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Her Biggest Interests

Started by spcbrown, October 18, 2006, 04:05:46 AM

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In a state near to the unconscious I felt only minor annoyances that could be thought
of as pain signals raidiating through my abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms aswell
as my face. My brain was far to fatigued to recognize anything more.
How long had it been? Several hours must have past. I was lying down and I was on my
back. I felt tremendous presure of weight compressing me flatter and flatter to the floor.
I was in an environment of varying degrees of light. At moments there was more and
moments there was less light. I was very hot.
Beth was doing it again. Her absolute favorite thing, actually a few things combined.
Eating, physical envelopement and flattening of other bodies. That body being me.
My head was wedged between her soft 57" thighs topped with the 75 pounds of blubber
that was her belly and her enormous lard ass covered and encased my chest and stomach
supporting some several hundred of her 630 pounds. My groans and weezes in my struggle to
breath were faint benieth her, having to many inches of fat to get through to be heard
really. How much more could she eat? How much longer would I have to endure? Could I
endure this even for just 3 more minutes, or even 60 seconds?
If history repeats itself, she was completely concintrating on eating with the utmost in gluttony,
and would not be concerned of me benieth her until she was sated. Then she would
focus her attention to tormenting me with her weight. Bouncing and rocking.
The rib cage can handle tremendous loads given some consideration. Beth at 630 pounds
sat on mine and it didn't break. She sits on it for long eating sessions and it hasn't snapped.
"If I sit on your ribcage and it doesn't break I must not be fat enough." she said often.
We know that she could easily crush my rib cage given just a little for force, but she wants
to measure by gently sitting on it and it breaks from the sheer weight, that she is then fat
But now at this moment, I know she had a great deal to consume, I hope she finishes soon.
I want to be relieved of her weight, though I know the pain will increase as the blood
flow returns, and that my gasps for air will hurt. I want to be free again, at least till her next
eating session. Even if she wants to trample me some as she has in the past before she lets
me free I still want to end this session. Otherwise I hope to pass out right now.



Many sessions I have survived without bones being broken. I have a lot
of bruised tissue, but finally at something like the 5000th time and she had
then managed to have eaten her way to a weight of 740 pounds and was
nearly immobile she sat on me, all over me, but was basically centered on my chest
as usual. My ribcage finally cracked from the presure of  her emmense weight. There
was nothing I could do. She had become used to sitting on me and then forgetting
about me until she had finished eating. So she sat there on me for three and a
half hours. My arms were pinned. She couldn't hear me. She sat on me and
crushed me while she ate I don't know how many pounds of food. I fell into unconsciousness
for much of the time. I somehow kept breathing enough to remain alive.
When she was finally satisfied and was attempting to get off of me, she fell back
down onto me several times before she finally made it to her feet, even with the
bench and hand rails I'd constructed for her. Those falls broke six of my ribs and
two others fractured.
Now out of the hospital, every day and night it is an arguement to keep her off of me.
She wants to sit on me or lie on me constantly even though she has already
crushed my ribcage. It seems to have excited her breaking my ribs. She is such a huge
mass of blubber now. Some time if I'm asleep she'll probably fall on me by accident I bet.
I see her thinking about it.