with amusement as Jenna placed herself on the ocuch, getting ready for more crushing. Then holding the bag of snack food close she waddled over to where Jenna was laid out and then turned around getting ready to lower her gigantic ass onto Jenna once again.  Then she had a new idea and spun around so that she was facing the now dumbfounded girl. Instead of the flattening she thought she was going to receive from Beth's ass, Beth surprised her by climbing onto the couch kneed first. Jenna's bones and body gave way and sunk in as Beth's wide knees found their way onto her. Soon beth was positioned so that each of her knees and weight were digging directly into Jenna's very crushed chest, Jenna could actually feel her heart struggling to continue beating as Beth squashed her. Beth on the other hand was in total delight, opening the first of what would be many snacks, slowly stuffing the full twinkie into her mouth. Jenna watched in pain as Beth's body jiggled while she ate, staring up from under the curve of Beth's belly, which covered Jenna's mouth, leaving only the smallest bit of space for her to breath out of her nose with.  Beth just rocked and ate, stuffing her face with twinkie after twinkie, cookie after cookie as jenna's body fought to survive from under all of her weight...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

After taking a few moments to digest the large amount of sweets Beth had just stuffed herself with, She climbed off the poor Jenna-who's eyes had been rolling back in her head after the extended time being crushed by Beth's knees. Beth left the girl to catch her breath while she walked into the kitchen to get a glass of milk to help wash the food down. When she returned she found Jenna had crawled off the couch and towards the hallway leading to the front door. She hadn't gotten far.

."What are you DOING?!" Beth thundered. "You're trying to escape? I thought you loved getting crushed, what's the matter, am I too heavy for you, is that it?" Beth said as she stomped to where the girl was laying on the floor. Jenna had rolled over to her back, and was looking up at the massive women standing over her.

"Ppplease...I cannot take anymore. You are crushing me too much...my ribs...I canno..." Jenna had run out of breath before she could finish her sentence. Beth was just looking down in pity at the skinny girl. She began to shake her head with disgust.

"I am growing very bored of your pleads, little girl. I think it's time I really taught you a lesson now. And here I thought you could handle all of my 457lbs. Too bad, I was having fun with you."

Beth reached down and grabbed the girl by the arms and stepped up onto her chest with one of her wide feet. Jenna was crying now, shaking her head side to side as Beth applied more and more weight, then Beth stepped on with her second foot, and once again all of her weight was slamming down on Jenna's stomach. Beth was still holding the girl by the arms, though now she was pulling up on the girl's arms while she pressed down with her wide legs. Jenna was completely stretched now, she could feel every fiber of her being being flattened, trampled, and pulled to it's max. And Beth just kept on pulling...

Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Jenna passed out from the pain. Which suited Beth just fine. She let go of the girl's limp arms, and watched as they dropped to the rug lifelessly. Beth stepped down off the girl's stomach, and then patted her belly contemplating what to do next. It was time to finish the girl off. Beth walked to the stool she had used to crush the girl's head with, and brought it over to where the tiny girl was laying out on the rug. Then, climbing on to the stool herself, Beth positioned her close to four foot wide ass over the tiny girl, casting a shadow of flesh. She was now a good five feet in the air, and the x marking the spot was Jenna. Beth brought herself to a full standing stance on the chair, thanking herself for taking a place with such high ceilings.

"So much for you little girl, it was a lot of fun while it lasted, but now it's time to make good on my promise." Beth said aloud.

Then, Beth bend at her knees and hopped forward, throwing her legs out and coming crashing down with an earth-shattering force directly on the unknowing girl ass first. For another time, the entire apartment shook, as pictures fell off walls, and tables jumped in the air as the aftershock of Beth's impact hit. Beth had landed with a massive crunching sound, her ass covering Jenna's now paste like body from head to legs. Beth's breasts and belly continued to shake from the after-effects as well.  The stool behind her had jumped and fell over to the side, as the destruction of her incredible butt drop was complete. Beth looked to her side and saw the girl's mouth was unmoving, not breathing. She sat for a few moments longer, and then rolled off her latest victim. Jenna's body crackled and popped as she did, most of her bones broken and crushed to dust inside her.

Beth got to her feet and surveyed the damage. A bit of cleaning up would be needed, but nothing she wasn't used to. Beth smiled broadly to herself and then walked away to the kitchen, thinking about the ice-cream cake she had purchased earlier in the day...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.

Brilliant to have you back, dude