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here goes, early memories...

Started by fuel1563, November 29, 2004, 11:08:55 PM

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I was just 4 or 5 years old the first time I remember staying with my Aunt Penny while mom and dad went on a cruise. Aunt Penny was mom's twin sister and just like mom was a really fat woman, especially to my young eyes. She was simply huge. In fact she was huge, weighing well over 500 pounds just like my mom.
I was sometimes a fussy kid, having been spoiled by my mom especially. I hardly ever saw dad as he was always at work it seemed. Anyway mom filled Aunt Penny in on one bedtime proceedure to get me to go to sleep at night. I always wanted to be read a story to go to sleep to, but often that wouldn't put me to sleep right away, and Aunt Jenny had been informed of the remedy to get me to sleep.
Aunt Jenny was a little leery to attempt this, but I was persistent and kept asking her to.
"My momma does it so I can go to sleep." I told her for the fifteenth time.
"Alright." she finally answered.
She put the book down on the table, got up taking her night gown off, and was now in just her bra and panties. Then she got in the bed and rolled over onto her side right up next to me, and with a little manuvering she finally had accomplished the remedy that would put me into sweet dream land. Most of me from my knees to my chin was under Aunt Jenny's belly as she had it spread out over me like the softest warmest comforter in the world. The weight of her belly was very heavy to me just as moms was but I liked that for some reason. It made it hard for me to breathe but I would always fall asleep in a few minutes, and after about an hour Aunt Jenny could get up, as mom had told her she could, and then cover me with several blankets.
...more to follow...
Jealous of seat cushions everywhere.